Below is data analysis from the BSR for November 10th. Clearly some of the local 42nd LD races are still close. Ballot Chases may be mandatory for each party. For November 10th Ballot Status Report Data from; The current LD 42nd reported Shewmake - Sefzik difference (947) is less than the current all County rejected ballot total (1075).
# For R 4.21 Code see:
# General Ballot Info
# Whatcom Total Ballots to date
BSR[County == "Whatcom",.N]
[1] 110815
# Whatcom County Ballots by Ballot Status:
BSR[County == "Whatcom",.N,.(BallotStatus)][order(-N)]
BallotStatus N
<char> <int>
1: Accepted 109732
2: Rejected 1075
3: Received 8
# Whatcom County Ballots by ReturnMethod:
BSR[County == "Whatcom",.N,.(ReturnMethod)][order(-N)]
ReturnMethod N
<char> <int>
1: Drop Box 78164
2: Mail 32015
3: Email 617
4: Fax 19
# Whatcom County Ballots by ReturnDate:
BSR[County == "Whatcom",.N,.(Received=as.Date(mdy_hm(ReceivedDate)))][order(-Received)]
Received N
<Date> <int>
1: 2022-11-10 4494
2: 2022-11-09 15514
3: 2022-11-08 22683
4: 2022-11-07 6588
5: 2022-11-05 3888
6: 2022-11-04 5577
7: 2022-11-03 5846
8: 2022-11-02 7226
9: 2022-11-01 3543
10: 2022-10-31 9085
11: 2022-10-28 4975
12: 2022-10-27 4757
13: 2022-10-26 6467
14: 2022-10-25 4781
15: 2022-10-24 4868
16: 2022-10-21 104
17: 2022-10-19 419
# Rejected Ballots
# Rejected Ballots Count
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & BallotStatus == "Rejected",.N]
[1] 1075
# Top 20 Precincts with Rejected Ballots by Precinct
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & BallotStatus == "Rejected", .N,.(Precinct)][order(-N)][1:20]
Precinct N
<char> <int>
1: 147 19
2: 254 15
3: 113 14
4: 205 14
5: 204 13
6: 217 13
7: 130 13
8: 801 11
9: 237 11
10: 701 11
11: 219 10
12: 244 10
13: 106 10
14: 145 10
15: 148 10
16: 129 10
17: 502 10
18: 111 10
19: 224 10
20: 261 10
Precinct N
# Precincts with Rejected Ballots by Challenge Reason
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & BallotStatus == "Rejected",.N,
ChallengeReason N
<char> <int>
1: Signature Does Not Match 705
2: Unsigned 186
3: Review 105
4: Ballot Style Change 45
5: Other than Voter 16
6: ID Required 8
7: HOLD 3
8: Empty Envelope 3
9: 2
10: Power of Attorney 1
11: No Signature on File 1
# Top 20 Precincts with Rejected Ballots by Precinct & Challenge Reason
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & BallotStatus == "Rejected",.N,
Precinct ChallengeReason N
<char> <char> <int>
1: 147 Signature Does Not Match 15
2: 205 Signature Does Not Match 10
3: 502 Signature Does Not Match 9
4: 111 Signature Does Not Match 9
5: 261 Signature Does Not Match 9
6: 242 Signature Does Not Match 9
7: 139 Signature Does Not Match 8
8: 204 Signature Does Not Match 8
9: 604 Signature Does Not Match 8
10: 113 Signature Does Not Match 8
11: 145 Signature Does Not Match 8
12: 237 Signature Does Not Match 8
13: 130 Signature Does Not Match 8
14: 701 Signature Does Not Match 8
15: 135 Signature Does Not Match 8
16: 214 Signature Does Not Match 7
17: 609 Signature Does Not Match 7
18: 241 Signature Does Not Match 7
19: 148 Signature Does Not Match 7
20: 607 Signature Does Not Match 7
Precinct ChallengeReason N
# Return Locations
# Top Return Locations Accepted and Received. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(ReturnLocation)][order(-N)]
ReturnLocation N
<char> <int>
1: 32326
2: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 19421
3: Ferndale City Hall 10376
4: Lynden Library 10069
5: Regal Barkley Village 6670
6: Sehome Village 6516
7: Blaine Library 4108
8: Everson WECU 3022
9: North Whatcom Fire & Rescue Station 2863
10: Whatcom Community College 2856
11: Sudden Valley 2183
12: Deming Library 1457
13: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 1352
14: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 1238
15: WWU - Wade King 1115
16: WWU - Red Square 1053
17: Custer Elementary School 888
18: Sumas 782
19: Lummi Nation Admin Building 637
20: International Marketplace 369
21: Acme Elementary School 250
22: WWU - Student Engagement Hub 189
ReturnLocation N
# Top Return Locations Accepted only. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" ),.N,
ReturnLocation N
<char> <int>
1: 32326
2: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 19421
3: Ferndale City Hall 10376
4: Lynden Library 10069
5: Regal Barkley Village 6670
6: Sehome Village 6516
7: Blaine Library 4108
8: Everson WECU 3022
9: North Whatcom Fire & Rescue Station 2863
10: Whatcom Community College 2856
11: Sudden Valley 2183
12: Deming Library 1457
13: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 1352
14: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 1230
15: WWU - Wade King 1115
16: WWU - Red Square 1053
17: Custer Elementary School 888
18: Sumas 782
19: Lummi Nation Admin Building 637
20: International Marketplace 369
21: Acme Elementary School 250
22: WWU - Student Engagement Hub 189
ReturnLocation N
# Top Return Locations Received only. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,
ReturnLocation N
<char> <int>
1: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 8
# Precincts
# Top 40 Precincts Accepted or Received
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(Precinct)][order(-N)][1:40]
Precinct N
<char> <int>
1: 303 1003
2: 503 873
3: 264 868
4: 127 861
5: 265 839
6: 256 839
7: 139 835
8: 216 824
9: 223 821
10: 217 821
11: 134 816
12: 261 815
13: 262 813
14: 141 808
15: 135 807
16: 222 803
17: 263 794
18: 224 790
19: 601 787
20: 241 786
21: 138 781
22: 249 779
23: 502 771
24: 165 771
25: 504 770
26: 126 769
27: 162 766
28: 221 765
29: 266 759
30: 233 755
31: 509 753
32: 137 752
33: 609 752
34: 234 750
35: 501 749
36: 220 748
37: 507 748
38: 111 747
39: 101 746
40: 145 746
Precinct N
# Top 40 Precincts Accepted only.
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" ),.N,
Precinct N
<char> <int>
1: 303 1003
2: 503 873
3: 264 868
4: 127 861
5: 265 839
6: 256 839
7: 139 835
8: 216 824
9: 223 821
10: 217 821
11: 134 816
12: 261 815
13: 262 813
14: 141 808
15: 135 807
16: 222 803
17: 263 794
18: 224 790
19: 601 787
20: 241 786
21: 138 781
22: 249 779
23: 502 771
24: 165 771
25: 504 770
26: 126 769
27: 162 766
28: 221 765
29: 266 759
30: 233 755
31: 509 753
32: 137 752
33: 609 752
34: 234 750
35: 501 749
36: 220 748
37: 507 748
38: 111 747
39: 101 746
40: 205 744
Precinct N
# Top Precincts Received only.
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,
Precinct N
<char> <int>
1: 145 5
2: 151 1
3: 146 1
4: 260 1
# Miscellaneous
# Top Return Methods by Date
BSR[County == "Whatcom",.N,.(ReturnMethod,Received=as.Date(mdy_hm(ReceivedDate)))][,
dcast(.SD,Received ~ ReturnMethod,value.var="N",fun.aggregate=sum)][order(-Received)]
Received Drop Box Email Fax Mail
<Date> <int> <int> <int> <int>
1: 2022-11-10 3649 7 1 837
2: 2022-11-09 10834 53 3 4624
3: 2022-11-08 18736 105 0 3842
4: 2022-11-07 6588 0 0 0
5: 2022-11-05 2324 22 0 1542
6: 2022-11-04 4010 43 0 1524
7: 2022-11-03 3615 28 0 2203
8: 2022-11-02 3188 24 2 4012
9: 2022-11-01 3375 22 0 146
10: 2022-10-31 6138 42 2 2903
11: 2022-10-28 3065 9 0 1901
12: 2022-10-27 2379 19 1 2358
13: 2022-10-26 4053 10 1 2403
14: 2022-10-25 2058 17 0 2706
15: 2022-10-24 3990 46 5 827
16: 2022-10-21 50 26 1 27
17: 2022-10-19 112 144 3 160
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