Below is some data analysis from the BSR for November 9th. Clearly the local 42nd races will be close. Ballot Chases may be mandatory for each party. BSR fields are far below. For November 8th Ballot Status Report Data from State: 7:09 AM 11/10/2022
# For November 9th 2022 Ballot Status Report Data from State:
# initial data.table code
options(prompt = " ")
BSR <- fread("Ballot Status Report 2022-11-09 all other counties.csv")
colnames(BSR) <- gsub(" ","",names(BSR))
# Whatcom County Ballots by Ballot Status:
BSR[County == "Whatcom",.N,.(BallotStatus)]
BallotStatus N
<char> <int>
1: Accepted 90664
2: Received 12428
3: Rejected 866
# Rejected Ballots
# Top Precincts with Rejected Ballots by Precinct
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & BallotStatus == "Rejected",
Precinct N
<char> <int>
1: 113 13
2: 147 12
3: 204 11
4: 224 11
5: 239 10
6: 130 10
7: 701 10
8: 219 10
9: 254 10
10: 217 9
11: 244 9
12: 111 9
13: 233 9
14: 205 9
15: 135 9
16: 209 9
17: 241 8
18: 610 8
19: 106 8
20: 218 8
Precinct N
# Top Precincts with Rejected Ballots by Challenge Reason
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & BallotStatus == "Rejected",
ChallengeReason N
<char> <int>
1: Signature Does Not Match 490
2: Review 171
3: Unsigned 132
4: Ballot Style Change 46
5: Other than Voter 13
6: ID Required 8
7: Empty Envelope 3
8: Power of Attorney 1
9: HOLD 1
10: No Signature on File 1
# Top Precincts with Rejected Ballots by Precinct & Challenge Reason
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & BallotStatus == "Rejected",
Precinct ChallengeReason N
<char> <char> <int>
1: 147 Signature Does Not Match 12
2: 111 Signature Does Not Match 8
3: 135 Signature Does Not Match 8
4: 204 Signature Does Not Match 7
5: 113 Signature Does Not Match 7
6: 502 Signature Does Not Match 7
7: 130 Signature Does Not Match 7
8: 219 Signature Does Not Match 7
9: 242 Signature Does Not Match 7
10: 239 Signature Does Not Match 6
11: 609 Signature Does Not Match 6
12: 241 Signature Does Not Match 6
13: 129 Signature Does Not Match 6
14: 160 Signature Does Not Match 6
15: 205 Signature Does Not Match 6
16: 210 Signature Does Not Match 5
17: 134 Signature Does Not Match 5
18: 260 Signature Does Not Match 5
19: 607 Signature Does Not Match 5
20: 217 Unsigned 5
Precinct ChallengeReason N
# Return Locations
# Top 20 Return Locations Accepted and Received. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(ReturnLocation)][order(-N)][1:20]
ReturnLocation N
<char> <int>
1: 31542
2: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 18870
3: Lynden Library 10073
4: Ferndale City Hall 9702
5: Regal Barkley Village 6090
6: Sehome Village 6065
7: Blaine Library 4108
8: North Whatcom Fire & Rescue Station 2863
9: Everson WECU 2629
10: Whatcom Community College 2256
11: Sudden Valley 1383
12: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 1354
13: Deming Library 954
14: WWU - Red Square 904
15: Custer Elementary School 888
16: WWU - Wade King 887
17: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 794
18: Lummi Nation Admin Building 576
19: Sumas 507
20: International Marketplace 361
ReturnLocation N
# Top 20 Return Locations Accepted only. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" ),.N,.(ReturnLocation)][order(-N)][1:20]
ReturnLocation N
<char> <int>
1: 27006
2: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 18806
3: Lynden Library 8554
4: Ferndale City Hall 8357
5: Regal Barkley Village 5329
6: Sehome Village 4897
7: Blaine Library 3440
8: North Whatcom Fire & Rescue Station 2521
9: Everson WECU 2407
10: Whatcom Community College 1881
11: Sudden Valley 1383
12: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 1074
13: Deming Library 954
14: WWU - Wade King 887
15: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 794
16: WWU - Red Square 755
17: Custer Elementary School 520
18: Sumas 507
19: Lummi Nation Admin Building 262
20: International Marketplace 174
ReturnLocation N
# Top Return Locations Received only. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(ReturnLocation)][order(-N)]
ReturnLocation N
<char> <int>
1: 4536
2: Lynden Library 1519
3: Ferndale City Hall 1345
4: Sehome Village 1168
5: Regal Barkley Village 761
6: Blaine Library 668
7: Whatcom Community College 375
8: Custer Elementary School 368
9: North Whatcom Fire & Rescue Station 342
10: Lummi Nation Admin Building 314
11: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 280
12: Everson WECU 222
13: International Marketplace 187
14: WWU - Red Square 149
15: WWU - Student Engagement Hub 130
16: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 64
# Precincts
# Top 20 Precincts Accepted or Received
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(Precinct)][order(-N)][1:20]
Precinct N
<char> <int>
1: 303 997
2: 127 856
3: 264 843
4: 503 821
5: 256 817
6: 265 812
7: 216 809
8: 134 807
9: 223 806
10: 139 799
11: 217 799
12: 261 792
13: 262 788
14: 222 786
15: 263 785
16: 224 782
17: 601 778
18: 135 765
19: 126 760
20: 141 758
Precinct N
# Top 20 Precincts Accepted only. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" ),.N,.(Precinct)][order(-N)][1:20]
Precinct N
<char> <int>
1: 303 943
2: 264 782
3: 265 759
4: 256 747
5: 127 733
6: 217 725
7: 223 722
8: 263 714
9: 601 712
10: 261 711
11: 503 704
12: 222 704
13: 224 704
14: 262 698
15: 135 693
16: 216 686
17: 249 686
18: 139 680
19: 103 680
20: 134 677
Precinct N
# Top 20 Precincts Received only.
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(Precinct)][order(-N)][1:20]
Precinct N
<char> <int>
1: 101 198
2: 239 141
3: 238 134
4: 125 134
5: 111 133
6: 120 131
7: 134 130
8: 301 129
9: 240 124
10: 216 123
11: 127 123
12: 139 119
13: 119 119
14: 503 117
15: 244 113
16: 215 112
17: 245 111
18: 124 109
19: 113 109
20: 126 108
Precinct N
# By Precincts and Return Location
# Top 20 aggregated Accepted and Received by Precinct *and* Return Locations.
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"),.(Precinct,ReturnLocation)][,.N,.(Precinct,ReturnLocation)][order(-N)][1:20]
Precinct ReturnLocation N
<char> <char> <int>
1: 503 Ferndale City Hall 656
2: 127 Lynden Library 611
3: 504 Ferndale City Hall 577
4: 605 Lynden Library 569
5: 609 Lynden Library 560
6: 121 559
7: 611 Lynden Library 558
8: 502 Ferndale City Hall 555
9: 301 Blaine Library 554
10: 501 Ferndale City Hall 545
11: 505 Ferndale City Hall 543
12: 601 Lynden Library 531
13: 608 Lynden Library 530
14: 607 Lynden Library 529
15: 606 Lynden Library 526
16: 507 Ferndale City Hall 509
17: 610 Lynden Library 506
18: 223 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 503
19: 115 Ferndale City Hall 496
20: 602 Lynden Library 495
Precinct ReturnLocation N
# By Precinct Decade
# Top 20 aggregated Accepted and Received by Precinct Decade.
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(PrecinctDecade=as.integer(Precinct)%/%10)][order(-N)][1:20]
PrecinctDecade N
<num> <int>
1: 13 6686 (e.g. Precinct range 130 - 139)
2: 60 6339 (e.g. Precinct range 600 - 609)
3: 22 6302
4: 16 6268
5: 50 6181
6: 23 6166
7: 12 5962
8: 24 5885
9: 21 5635
10: 11 5578
11: 14 5524
12: 25 5454
13: 15 5424
14: 10 5259
15: 26 5239
16: 20 5149
17: 17 3679
18: 30 2891
19: 61 1465
20: 40 957
PrecinctDecade N
# Top 20 aggregated Accepted and Received by Precinct Decade *and* Return Locations.
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"),(PrecinctDecade=as.integer(Precinct)%/%10,ReturnLocation)][,
PrecinctDecade ReturnLocation N
<num> <char> <int>
1: 60 Lynden Library 4717
2: 50 Ferndale City Hall 4547
3: 22 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 3084
4: 16 2458
5: 20 2319
6: 11 Ferndale City Hall 2290
7: 23 2277
8: 21 2270
9: 22 2148
10: 24 2073
11: 21 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 2073
12: 10 North Whatcom Fire & Rescue Station 2004
13: 30 Blaine Library 1974
14: 24 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 1962
15: 12 Lynden Library 1961
16: 23 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 1903
17: 26 1896
18: 15 1799
19: 25 1776
20: 14 1737
PrecinctDecade ReturnLocation N
# BSR fields
[1,] "BallotID"
[2,] "VoterID"
[3,] "County"
[4,] "FirstName"
[5,] "LastName"
[6,] "Gender"
[7,] "Election"
[8,] "BallotStatus"
[9,] "ChallengeReason"
[10,] "SentDate"
[11,] "ReceivedDate"
[12,] "Address"
[13,] "City"
[14,] "State"
[15,] "Zip"
[16,] "Country"
[17,] "Split"
[18,] "Precinct"
[19,] "ReturnMethod"
[20,] "ReturnLocation"
[21,] "Party"
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