Below is some data analysis from the BSR for November 8th. Clearly the local 42nd races will be close. Ballot Chases may be mandatory for each party. BSR fields are far below. For November 8th Ballot Status Report Data from State:
9:18 AM 11/9/2022
# initial data.table code
BSR - fread("Ballot Status Report 2022-11-08 all other counties.csv")
colnames(BSR) - gsub(" ","",names(BSR))
# Whatcom County Ballots by Ballot Status:
BSR[County == "Whatcom",.N,.(BallotStatus)]
BallotStatus N
char int
1: Accepted 79913
2: Received 9409
3: Rejected 919
# Top 20 Precincts Accepted or Received
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(Precinct)][order(-N)][1:20]
Precinct N
char int
1: 303 919
2: 264 778
3: 265 747
4: 256 745
5: 217 725
6: 127 724
7: 223 721
8: 263 713
9: 261 703
10: 601 703
11: 503 702
12: 222 702
13: 224 700
14: 262 692
15: 135 690
16: 249 685
17: 216 681
18: 139 672
19: 233 672
20: 162 669
Precinct N
# Top 20 Return Locations Accepted and Received. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(ReturnLocation)][order(-N)][1:20]
ReturnLocation N
char int
1: 26819
2: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 18687
3: Lynden Library 8413
4: Ferndale City Hall 8337
5: Regal Barkley Village 5314
6: Sehome Village 4889
7: Blaine Library 3415
8: Everson WECU 2204
9: North Whatcom Fire & Rescue Station 1949
10: Whatcom Community College 1862
11: Sudden Valley 1380
12: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 1076
13: Deming Library 953
14: WWU - Wade King 888
15: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 791
16: WWU - Red Square 739
17: Custer Elementary School 518
18: Sumas 507
19: Lummi Nation Admin Building 251
20: International Marketplace 174
ReturnLocation N
# Top Return Locations Received only. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(ReturnLocation)][order(-N)]
ReturnLocation N
char int
1: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 2110
2: Sehome Village 1612
3: Lynden Library 1449
4: Regal Barkley Village 1406
5: Ferndale City Hall 1396
6: Blaine Library 482
7: WWU - Wade King 299
8: Everson WECU 248
9: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 221
10: WWU - Red Square 99
11: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 87
# Top 20 Return Locations Accepted only. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" ),.N,.(ReturnLocation)][order(-N)][1:20]
1: 26819
2: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 18687
3: Lynden Library 8413
4: Ferndale City Hall 8337
5: Regal Barkley Village 5314
6: Sehome Village 4889
7: Blaine Library 3415
8: Everson WECU 2204
9: North Whatcom Fire & Rescue Station 1949
10: Whatcom Community College 1862
11: Sudden Valley 1380
12: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 1076
13: Deming Library 953
14: WWU - Wade King 888
15: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 791
16: WWU - Red Square 739
17: Custer Elementary School 518
18: Sumas 507
19: Lummi Nation Admin Building 251
20: International Marketplace 174
ReturnLocation N
# Top Return Locations Received only. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(ReturnLocation)][order(-N)]
ReturnLocation N
char int
1: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 2110
2: Sehome Village 1612
3: Lynden Library 1449
4: Regal Barkley Village 1406
5: Ferndale City Hall 1396
6: Blaine Library 482
7: WWU - Wade King 299
8: Everson WECU 248
9: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 221
10: WWU - Red Square 99
11: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 87
# Top 20 Return Locations Accepted only. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" ),.N,.(ReturnLocation)][order(-N)][1:20]
ReturnLocation N
char int
1: 26819
2: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 16577
3: Lynden Library 6964
4: Ferndale City Hall 6941
5: Regal Barkley Village 3908
6: Sehome Village 3277
7: Blaine Library 2933
8: Everson WECU 1956
9: North Whatcom Fire & Rescue Station 1949
10: Whatcom Community College 1862
11: Sudden Valley 1380
12: Deming Library 953
13: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 855
14: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 704
15: WWU - Red Square 640
16: WWU - Wade King 589
17: Custer Elementary School 518
18: Sumas 507
19: Lummi Nation Admin Building 251
20: International Marketplace 174
ReturnLocation N
# Top 20 Precincts Received only. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(ReturnLocation)][order(-N)]
ReturnLocation N
char int
1: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 2110
2: Sehome Village 1612
3: Lynden Library 1449
4: Regal Barkley Village 1406
5: Ferndale City Hall 1396
6: Blaine Library 482
7: WWU - Wade King 299
8: Everson WECU 248
9: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 221
10: WWU - Red Square 99
11: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 87
ReturnLocation N
# Top 20 Precincts Accepted only. Blank is most probably mail-in
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" ),.N,.(ReturnLocation)][order(-N)][1:20]
ReturnLocation N
char int
1: 26819
2: Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 16577
3: Lynden Library 6964
4: Ferndale City Hall 6941
5: Regal Barkley Village 3908
6: Sehome Village 3277
7: Blaine Library 2933
8: Everson WECU 1956
9: North Whatcom Fire & Rescue Station 1949
10: Whatcom Community College 1862
11: Sudden Valley 1380
12: Deming Library 953
13: Meridian (Laurel Grange) 855
14: Kendall (North Fork Community Library) 704
15: WWU - Red Square 640
16: WWU - Wade King 589
17: Custer Elementary School 518
18: Sumas 507
19: Lummi Nation Admin Building 251
20: International Marketplace 174
ReturnLocation N
# Top 20 aggregated Accepted and Received by Precinct and Return Locations.
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"), .(Precinct,ReturnLocation)][,.N,.(Precinct,ReturnLocation)][order(-N)][1:20]
Precinct ReturnLocation N
char char int
1: 503 Ferndale City Hall 556
2: 504 Ferndale City Hall 520
3: 127 Lynden Library 507
4: 223 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 501
5: 121 496
6: 502 Ferndale City Hall 483
7: 605 Lynden Library 478
8: 222 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 476
9: 501 Ferndale City Hall 475
10: 609 Lynden Library 473
11: 601 Lynden Library 473
12: 505 Ferndale City Hall 466
13: 606 Lynden Library 464
14: 216 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 457
15: 611 Lynden Library 456
16: 301 Blaine Library 443
17: 221 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 439
18: 130 Lynden Library 438
19: 507 Ferndale City Hall 436
20: 224 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 434
Precinct ReturnLocation N
# Top 20 aggregated Accepted and Received by Precinct Decade.
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"),.N,.(PrecinctDecade=as.integer(Precinct)%/%10)][order(-N)][1:20]
PrecinctDecade N
num int
1: 13 5780 e.g 130 - 139
2: 16 5638 e.g 160 - 169
3: 22 5537
4: 60 5459
5: 23 5430
6: 50 5330
7: 24 4944
8: 14 4928
9: 15 4914
10: 12 4912
11: 21 4870
12: 25 4735
13: 26 4656
14: 20 4594
15: 11 4525
16: 10 4200
17: 17 3433
18: 30 2444
19: 61 1249
20: 40 808
PrecinctDecade N
# Top 20 Return or Accepted aggregated by Precinct Decade *and* Return Locations.
BSR[County == "Whatcom" & (BallotStatus == "Accepted" | BallotStatus == "Received"),
+ .(PrecinctDecade=as.integer(Precinct)%/%10,ReturnLocation)][,
+ .N,.(PrecinctDecade,ReturnLocation)][order(-N)][1:20]
PrecinctDecade ReturnLocation N
num char int
1: 60 Lynden Library 3957
2: 50 Ferndale City Hall 3916
3: 22 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 3065
4: 16 2154
5: 20 2066
6: 21 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 2049
7: 24 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 1942
8: 11 Ferndale City Hall 1930
9: 23 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 1888
10: 23 1831
11: 21 1743
12: 26 1653
13: 12 Lynden Library 1642
14: 30 Blaine Library 1635
15: 16 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 1612
16: 15 1611
17: 22 1563
18: 24 1556
19: 25 Whatcom County Courthouse South Parking Lot 1506
20: 25 1502
PrecinctDecade ReturnLocation N
# BSR fields
[1,] "BallotID"
[2,] "VoterID"
[3,] "County"
[4,] "FirstName"
[5,] "LastName"
[6,] "Gender"
[7,] "Election"
[8,] "BallotStatus"
[9,] "ChallengeReason"
[10,] "SentDate"
[11,] "ReceivedDate"
[12,] "Address"
[13,] "City"
[14,] "State"
[15,] "Zip"
[16,] "Country"
[17,] "Split"
[18,] "Precinct"
[19,] "ReturnMethod"
[20,] "ReturnLocation"
[21,] "Party"
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