Exactly 334,813 have been 'Accepted' or 'Received' in last night's (10/25/2019) statewide matchback. Another 5,025 have been rejected or 'challenged'. The WA SoS counts this as 339,918 'Ballots Received' for a turnout of 7.6%. However, this total is ~27% of the approximately 1.5M votes received for each of the 2015 and 2017 ('off year') general elections.
The current vote is dominated by those born in the 1940s or 1950s (now ages 60 - 79). These two decades have a combined 165,274 ballots accepted. By comparison, those born 1980 or afterwards (ages 18 - 39) have a combined 24% of that (165,274) total with 39,413 ballots accepted. The "youth" or millennial vote in WA has yet to compete with the boomer votes.
Men are currently out voting women in all but two counties and this is remarkable given the current political environment and the fact that ~170K more women are registered than men statewide. I am reminded that I noticed this trend in July 2018. For the state as a whole:
BallotStatus Female Male
1: Accepted 154087 164601 # Ready for Tabulation
2: Received 7442 7446 # In the chute
3: Rejected 2342 2628 # Challenged or Rejected
For our neck of woods: Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan:
BallotStatus Female Male
1: Accepted 9518 9788
2: Rejected 82 107
Tables made from rdata.table code with output follow the break. Widescreen is best for viewing:
# Demographic Tables
# [All State: 11.25.2019]
BallotStatus N
1: Accepted 319880
2: Received 14933
3: Rejected 5025
VR[StatusCode == "Active",.N]
[1] 4479369
# All status active as of October 1 (4.47M)
(319880+14933)/VR[StatusCode == "Active",.N] * 100
# Percentage Accepted and Received as of 10.25.2019
[1] 7.47
See also https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/research/ballot-return-statistics.aspx
#[All State: Challenge Reason]
sMB102519[BallotStatus == "Rejected",.N,]
[1] 5025
ChallengeReason N
1: 334822
2: Signature Does Not Match 1565
3: Unsigned 1485
4: Undeliverable 1151
5: Review 255
6: HOLD 198
7: Other than Voter 105
8: Ballot Style Change 67
9: Canvassing Board 32
10: Deceased 29
11: No Signature on File 27
12: Advanced Special Ballot 25
13: ID Required 21
14: Marked Moved 17
15: Invalid 8
16: Empty Envelope 7
17: Hold 5
18: Voter Name Change 5
19: Power of Attorney 4
20: Witness Signature Missing 4
21: Id Required 3
22: Other Than Voter 3
ChallengeReason N
sMB102519[County == "Whatcom",.N,.(ChallengeReason)][order(-N)]
ChallengeReason N
1: 12372
2: Signature Does Not Match 33
3: Unsigned 30
4: Other than Voter 14
5: Ballot Style Change 8
6: HOLD 7
7: Deceased 1
8: ID Required 1
# [Whatcom County]
sMB102519[County == "Whatcom",.N,.(BallotStatus)]
BallotStatus N
1: Accepted 12372
2: Rejected 94
dcast(.SD, BallotStatus ~ Decade, value.var="N",fun.aggregate=fsum)]
BallotStatus 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s
1: Accepted 2 125 5576 31287 80312 84962 47783 30420 24663 13220 1530
2: Received 0 4 215 1382 3648 3929 2253 1575 1184 658 85
3: Rejected 0 1 102 334 610 930 761 687 758 739 103
sMB102519[Gender == "M" | Gender == "F",.N,.(Gender,BallotStatus)][,setnames(dcast(.SD, BallotStatus ~ Gender, value.var="N",fun.aggregate=fsum),c("BallotStatus","Female","Male"))
BallotStatus Female Male
1: Accepted 154087 164601
2: Received 7442 7446
3: Rejected 2342 2628
sMB102519[County %in% c("Whatcom","Skagit","San Juan"),
dcast(.SD, BallotStatus ~ Decade, value.var="N",fun.aggregate=fsum)]
BallotStatus 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s
1: Accepted 12 389 2087 5508 5200 2408 1597 1306 735 91
2: Rejected 0 6 18 32 39 32 17 23 20 3
sMB102519[County %in% c("Whatcom","Skagit","San Juan"),][
Gender == "M" | Gender == "F",.N,.(Gender,BallotStatus)][,
setnames(dcast(.SD, BallotStatus ~ Gender, value.var="N",fun.aggregate=fsum),c("BallotStatus","Female","Male"))]
BallotStatus Female Male
1: Accepted 9518 9788
2: Rejected 82 107
sMB102519[(Gender == "M" | Gender == "F") & County %in% c("Whatcom","Skagit","San Juan"),
+ .N,.(County,Gender)][order(County,-Gender)]
County Gender N
1: San Juan M 574
2: San Juan F 575
3: Skagit M 3021
4: Skagit F 2876
5: Whatcom M 6300
6: Whatcom F 6149
sMB102519[(Gender == "M" | Gender == "F"),
dcast(.SD, County ~ Gender,value.var="N",fun.aggregate=fsum)][,
.SD[,.(Pct.Male=round(Male/(Male+Female),3) * 100)],
County Male Female Pct.Male
1: Adams 331 326 50.4
2: Asotin 856 824 51.0
3: Benton 4256 3921 52.0
4: Chelan 2492 2415 50.8
5: Clallam 2212 2156 50.6
6: Clark 8661 8033 51.9
7: Columbia 126 125 50.2
8: Cowlitz 1641 1517 52.0
9: Douglas 1038 1007 50.8
10: Ferry 370 334 52.6
11: Franklin 1205 1134 51.5
12: Garfield 53 51 51.0
13: Grant 2068 1878 52.4
14: Grays Harbor 2390 2526 48.6
15: Island 2894 2734 51.4
16: Jefferson 1629 1568 51.0
17: King 49732 45488 52.2
18: Kitsap 8115 7511 51.9
19: Kittitas 1342 1196 52.9
20: Klickitat 448 439 50.5
21: Lewis 2371 2162 52.3
22: Lincoln 593 550 51.9
23: Mason 2984 2718 52.3
24: Okanogan 1100 1018 51.9
25: Pacific 528 468 53.0
26: Pend Oreille 601 490 55.1
27: Pierce 16733 15453 52.0
28: San Juan 574 575 50.0
29: Skagit 3021 2876 51.2
30: Skamania 35 34 50.7
31: Snohomish 12375 11406 52.0
32: Spokane 18310 18308 50.0
33: Stevens 1808 1710 51.4
34: Thurston 8562 8212 51.0
35: Wahkiakum 113 105 51.8
36: Walla Walla 1239 1198 50.8
37: Whatcom 6300 6149 50.6
38: Whitman 818 769 51.5
39: Yakima 4751 4487 51.4
County Male Female Pct.Male
# Registered as of October 1
VR[(Gender == "M" | Gender == "F") & StatusCode == "Active" & CountyCode %in% c("WM","SK","SJ"),.N,.(CountyCode,Gender)][order(CountyCode,-Gender)]
CountyCode Gender N
1: SJ M 6481
2: SJ F 7164
3: SK M 36785
4: SK F 40808
5: WM M 69437
6: WM F 75676
# October 1st VRDB WA ('whole enchilada')
VR[StatusCode == "Active",.N,.(Gender)]
Gender N
1: M 2145204
2: F 2313683
3: U 14549
4: 5806
5: O 127
# Registered as of October 1
# Just our neck of woods: Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan
VR[StatusCode == "Active" & CountyCode %in% c("WM","SK","SJ"),.N,.(Gender)]
Gender N
1: M 112703
2: F 123648
3: 425
4: U 52
5: O 14
VR[(Gender == "M" | Gender == "F") & StatusCode == "Active" & CountyCode %in% c("WM","SK","SJ"),.N,.(CountyCode,Gender)][order(CountyCode,-Gender)]
CountyCode Gender N
1: SJ M 6481
2: SJ F 7164
3: SK M 36785
4: SK F 40808
5: WM M 69437
6: WM F 75676
# October 1st VRDB WA ('whole enchilada')
VR[StatusCode == "Active",.N,.(Gender)]
Gender N
1: M 2145204
2: F 2313683
3: U 14549
4: 5806
5: O 127
# Registered as of October 1
# Just our neck of woods: Whatcom, Skagit, San Juan
VR[StatusCode == "Active" & CountyCode %in% c("WM","SK","SJ"),.N,.(Gender)]
Gender N
1: M 112703
2: F 123648
3: 425
4: U 52
5: O 14
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