These are some quick and dirty counts and groupings from state and local county matchbacks for 10.23.2019. Both statewide and locally, the vote so far is strongly male and dominated by those born between 1930 and 1970. With only 4.6% of the vote in and another 13 days of voting to go, this could change. There is a high percentage of challenged and undeliverable ballots statewide, so make sure to check to make sure your ballot was accepted and that your registration address was correct. If not, contact your local county election department. For more information, please see: Get your ballots in ASAP!
Wide Screen preferred for these tables:
Ballot Status
[All State: 11.23.2019]
BallotStatus N
1: Accepted 194307
2: Received 7647 # in the chute
3: Rejected 4305 # challenged
VR[StatusCode == "Active",.N]
[1] 4479369 # All status active as of October 1 (4.47M)
(194307+7647)/VR[StatusCode == "Active",.N] * 100
[1] 4.508 # percentage Accepted and Received as of 10.23.2019
See also
Challenge Reason
[All State: Challenge Reasons:]
ChallengeReason N
1: Undeliverable 1048
2: Signature Does Not Match 991
3: Unsigned 896
4: Review 852
5: Other than Voter 214
6: HOLD 151
7: Ballot Style Change 23
8: No Signature on File 22
9: Advanced Special Ballot 20
10: ID Required 17
11: Deceased 14
12: Canvassing Board 10
13: Hold 9
14: 8
15: Invalid 7
16: Power of Attorney 6
17: Marked Moved 4
18: Other Than Voter 3
19: Witness Signature Missing 3
20: Voter Name Change 3
21: Empty Envelope 2
22: Id Required 2
ChallengeReason N
[Whatcom County:]
BallotStatus N
1: Accepted 7314
2: Rejected 45
ChallengeReason N
1: Other than Voter 8
2: Unsigned 15
3: Signature Does Not Match 14
4: HOLD 8
Data by Age and Gender:[All State:]
BallotStatus Blank Female Male Other Unknown
1: Accepted 252 91467 102095 4 489
2: Received 10 3672 3962 0 3
3: Rejected 15 1988 2272 1 29
BallotStatus 1900s 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s
1: Accepted 1 84 3358 18988 49206 51997 28918 18224 14809 7772 950
2: Received 0 2 110 778 2054 2232 1111 629 480 219 32
3: Rejected 0 1 80 286 544 797 673 601 643 601 79
Data by Age and Gender:["Whatcom","Skagit","San Juan"]
BallotStatus Blank Female Male Unknown
1: Accepted 11 5813 6269 1
2: Rejected 1 47 58 0
BallotStatus 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s
1: Accepted 5 247 1313 3483 3267 1501 1017 752 443 66
2: Rejected 0 7 12 23 20 18 10 6 8 2
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