These are primary turnouts for the last 5 years. Note that 'Registered' here is strictly those voters involved in the Primary election. In odd (local) election years, many counties have partial precinct participation:
Year Registered BallotsRet TO LastUpdate
2019 3,967,681 1,173,009 29.56% 08/20/2019
2018 4,299,309 1,753,545 40.79% 08/21/2018
2017 3,781,977 1,017,946 26.92% 08/15/2017
2016 4,102,624 1,431,058 34.88% 08/16/2016
Below are top 15 county turnout numbers for the 2019 Primary. The certification period is over. Whatcom County currently has the the highest percentage turnout among the top fifteen counties for registered voters (39.51%). Statewide turnout is 29.56%. Almost all votes are counted. The WA SoS certified this election on August 23rd. This data is from Click to enlarge the chart:Notable Whatcom County and 40th LD Results as of 08/24. Numbers may change until certification and new issuance of VRDB:
Whatcom County from :
- 57,240 out of 147,265 voted Whatcom County Executive
- 23,554 out of 58,124 voted for Bellingham Mayor
- 36,489 out of ~96K voted in this 40th Primary.
36.5K out of 96K registered voted in this 40th Primary. Kershner(R) and Elenbaas(R) trounced their opponents in WM County Council districts 4 and 5. Tony Larson(R) topped Satpal Sidhu(D) by almost 2K votes. This primary appears to me to be a Republican victory. I would guess that would extend to many of the counties in the state. The age numbers below are from the 08/06 matchback so they are not complete yet, but clearly the post 60 generation decided this ballot. Where the youth and middle-aged voters were in this election, I do not know. For more information on demographics from the final Whatcom County matchback see this post.
Where Were The Youth?
These numbers are from State 08/06 matchback. I will update when more current data is available.[1] For numbers from the State on age groups see here.
Ages Voted Registered PCT
1: LT30 52013 625151 8.32
2: BTW30.60 338160 2093746 16.15
3: GTR60 505320 1238286 40.81
These numbers are from a Whatcom County 08/07 matchback:
Age Voted Registered PCT
1: Less Than 30 5025 28724 17.5
2: Between 30 and 60 22726 69905 32.5
3: Greater Than 60 29708 48617 61.1
More Whatcom County Statistics from 8/7 matchback:
BallotStatus N
1: Accepted 57459
2: Sent 89182 # Sent but not returned
3: Rejected 661 # some will be cured
MB_[,.N,.(BallotStatus,BallotReceived)][,dcast(.SD,BallotReceived ~ BallotStatus,value.var="N",fun.aggregate=fsum)]
BallotReceived Accepted Rejected Sent
1: 0 0 89182 # sent,no return
2: 7/22/2019 81 0 0
3: 7/23/2019 3358 18 0
4: 7/24/2019 2517 16 0
5: 7/25/2019 4536 15 0
6: 7/26/2019 2677 27 0
7: 7/29/2019 3629 42 0
8: 7/30/2019 2664 24 0
9: 7/31/2019 2041 17 0
10: 8/1/2019 3248 33 0
11: 8/2/2019 2587 22 0
12: 8/5/2019 7134 72 0
13: 8/6/2019 13302 148 0
14: 8/7/2019 9685 227 0
[1] The code to analyze matchbacks is complex because that data has mixed Ballot Statuses that change as certification progresses and also because primaries in 'local' year elections which involve partial county votes. Here is the state 08/06/2019 BallotStatus and ChallengeReason tallies:
BallotStatus N
1: Accepted 879121
2: Received 16373
3: Rejected 10401
ChallengeReason N
1: 895335
2: Signature Does Not Match 4237
3: Unsigned 3189
4: HOLD 1042
5: Other than Voter 524
6: Undeliverable 478
7: Ballot Style Change 359
8: Review 232
9: Deceased 181
10: Marked Moved 75
11: Canvassing Board 74
12: No Signature on File 51
13: ID Required 30
14: Invalid 27
15: Empty Envelope 21
16: Hold 14
17: Witness Signature Missing 9
18: Power of Attorney 8
19: Signed by Someone Else 5
20: Voter Name Change 4
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