Sunday, July 21, 2019

Checking Precincts after the WAVOTE upgrade

If you are an auditor or election official wondering how your precincts changed between 12/31/2018 and 07/17/2019, I could have some code for you and also a potentially helpful spreadsheet accurate as of July 17, 2019.  (email me) Merging all the precincts from two different VRDBs is a bit of trick. For reference, I have included the 2018 Senate Race results for each precinct. A snapshot of all this merged data looks like this:

Below is  a table of 40 top precincts ranked by 'PctDem'  that have  a difference of 100 or more between July 2019 and December 2018:

Below is  a table of 40 top precincts ranked by 'PctDem'  that have  a difference of - 100 or less between July 2019 and December 2018:

I chose the mean of the  density from the  difference between two elections expressed as an absolute value as a metric for change in precinct composition by county. I am sure more sophisticated metrics could be constructed. Given the difference between the two elections, I have this list:

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