Friday, June 7, 2019

The Whatcom County Electorate Summer 2019: Age and Transiting Voters

This is the start of a series on The Whatcom County Electorate for Summer 2019. Updates are likely. -RMF 

The team at WA VRDB assures me they will have a May VRDB soon! Until then, we will look at some changes in Whatcom County's 4.30.2019 VRDB for status active voters. Approximately 3,489 new voters registered (year(Registrationdate) == 2019) in Whatcom County for the first four months of this year:

1:     251  #January,
2:     673  #February
3:    1003 #March
4:     562  #Aprial

In the first chart below, you can see the distribution of those new voters by age group per Precinct Decade (e.g. '10' = Precincts 101  through 109). For my age groups I used:
  • Millennial=Age < 36 [born after 1983]
  • GenX=between(Age,36,60,inclusive) [born  between 1959 and 1983] 
  • Boomer=between(Age,61,86,inclusive) [born between 1934 and 1958 
  • PostWar=Age > 86 [born  on or before 1933 but almost all after WWI end]
I have rearranged American generations for the last 100 years a little differently than others. PostWar refers to post WWI. (Only 36 voters out of 145K active voters in WM county's  voter database are born before 1918. They are all between 101 and 107 years old now).  In redefining these generations I have de-emphasized WWII and the 30's Depression as seminal generational events for our voter database. Enough wars and economic hardships have occurred since 1945 to minimize the effect that the that 'depression' and 'war babies' have on our electoral system.

I have also extended 'Generation X' some and redefined Boomers as those that would likely remember post WWII prosperity but would also have been born before JFK assumed office. I have shortened the previous Millennial start to 1983 from the oft invoked 1980. Many of the conditions that define a 'Millennial'  (cataclysmic climate, overburdening education cost, oligarchic stratification) are still represented among those entering voting age and will be for a few more years at least.  At some point in the not too distant future, we can expect a vast increase in technology and space travel to start to create a multi-planet species. A newer 'post millennial' generation will be  probably the first to be born outside this declining and depleted Earth. 

Only 1,626 voters (1.12%) of the current voter WM county voter database are 90 years or older. (e.g. born in 1929 or before).  This means only a little more than 1% would be age 10 or older  in 1939. If you are 80 years old this year you were just alive when Hitler's blitzkrieg across Poland 80 years ago effectively started WWII.  The vote today is being decided more now by veterans  of post WWII wars: Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq Wars I and II. Not too mention the current generation soldiers, many of them in 800 worldwide bases, JSOC strike teams, patrolling our borders and worldwide  defense and intelligence budgets that probably total in excess of $1T. And oh yeah: A Space Force!

Even with the Millennial generation trimmed to start at birth year 1983, the big baby blue bars in the first chart below dominate all of 2019 new voters. The second chart shows all active voters by generation (as defined above) by PrecinctDecade (as defined above). Boomers and GenXrs dominate these voting age groups. Click to enlarge the charts.

Age ~ PrecinctDecade for Registration Date in 2019. Click to enlarge the chart.

Age ~  PrecinctDecade  as of 4.30.2019.Click to enlarge the chart.

There are 179 WM county precincts currently, but two have data hidden because of size for the 2018 Senate race (Maria Cantwell vs. Susan Hutchison). The code below use the Cantwell vs. Hutchison race to provide for five categories of precinct type:

  • SD Strong Democrat
  • LD Light Democrat
  • Ind Independent
  • LR Light Republican
  • SR Strong Republican 

library(data.table) R3.6
t1 = Senate[vdb[StatusCode == "A",],
list(MariaCantwell,SusanHutchison,div=MariaCantwell/(MariaCantwell + SusanHutchison)),by=,.EACHI][,.N,.(PrecinctID,MariaCantwell,SusanHutchison,div)]

t1[div <= .55 & div >= .45,Region:= "Ind"]
t1[div > .55 & div <= .65,Region:= "LD"]
t1[div > .65,Region:= "SD"]
t1[div < .45 & div >= .35,Region:= "LR"]
t1[div < .35,Region:= "SR"]

PrecinctCode Count 04.30.2019 New2019 Projected Precinct.Type MCantwell SHutchison
101 1087 10 SD 558 194
102 683 14 Ind 228 251
103 849 19 Ind 365 299
104 509 2 LR 197 242
105 492 14 LD 207 161
106 911 24 Ind 287 328
107 1164 31 Ind 419 407
108 1220 16 Ind 393 428
110 1044 18 LR 319 422
111 944 22 LR 272 430
112 209 3 LR 56 95
113 722 19 LR 203 368
114 542 20 LR 149 250
115 861 21 SR 207 445
116 528 10 SR 71 335
117 600 8 SR 69 391
118 931 18 SR 175 490
119 618 22 Ind 229 245
120 806 22 SR 211 419
121 647 26 LR 196 288
122 554 19 LR 150 260
123 546 22 LR 162 245
124 540 9 LR 147 257
125 985 16 SR 224 456
126 1240 46 Ind 455 490
127 1124 30 LR 383 499
129 845 21 LR 289 372
130 562 9 LR 162 237
131 964 27 LR 316 417
132 731 21 Ind 293 276
133 1083 23 SD 439 116
134 948 10 LD 464 255
135 723 23 LD 371 204
136 1214 29 SD 558 287
137 1056 27 SD 473 122
138 797 20 SD 543 148
139 378 1 SR 33 277
140 1188 28 SR 157 706
141 925 29 SR 208 503
142 1014 22 Ind 297 287
143 657 14 SD 340 147
144 894 6 SR 116 598
145 1006 14 SR 265 512
146 1075 38 SR 243 536
147 881 36 LR 273 354
148 1044 25 LR 275 367
149 657 10 LR 184 325
150 977 13 LR 281 463
151 974 23 LR 327 408
152 854 15 LR 287 371
153 922 17 LR 290 363
154 559 8 Ind 209 228
155 612 12 LR 183 264
156 360 5 LR 116 159
157 296 5 Ind 110 130
158 395 5 Ind 143 157
159 142 2 LD 115 86
160 949 14 SD 497 242
161 593 4 SD 311 155
162 742 11 LD 341 254
163 762 11 LD 386 223
164 270 2 Ind 121 107
165 432 5 Ind 163 179
166 990 21 LD 418 317
167 135 1 Ind 50 54
168 974 11 Ind 429 372
169 1161 27 SD 659 287
170 549 6 LD 264 168
171 921 9 SD 538 212
172 586 11 LD 278 163
173 653 16 SD 342 184
174 852 15 SD 458 189
175 1027 21 SD 588 209
176 709 20 SD 393 181
177 658 16 SD 355 147
178 1008 30 SD 539 215
179 203 1 Ind 72 84
180 686 14 SD 422 168
181 1199 20 LD 561 343
182 1352 29 LD 530 403
183 30 4 LR 9 12
201 1350 34 LD 698 377
202 1064 26 SD 419 173
203 1150 41 SD 517 275
204 782 27 SD 332 157
205 630 13 SD 337 141
206 1258 47 SD 669 194
207 583 12 SD 368 105
208 1384 36 SD 832 195
209 822 22 SD 537 126
210 1019 19 SD 767 105
211 1196 34 LD 497 288
212 917 38 SD 397 208
213 1032 18 SD 613 215
214 686 15 SD 509 79
215 859 11 SD 657 118
216 986 21 SD 704 88
217 623 10 LD 297 193
218 852 27 SD 404 168
219 903 21 SD 490 176
220 1057 36 SD 457 236
221 810 17 LD 381 263
222 1014 17 SD 757 133
223 594 18 SD 457 47
224 431 29 SD 289 36
225 1346 48 SD 914 127
226 847 21 SD 577 47
227 975 24 SD 627 112
228 977 26 SD 669 78
229 1219 40 SD 650 153
230 972 31 SD 461 105
231 1296 36 SD 693 180
232 934 18 SD 508 236
233 875 22 SD 510 170
234 832 16 SD 457 230
235 523 6 SD 293 140
237 931 9 SD 523 221
238 595 11 LD 304 195
239 1062 23 SD 559 220
240 893 20 SD 529 184
241 769 10 SD 403 172
242 565 11 SD 353 102
243 832 20 SD 504 190
244 907 23 SD 648 114
245 759 7 SD 635 65
246 935 24 SD 624 61
247 1113 45 SD 713 71
248 967 46 SD 573 160
249 1038 18 SD 595 216
250 1011 23 SD 727 145
251 722 16 SD 510 124
252 307 NA SD 269 25
253 1387 47 SD 874 118
254 712 12 SD 436 150
255 713 24 SD 402 101
256 869 25 SD 611 109
257 782 16 SD 568 51
258 1041 18 SD 781 50
259 576 9 SD 337 120
260 592 5 SD 350 170
261 583 5 SD 388 105
262 785 28 SD 529 87
263 1003 26 SD 657 88
264 739 14 SD 450 178
265 641 12 SD 355 164
266 800 16 SD 505 168
268 62 1 Ind 17 18
269 163 7 NA NA NA
271 162 1 NA NA NA
273 92 5 NA NA NA
301 1103 24 Ind 356 369
302 1271 26 LD 521 362
303 965 36 Ind 395 396
304 349 12 LD 123 88
401 612 23 LR 160 233
402 767 22 LR 241 334
501 1048 42 Ind 373 417
502 796 23 Ind 301 283
503 910 34 Ind 336 375
504 1073 37 Ind 373 362
505 733 27 LD 321 196
506 1028 39 LD 408 302
507 838 37 Ind 287 298
508 1113 41 Ind 368 360
509 782 21 LR 233 316
601 525 22 SR 146 318
602 858 14 SR 183 454
603 756 9 SR 148 417
604 1394 31 SR 256 777
605 1154 24 SR 230 645
606 868 16 SR 171 475
607 702 12 SR 122 427
608 772 13 SR 188 415
609 967 18 SR 161 580
610 947 23 SR 180 561
611 673 15 SR 103 396
701 869 27 SR 206 396
801 829 29 LR 192 351

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