Post Under Construction. Please see for current information, registration deadlines, and voting periods:
"Deadline for in-person, mail-in & online registrations or address changes is January 14th"
"Ballots Mailed: January 23, 2019"
"This Special Election includes Ferndale School District 502, Nooksack Valley School District 506, and Concrete School District No. 11. "
- For more information on the Ferndale School Bond, please see and
- and
- and
- For more information on the Nooksack Valley School Bond, please see
- For more information on the Concrete School District Maintenance and Operations Levy please see
Candidate/Race percentages in GE2018 for 27 FSD precincts. Candidate totals are from 27 whole precincts. This excludes precinct 201 part 2 which has no current voters. See list in Appendices far below for the four partial precincts in the FSD Bond election.
SchoolBond MariaCantwell SharonShewmake
1: 58.6 50.2 48.7
1: 58.6 50.2 48.7
Candidate/Race correlation coefficient of precinct votes with November 2018 FSD Bond. Note that partial precincts 134 and 135 have been removed for comparison purposes:
Candidate Approved Rejected
1: Cantwell 0.8666 -0.06730
2: Hutchison 0.2207 0.92072
3: Shewmake 0.8432 -0.09333
4: Buys 0.2296 0.90866
Data table (1): Precincts ranked by school bond percentage approved.
PrecinctID Approved Rejected MariaCantwell SharonShewmake PctApproved MC_GEpct SSpct
1: 133 393 117 439 433 77 79.1 79.6
2: 137 415 133 473 467 76 79.5 78.1
3: 138 444 204 543 546 69 78.6 79.2
4: 507 396 185 287 265 68 49.1 45.3
5: 501 506 262 373 359 66 47.2 45.7
6: 503 458 234 336 326 66 47.3 45.7
7: 505 328 170 321 312 66 62.1 60.6
8: 504 461 243 373 354 65 50.7 48.2
9: 508 445 250 368 357 64 50.5 49.4
10: 502 358 212 301 279 63 51.5 47.5
11: 506 433 251 408 402 63 57.5 56.6
12: 132 312 232 293 277 57 51.5 48.9
13: 509 296 223 233 222 57 42.4 41.0
14: 121 259 200 196 183 56 40.5 38.4
15: 126 498 393 455 426 56 48.1 45.6
16: 131 394 313 316 310 56 43.1 42.4
17: 127 467 388 383 363 55 43.4 41.8
18: 129 336 301 289 284 53 43.7 43.2
19: 123 198 192 162 150 51 39.8 37.2
20: 122 199 202 150 150 50 36.6 36.6
21: 134 2 2 464 456 50 64.5 63.5
22: 111 329 340 272 265 49 38.7 37.6
23: 120 285 316 211 180 47 33.5 28.8
24: 113 244 286 203 207 46 35.6 36.6
25: 115 272 352 207 196 44 31.7 30.4
26: 114 158 229 149 141 41 37.3 35.2
27: 135 41 67 371 360 38 64.5 63.4
PrecinctID Approved Rejected MariaCantwell SharonShewmake PctApproved MC_GEpct SSpct
Click to enlarge the charts. Note that partial precincts 134 and 135 have been removed for comparison purposes. Precincts ranked by school bond percentage approved.
Data table (2): Falloff and Approved comparisons.
PrecinctID PctApproved Approved Rejected Cantwell Hutchison MCminusAppr SHminusAppr SenBondFalloff
1: 133 77 393 117 439 116 46 -277 45
2: 137 76 415 133 473 122 58 -293 47
3: 138 69 444 204 543 148 99 -296 43
4: 507 68 396 185 287 298 -109 -98 4
5: 501 66 506 262 373 417 -133 -89 22
6: 503 66 458 234 336 375 -122 -83 19
7: 505 66 328 170 321 196 -7 -132 19
8: 504 65 461 243 373 362 -88 -99 31
9: 508 64 445 250 368 360 -77 -85 33
10: 502 63 358 212 301 283 -57 -75 14
11: 506 63 433 251 408 302 -25 -131 26
12: 132 57 312 232 293 276 -19 -36 25
13: 509 57 296 223 233 316 -63 20 30
14: 121 56 259 200 196 288 -63 29 25
15: 126 56 498 393 455 490 -43 -8 54
16: 131 56 394 313 316 417 -78 23 26
17: 127 55 467 388 383 499 -84 32 27
18: 129 53 336 301 289 372 -47 36 24
19: 123 51 198 192 162 245 -36 47 17
20: 122 50 199 202 150 260 -49 61 9
21: 111 49 329 340 272 430 -57 101 33
22: 120 47 285 316 211 419 -74 134 29
23: 113 46 244 286 203 368 -41 124 41
24: 115 44 272 352 207 445 -65 173 28
25: 114 41 158 229 149 250 -9 92 12
PrecinctID PctApproved Approved Rejected Cantwell Hutchison MCminusAppr SHminusAppr SenBondFalloff
Active Voters in red for FSD split precincts as of 12/31/2017. Note that 201-2 has no active voters. 509-1 is a nearly full precinct. 134-1 and 135-2 are partial precincts.PrecinctCode 1 2 3 4 5 6 1000000000
1: 134 7 163 764 0 0 0 0
2: 135 646 159 0 0 0 0 0
3: 201 1563 0 0 0 0 0 0 # No active voters FSD
4: 509 782 6 0 0 0 0 0
Active Voters in Precincts and Precinct Parts in the Ferndale School District as of 12/31/2017.
These precincts and their parts contain active voters for this election:
PrecinctCode PrecinctPart N
1: 111 1 794
2: 111 2 156
3: 113 1000000000 724
4: 114 1000000000 550
5: 115 1000000000 866
6: 120 1000000000 808
7: 121 1000000000 637
8: 122 1000000000 552
9: 123 1000000000 548
10: 126 1000000000 1240
11: 127 2 64
12: 127 1 1069
13: 129 1000000000 843
14: 131 1000000000 974
15: 132 1000000000 741
16: 133 1 1020
17: 133 2 70
18: 133 3 7
19: 134 1 7
20: 135 2 159
21: 137 1000000000 1045
22: 138 1000000000 802
23: 501 1000000000 1029
24: 502 1000000000 816
25: 503 1000000000 906
26: 504 1000000000 1059
27: 505 1000000000 764
28: 506 1000000000 1035
29: 507 1000000000 820
30: 508 1000000000 1129
31: 509 1 782
PrecinctCode PrecinctPart N
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