42nd LD
[1] "2018-11-27 11:25:57 PST"
[1] "Returned Status"
fread("WM_11.26.2018.txt")[PrecinctID %in% p42,.N,.(VBMReturnStatus)][order(-N)]
VBMReturnStatus N
1: Good 73718
2: 22777
3: Void 1788
4: Undeliverable 826
5: Challenged 246
[1] "Returned Challenges"
fread("WM_11.26.2018.txt")[PrecinctID %in% p42,.N,.(VBMReturnChallenge)][order(-N)]
VBMReturnChallenge N
1: 99109
2: Too Late 117
3: No Signature Match 55
4: Second Ballot Received 29
5: Letter doesn't match env. 27
6: No Ballot 8
7: No Signature 7
8: Cancelled/Moved out of election 2
9: ID Required 1
Whatcom County
[1] "2018-11-27 11:25:49 PST"[1] "Returned Status"
VBMReturnStatus N
1: Good 110457
2: 31583
3: Void 2961
4: Undeliverable 1422
5: Challenged 533
[1] "Returned Challenges"
VBMReturnChallenge N
1: 146423
2: No Signature Match 218
3: Too Late 192
4: Second Ballot Received 44
5: Letter doesn't match env. 34
6: No Signature 27
7: No Ballot 9
8: ID Required 6
9: Cancelled/Moved out of election 2
10: Wrong Voter's Signature 1
"Party Projections based on GE 2018 precinct pct for Clinton + Stein:"
Total D R110429 64202 46108
CountyCode Total D R
WM 110427 64201 46107
LD Total D R
40 36726 26989 9618
42 73701 37212 36489
CD Total D R
1 55601 23332 32149
2 54827 40869 13959
LD CD Total D R
40 1 2634 1443 1072
42 1 52966 21889 31076
40 2 34092 25546 8546
42 2 20735 15323 5413
LD CountyCode Total D R
40 WM 36726 26989 9618
42 WM 73701 37212 36489
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