This is our last dance
This is ourselves under pressure
Under pressure
This is ourselves under pressure
Under pressure
David Bowie from "Under Pressure"
I have heard from third party reports of those who attended the Friday Canvassing Board meeting that the Auditor wants the rest of the challenged ballots in ASAP. This week, Thursday and Friday are the Thanksgiving Holiday. Certification is Tuesday November 27th. Check to make sure your ballot has been accepted for tabulation and/or call Elections and/or talk with your political parties. Additionally, if the Auditor/Elections has sent you any mail or left phone messages, make sure to respond ASAP. Matchback reports below the break.
LD 42nd matchbacks for the evening of 11/16/2018:
[1] "2018-11-16 16:58:23 PST"
[1] "Returned Status"
fread("WM_11.16.2018.txt")[PrecinctID %in% p42,.N,.(VBMReturnStatus)][order(-N)]
VBMReturnStatus N
1: Good 73560 # "Good" Ballots
2: 23455 # Not Returned
3: Void 1922 # Void ballots from Cured Challenges
4: Challenged 385 # Remaining Challenged
[1] "Returned Challenges"
fread("WM_11.16.2018.txt")[PrecinctID %in% p42,.N,.(VBMReturnChallenge)][order(-N)]
VBMReturnChallenge N
1: 98937
2: No Signature Match 179
3: Too Late 114
4: Second Ballot Received 27
5: Letter doesn't match env. 27
6: No Signature 22
7: No Ballot 10
8: Cancelled/Moved out of election 2
9: ID Required 2
10: Wrong Voter's Signature 2
All Whatcom County matchbacks (LD 40 and LD 42) for the evening of 11/16/2018:
[1] "2018-11-16 16:58:21 PST"
[1] "Returned Status"
VBMReturnStatus N
1: Good 110216
2: 32707
3: Void 3244
4: Challenged 743
[1] "Returned Challenges"
VBMReturnChallenge N
1: 146167
2: No Signature Match 397
3: Too Late 185
4: No Signature 60
5: Second Ballot Received 42
6: Letter doesn't match env. 29
7: ID Required 14
8: No Ballot 11
9: Wrong Voter's Signature 3
10: Cancelled/Moved out of election 2
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