In the table below, we can see combined GE 2016 results for Clinton+Stein (CS) or Trump+Johnson (TJ) and Primary 2018 results for MariaCantwell (MC) or SusanHutchison (SH). Skagit 10 (light blue), Whatcom 42-2 (dark blue) and 40th LD (yellow) are critical for Democrat success in the four county area. In reality, only WM 40-2, WM 42-2, SK 40-1 and SJ 40-2 are sure bets for 'blue' in a heavy turnout GE. This makes LD 40 + WM 42-2 (North Bellingham) the liberal anchors in a four county area that could turn red with a stronger Republican turnout. This helps put the "double Mike P." strategy in perspective. Petrish and Peetoom can't really beat Lekanoff and Frazey, but they can help Seguine (R) beat Hazelrigg-Hernandez (D) and also help the 42LD Rs in their customary cruise over the 42LD Ds. No votes can be taken for granted in this year's four county election that mostly pits middle-aged Republican men versus progressive Democratic women. The primary went mostly to the Democrats in Whatcom County. However, turnout is likely to resemble GE 2016 this November due to the new stampless ballot and an unruly, "hyper energized" electorate now chafing at their electoral bits nationwide! Let the balloting begin!
CD LD County CS TJ MC SH StatusGE StatusPRI
1: 1 42 WM 21683 30582 11763 11655 Light Red Light Blue
2: 2 10 IS 21767 20784 13552 7612 Light Blue Dark Blue
3: 2 40 WM 25079 8355 12810 2997 Dark Blue Dark Blue
4: 2 42 WM 14828 5266 8181 1742 Dark Blue Dark Blue
5: 2 40 SK 9925 8994 6013 3135 Light Blue Dark Blue
6: 2 40 SJ 7639 3090 4780 1197 Dark Blue Dark Blue
7: 2 10 SK 4843 4592 2913 1749 Light Blue Dark Blue
8: 1 10 SK 3909 3704 2270 1295 Light Blue Dark Blue
9: 1 40 SK 4129 3354 1862 935 Light Blue Dark Blue
10: 2 39 SK 2547 3637 1385 1074 Light Red Light Blue
11: 1 39 SK 2283 3441 1374 1046 Dark Red Light Blue
12: 1 40 WM 1487 1117 811 474 Light Blue Dark Blue
This data looks at the four counties for GE 2018: "WM","SK","IS","SJ". The Counties,Legislative Districts and Congressional District boundaries are the same between GE 2016 and Primary 2018. The Precincts have changed in some cases. I do not account for precinct changes here. Effectively, the four counties covers our Appellate Court 3 race, LD 40 races and LD 42nd races. For the collected four counties, I have these totals:
GE2016 Primary 2018
Clinton+Stein Trump+Johnson MariaCantwell SusanHutchison
119754 96651 67714 34911
For these races the Primary 2018 totals here are less than half GE2016 totals:
(Cantwell + Hutchison) / (Clinton+Stein + Trump+Johnson)
[1] 0.4742266
The 49 LDs have a mean of about 87K. The 10 CDs have a mean of about 428K. However LDs 10,40, and 42 each have over 95 registered,active voters now:
[1] 87287.57
[1] 427709.8
v1[LegislativeDistrict %in% c(10,40,42),.N,.(LegislativeDistrict)]
LegislativeDistrict N
1: 10 97933
2: 40 92690
3: 42 95648
Here's how the LDs divide up with CD1 and CD2:
v1[LegislativeDistrict == 10,.N,.(CongressionalDistrict)]
CongressionalDistrict N
1: 2 84798
2: 1 13135
v1[LegislativeDistrict == 40,.N,.(CongressionalDistrict)]
CongressionalDistrict N
1: 2 78763
2: 1 13927
v1[LegislativeDistrict == 42,.N,.(CongressionalDistrict)]
CongressionalDistrict N
1: 1 69634
2: 2 26014
The LD/County combinations (e.g. 'LCC') of registered, active voters for September 2018 ranked by population are below. Notice the LD/County splits for WM and SK. Only IS and SJ are single county/LD populations.
v1[CountyCode %in% CC,.N,.(CountyCode,CongressionalDistrict,LCC)][order(-N)]
CountyCode CongressionalDistrict LCC N
1: WM 1 42-WM 69634
2: IS 2 10-IS 55198
3: WM 2 40-WM 41015
4: WM 2 42-WM 26014
5: SK 2 40-SK 24574
6: SJ 2 40-SJ 13174
7: SK 2 10-SK 12016
8: SK 1 40-SK 10714
9: SK 1 10-SK 10042
10: SK 2 39-SK 8884
11: SK 1 39-SK 8322
12: WM 1 40-WM 3213
LD/CD splits can have separate political bias. As an example, 42-WM is split into CD-1 (conservative) and CD-2(liberal):
LD County CongressionalDistrict N
1: 42 WM 1 69634 # more conservative
2: 42 WM 2 26014 # more liberal
These are the four county LD/Count/CD splits by active registered voters as September. See the map above to see how it all divides up. Remember, the four counties have parts of CD1, CD2, LD39. LDs 10,40,42 fit wholly within the four county borders.
v1[CountyCode %in% CC,.N,.(CountyCode,CongressionalDistrict,LegislativeDistrict,LCC)][
CountyCode CongressionalDistrict LegislativeDistrict LCC N
1: WM 1 42 42-WM 69634
2: IS 2 10 10-IS 55198
3: WM 2 40 40-WM 41015
4: WM 2 42 42-WM 26014
5: SK 2 40 40-SK 24574
6: SJ 2 40 40-SJ 13174
7: SK 2 10 10-SK 12016
8: SK 1 40 40-SK 10714
9: SK 1 10 10-SK 10042
10: SK 2 39 39-SK 8884
11: SK 1 39 39-SK 8322
12: WM 1 40 40-WM 3213
2016 GE Results:
CS = Clinton + Stein
TJ = Trump + Johnson
m4[CS/(CS+TJ) > .6,StatusGE:="Dark Blue"]
m4[CS/(CS+TJ) > .5 & CS/(CS+TJ) < .6,StatusGE:="Light Blue"]
m4[CS/(CS+TJ) < .5 & CS/(CS+TJ) > .4, StatusGE:="Light Red"]
m4[CS/(CS+TJ) < .4,StatusGE:="Dark Red"]
2018 Primary Results
MC = Maria Cantwell
SH = Susan Hutchison
m4[MC/(MC+SH) > .6,StatusPRI:="Dark Blue"]
m4[MC/(MC+SH) > .5 & MC/(MC+SH) < .6,StatusPRI:="Light Blue"]
m4[MC/(MC+SH) < .5 & MC/(MC+SH) > .4, StatusPRI:="Light Red"]
m4[MC/(MC+SH) < .4,StatusPRI:="Dark Red"]
Remember: Primary 2018 had less than half the turnout of GE 2016.
CD LD County CS TJ MC SH StatusGE StatusPRI
1: 1 42 WM 21683 30582 11763 11655 Light Red Light Blue
2: 2 10 IS 21767 20784 13552 7612 Light Blue Dark Blue
3: 2 40 WM 25079 8355 12810 2997 Dark Blue Dark Blue
4: 2 42 WM 14828 5266 8181 1742 Dark Blue Dark Blue
5: 2 40 SK 9925 8994 6013 3135 Light Blue Dark Blue
6: 2 40 SJ 7639 3090 4780 1197 Dark Blue Dark Blue
7: 2 10 SK 4843 4592 2913 1749 Light Blue Dark Blue
8: 1 10 SK 3909 3704 2270 1295 Light Blue Dark Blue
9: 1 40 SK 4129 3354 1862 935 Light Blue Dark Blue
10: 2 39 SK 2547 3637 1385 1074 Light Red Light Blue
11: 1 39 SK 2283 3441 1374 1046 Dark Red Light Blue
12: 1 40 WM 1487 1117 811 474 Light Blue Dark Blue
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