- Online registration / Address Change deadline: Oct 8th # deadline passed
- Ballots Mailed Whatcom County : Oct 17
- Start of 18 day Election Period for WA State: Oct 19
- Election Date : Nov 6
This is the new "stampless ballot". Drop boxes for Whatcom County can be found here. The WA Dems produced a drop box map for all of WA here. These deadlines and other information can be seen at http://www.whatcomcounty.us/1732/Current-Election (Whatcom County) and at https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections (WA SOS). In general, WA requires registration at a specific address 29 days before the election. New laws take effect in June of 2019. See RCW 29A.08.140 @ http://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=29A.08.140. For further questions about your registration status in Whatcom County, please visit myvote.wa.gov or contact Whatcom County Elections. For election offices in the four county area, please see these links for Whatcom, Skagit, Island, San Juan counties. More numbers and details after the break...
Whatcom County and specifically Bellingham have large rental and student populations, but all counties have some apartments and mobile populations. In general, my advice to students, renters and others who want to vote in Whatcom County is to update their addresses @ myvote.wa.gov when they find permanent housing here in the fall. This must be done before Ocober 8th, 2018 for this year. If students who moved away for the summer did not update their addresses, it is quite possible their status has been marked as inactive because of an 'undeliverable ballot' from the fall primary. The WA SOS notes that if you miss this deadline, you can still vote. Please see "Dates and Deadlines" from the WA SOS here or call your local elections office here.
The top precincts most effected by this type of deactivation are almost exclusively known rental and student precincts in Bellingham. Many of these precincts are near the WWU campus.
MB_[AVReturnStatus == "Undeliverable",.N,.(PrecinctID)][order(-N)][1:15]
PrecinctID N
1: 253 83
2: 247 75
3: 246 62
4: 231 46
5: 229 44
6: 225 40
7: 226 40
8: 248 36
9: 228 36
10: 230 35
11: 504 35
12: 208 34
13: 257 33
14: 258 30
15: 263 29
One can calculate the "flux rate" of the entire WA State voterdb at about ~600K each year. This means approx 300K voters both leave and enter the WA voter database year over year:
[For the period July 2017 to August 2018:]
# Registrations active 6/17 but not active 8/18
[1] 291423
# Registrations not active 6/17 but active 8/18
[1] 327400
Although many people do come and go to and from WA State, a certain percentage of this flux is due to residents simply forgetting to update their changed address at myvote.wa.gov. One way of looking at this type of voter movement is "in county" change of precincts year over year by voters who remained active. By top ten Counties for registered voters by "in county" precinct changes for the period July 2017 to August 2018:
CountyCode InCountyMoves Registered
1: KI 146376 1250638
2: PI 41203 491698
3: SN 40551 453295
4: SP 29970 309089
5: CR 28944 279019
6: KP 14845 166534
7: TH 14144 179888
8: WM 10991 140666
9: BE 9406 107296
10: YA 9366 115507
myvote.wa.gov Check Registration, Change Address, Preview Ballothttps://www.sos.wa.gov/elections WA Elections
https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/calendar.aspx WA Elections Calendar
http://www.whatcomcounty.us/1732/Current-Election Whatcom County Current Election
http://www.whatcomcounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/36733/11062018-Sample-Ballot Whatcom County Sample Ballot
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