Voter Histories for Primary 2018 are due first week in September and will allow for Primary 2018 to be incorporated into this post. The tables below want a wide screen. Gender is a such a widespread and binary classifier that understanding it's significance in terms of blue/red, young/old, white/POC appears difficult. That women register and vote more than men is an easy insight. Who women vote for in what counties and why they vote is more difficult.
To give a simple example relevant to the 2018 midterms: It is possible that the new stampless ballot could increase conservative votes among women of low motility and busy schedules in red counties. There is some evidence that partisanship of gender is more clearly defined when gender is considered as a function of location, age, religion, race, class, income, party allegiance and education levels. Peering into a wide scale 'binary classifier' like gender and gender's relationship to other electoral co-variants is proving to be more that a weekend's task. The tables below want a wide screen.
It is important to concentrate on relevant statistics. Women outnumber men among registered voters in WA State:
Gender Count
1: Male 2037855
2: Female 2212194
3: Unknown 10846
If we look at the "LastVoted" field in the August VRDB (active only) grouped by Gender we see women "outvoting" men in every category but those who have no "LastVote":
LastVoted F M U
1: 08/07/2018 923225 824432 2968
2: 11/08/2016 501485 442435 2150
3: 284125 306161 4220
4: 11/07/2017 129252 121454 464
5: 02/13/2018 107158 93998 445
6: 11/06/2012 54931 51405 63
7: 04/24/2018 34114 29916 23
8: 08/01/2017 31293 27221 154
9: 02/14/2017 21506 18033 95
10: 11/04/2008 16528 15170 20
But please notice the the second and third largest groups above are those that last voted in GE2016 and those that have no record of voting. Notice also that 25.4% of the current active voter database have "last voted" only in the last three Presidential elections:
LastVoted N
1: 11/08/2016 946070
2: 11/06/2012 106399
3: 11/04/2008 31718
1084187/4260895 = 0.25445
If we look at last year voted (active voters September VRDB) by Gender divided 'greater than or equal to' 50 (e.g >= 50) and 'less than 50' (e.g. > 50), we see big difference in the ages groups of those who have 'last voted' in 2018 and those who have not. We also large overhangs of 'last year voted'= = 2016 for both genders but especially those less than 50.
LYV Female50GTE Female50LT Male50GTE Male50LT
1: 2018 718920 343699 638732 308017
2: 2016 207823 313440 183614 278760
3: 2017 90525 93832 83099 85827
4: NA 61033 238443 61480 260146
5: 2012 21219 35746 19283 34522
Regardless of Gender, the bulk of the 1.7M primary votes were cast by those over 50. Many 2016 and 2017 voters will vote in GE 2018. But how many?
LYV All_50GTE All_50LT
1: 2018 1359428 653389
2: 2016 392161 593725
3: 2017 173914 180117
4: NA 123634 502283
5: 2012 40523 70316
The table two paragraphs below looks at currently active voters and their voting histories in 2017 and 2018 for Primary 2017, General Election or Primary 2018 only. These are blocks of voting groups segmented by their voting histories. A sample of the raw data looks like this:
Gender Age PRI2017 GE2017 PRI2018
1: M 53 0 0 1
2: F 61 0 0 0
3: M 78 0 0 0
4: F 47 0 1 1
5: F 36 0 0 1
Elections Female Male Fpct Mpct
1: 1059498 1003486 51.36 48.64
2: PRI2018 246778 222565 52.58 47.42
3: GE2017 128077 121352 51.35 48.65
4: GE2017.PRI2018 244116 225840 51.94 48.06
5: PRI2017 40716 35003 53.77 46.23
6: PRI2017.PRI2018 49312 41039 54.58 45.42
7: PRI2017.GE2017 60675 53576 53.11 46.89
8: PRI2017.GE2017.PRI2018 383022 334994 53.34 46.66
These are Whatcom County Totals for Mail vs. Dropbox
Notice the increase in mail totals vs the decrease in drop total. GE2017 and PRI2018 had roughly the same number of votes.
Type Pri2017 GE2017 Pri2018
1: MailTotal 13099 19177 31054
2: DropTotal 22035 46778 35209
3: MailGood 10751 17048 27642
4: DropGood 21928 46558 35065
WA voter active and registered for the previous five years.
Year Female Male Unknown Total pctF pctM pctU
1: 2014 2048184 1872884 2277 3923345 52.2 47.7 0.1
2: 2015 2072658 1897010 2651 3972319 52.2 47.8 0.1
3: 2016 2224698 2042803 8990 4276491 52.0 47.8 0.2
4: 2017 2215647 2039814 9314 4264775 52.0 47.8 0.2
5: 2018 2232141 2056350 10904 4299395 51.9 47.8 0.3
Taken from Collection of ~15M voter histories from ~4.8M voters from 2014 - 2018 . These are active and once active voters from VRDB voter histories before the Primary 2018:
Election Female Male Unknown FminusM FdivMF FdiffMF
1: 2015-02-10 153839 133103 251 20736 53.6 7.22: 2015-04-06 78 65 1 13 54.5 9.0
3: 2015-04-28 233624 206687 153 26937 53.1 6.2
4: 2015-08-04 407243 352293 392 54950 53.6 7.2
5: 2015-11-03 755260 682315 880 72945 52.5 5.0
6: 2016-02-09 372580 324207 606 48373 53.5 7.0
7: 2016-04-04 55 43 0 12 56.1 12.2
8: 2016-04-26 162157 141572 128 20585 53.4 6.8
9: 2016-05-24 735603 608070 1543 127533 54.7 9.4
10: 2016-08-02 722975 633278 1289 89697 53.3 6.6
11: 2016-11-08 1677072 1485433 5270 191639 53.0 6.0
12: 2017-02-14 162439 140334 565 22105 53.7 7.4
13: 2017-04-17 178 139 0 39 56.2 12.4
14: 2017-04-25 65404 55448 373 9956 54.1 8.2
15: 2017-08-01 538272 468729 1327 69543 53.5 7.0
16: 2017-11-07 821959 741396 2110 80563 52.6 5.2
17: 2018-02-13 473456 416577 1483 56879 53.2 6.4
18: No History
Current WA voter database (active status) by 'Generations':
GTEAge LTAge Male Female MaleMeanAge FemaleMeanAge MaleMedianAge FemaleMedianAge
1: 18 38 620563 656464 28.64927 28.70344 29 29
2: 38 58 690152 729129 47.70612 47.69196 48 48
3: 58 78 621679 685044 66.27935 66.31080 66 66
4: 78 98 122893 158515 83.43901 84.22610 82 83
5: 98 118 1059 2987 99.73088 99.75226 99 99
GE 2016 County based M/F Correlations from Precinct Results. These are actually Clinton-Stein/Trump-Johnson Female/Male correlations. The GE2016 Results are merged with a current VRDB (July 2018) for gender and precincts.
2: 38 58 690152 729129 47.70612 47.69196 48 48
3: 58 78 621679 685044 66.27935 66.31080 66 66
4: 78 98 122893 158515 83.43901 84.22610 82 83
5: 98 118 1059 2987 99.73088 99.75226 99 99
GE 2016 County based M/F Correlations from Precinct Results. These are actually Clinton-Stein/Trump-Johnson Female/Male correlations. The GE2016 Results are merged with a current VRDB (July 2018) for gender and precincts.
sc Clinton-Female Clinton-Male Trump-Female Trump-Male
1: AD 0.948 0.758 0.902 0.826
2: AS 0.926 0.873 0.894 0.930
3: BE 0.918 0.948 0.900 0.961
4: CH 0.910 0.936 0.893 0.940
5: CM 0.924 0.876 0.880 0.903
6: CR 0.760 0.692 0.729 0.736
7: CU 0.837 0.897 0.791 0.934
8: CZ 0.864 0.704 0.819 0.775
9: DG 0.945 0.950 0.933 0.968
10: FE 0.742 0.794 0.565 0.927
11: FR 0.681 0.676 0.666 0.709
12: GA 0.955 0.965 0.949 0.973
13: GR 0.864 0.871 0.860 0.899
14: GY 0.937 0.937 0.928 0.942
15: IS 0.760 0.577 0.640 0.715
16: JE 0.884 0.612 0.812 0.723
17: KI 0.661 0.557 0.674 0.525
18: KP 0.677 0.775 0.614 0.825
19: KS 0.865 0.907 0.807 0.942
20: KT 0.831 0.896 0.829 0.900
21: LE 0.949 0.944 0.911 0.968
22: LI 0.976 0.995 0.979 0.995
23: MA 0.932 0.938 0.923 0.975
24: OK 0.718 0.517 0.691 0.629
25: PA 0.983 0.971 0.974 0.984
26: PE 0.906 0.940 0.877 0.968
27: PI 0.850 0.737 0.808 0.789
28: SJ 0.985 0.944 0.989 0.932
29: SK 0.892 0.889 0.865 0.920
30: SM 0.865 0.908 0.860 0.947
31: SN 0.820 0.747 0.781 0.799
32: SP 0.680 0.569 0.612 0.641
33: ST 0.866 0.936 0.827 0.964
34: TH 0.778 0.786 0.731 0.828
35: WK 0.839 0.917 0.772 0.944
36: WL 0.897 0.897 0.872 0.919
37: WM 0.619 0.412 0.578 0.474
38: WT 0.923 0.820 0.926 0.816
39: YA 0.853 0.668 0.788 0.730
sc Clinton-Female Clinton-Male Trump-Female Trump-Male
1: AD 0.948 0.758 0.902 0.826
2: AS 0.926 0.873 0.894 0.930
3: BE 0.918 0.948 0.900 0.961
4: CH 0.910 0.936 0.893 0.940
5: CM 0.924 0.876 0.880 0.903
6: CR 0.760 0.692 0.729 0.736
7: CU 0.837 0.897 0.791 0.934
8: CZ 0.864 0.704 0.819 0.775
9: DG 0.945 0.950 0.933 0.968
10: FE 0.742 0.794 0.565 0.927
11: FR 0.681 0.676 0.666 0.709
12: GA 0.955 0.965 0.949 0.973
13: GR 0.864 0.871 0.860 0.899
14: GY 0.937 0.937 0.928 0.942
15: IS 0.760 0.577 0.640 0.715
16: JE 0.884 0.612 0.812 0.723
17: KI 0.661 0.557 0.674 0.525
18: KP 0.677 0.775 0.614 0.825
19: KS 0.865 0.907 0.807 0.942
20: KT 0.831 0.896 0.829 0.900
21: LE 0.949 0.944 0.911 0.968
22: LI 0.976 0.995 0.979 0.995
23: MA 0.932 0.938 0.923 0.975
24: OK 0.718 0.517 0.691 0.629
25: PA 0.983 0.971 0.974 0.984
26: PE 0.906 0.940 0.877 0.968
27: PI 0.850 0.737 0.808 0.789
28: SJ 0.985 0.944 0.989 0.932
29: SK 0.892 0.889 0.865 0.920
30: SM 0.865 0.908 0.860 0.947
31: SN 0.820 0.747 0.781 0.799
32: SP 0.680 0.569 0.612 0.641
33: ST 0.866 0.936 0.827 0.964
34: TH 0.778 0.786 0.731 0.828
35: WK 0.839 0.917 0.772 0.944
36: WL 0.897 0.897 0.872 0.919
37: WM 0.619 0.412 0.578 0.474
38: WT 0.923 0.820 0.926 0.816
39: YA 0.853 0.668 0.788 0.730
sc Clinton-Female Clinton-Male Trump-Female Trump-Male
Added a Correlation Chart
Click on this chart to enlarge. The 10 (top) counties in the chart make up ~80% or more of WA's state registered voters. It appears that the more blue your county, the tighter and higher the correlations between presidential candidates and men and women in GE2016. The converse appears to be true for red. I am picking up a rural/urban split here: the more denser counties have bluer votes and less significant difference between gender correlations. The redder counties have male/female votes with a greater spread between the correlations of the number of votes by gender and blue/red candidates. To be honest, I don't have the math chops to understand if my data has any real significance or whether I am just seeing irrelevant patterns. Gender may not be a strong macro scale predictor in WA state. It may have significance inside smaller segmentation (e.g. precinct groups).Chart of Top Ten Counties Primary 2018
These are Voting History charts from the Primary 2018 vote for Maria Cantwell (D) and Susan Hutchison (R) and of Female and Males votes for Primary 2018. King County is so large and so liberal it votes like a separate entity from the rest of WA counties. Among the other top nine counties, King, Thurston, Whatcom, and Kitsap have the heavy Maria Cantwell vote (top blue bar) that outdistances the female vote (second blue bar) which is probably indicative of strong male support for Cantwell. Counties like Pierce, Snohomish, Benton ,Yakima appear to have greater support for Hutchison and female votes appear to exceed those who voted for Cantwell . This probably indicative of stronger female support for Hutchison. Click to enlarge charts.
Contrary 2016 Precincts
Table 1 contains precincts dominated by female voters, but votes overwhelmingly for Trump or Johnson. Table 2 contains precincts dominated by male voters, but votes overwhelmingly for Clinton or Stein.
Table 1
StateCode CS TJ F M pctF pctCS
1: OK_203 25 73 97 44 0.6879433 0.2551020
2: WL_68 24 63 63 39 0.6176471 0.2758621
3: CU_103 62 137 147 97 0.6024590 0.3115578
4: FR_47 10 20 26 13 0.6666667 0.3333333
5: BE_1676 196 378 421 272 0.6075036 0.3414634
6: LE_206 187 347 428 280 0.6045198 0.3501873
7: LE_112 226 403 532 310 0.6318290 0.3593005
8: CH_100 4 7 10 6 0.6250000 0.3636364
9: YA_142 141 227 303 181 0.6260331 0.3831522
10: YA_307 18 27 44 29 0.6027397 0.4000000
11: OK_214 27 40 60 35 0.6315789 0.4029851
12: SP_7036 230 309 413 250 0.6229261 0.4267161
13: KI_3517 100 133 300 172 0.6355932 0.4291845
14: SN_23811572 131 173 489 287 0.6301546 0.4309211
15: OK_147 25 33 45 28 0.6164384 0.4310345
16: YA_139 312 405 614 328 0.6518047 0.4351464
17: OK_107 24 31 43 23 0.6515152 0.4363636
18: OK_108 35 42 64 37 0.6336634 0.4545455
Table 2
StateCode CS TJ F M pctF pctCS
1: KI_3416 300 74 133 421 0.2400722 0.8021390
2: KI_2987 208 51 205 330 0.3831776 0.8030888
3: KI_1823 83 19 59 116 0.3371429 0.8137255
4: KI_568 57 13 36 56 0.3913043 0.8142857
5: KI_2081 161 32 139 250 0.3573265 0.8341969
6: KI_3497 389 75 224 394 0.3624595 0.8383621
7: KI_3665 417 78 265 419 0.3874269 0.8424242
8: KI_1975 120 22 126 195 0.3925234 0.8450704
9: KI_2089 170 29 108 211 0.3385580 0.8542714
10: KI_3647 229 31 152 402 0.2743682 0.8807692
11: KI_1928 229 26 144 221 0.3945205 0.8980392
12: KI_3571 286 29 209 341 0.3800000 0.9079365
13: KI_2549 558 50 296 471 0.3859192 0.9177632
14: KI_2852 444 37 219 331 0.3981818 0.9230769
15: KI_1860 786 51 314 493 0.3890954 0.9390681
16: KI_1847 511 27 256 398 0.3914373 0.9498141
17: KI_2541 260 11 122 208 0.3696970 0.9594096
18: KI_1859 497 20 244 385 0.3879173 0.9613153
Statistical Concepts
A 'Correlation Coefficient' is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two sets of data. The 'Pearson correlation coefficient' is defined as the covariance of X,Y over the product of the standard deviations of X,Y. The base R language correlation coefficient function is 'cor'. 'Cor' returns a data point between 1 : -1. For practical usage:
1 = absolute correlation
0 = no correlation
-1 = absolute negative correlations
There are no universally agreed upon definitions for the strength of correlations, only generally accepted guidelines. Correlation coefficient functions produces a statistical measure that shows the mathematical strength of a numerical relationship. An oft repeated warning is "Correlation does not imply Causation". All that being said, covariance and correlation are some the best measures of relationships between linear data. The Pearson correlation coefficient normalizes covariance with standard deviation .
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