All WA LDs: Active Registrants, Max Candidate LD Vote 2016, Trump+Johnson,Clinton+Stein. Click to Enlarge. |
The post below the break describes current and historical Legislative District registration levels as of July 1, 2018. Click to enlarge the charts.
WA Voterdb has steadily climbed since February. |
1: January 4229516
2: February 4219632
3: March 4235701
4: April 4240270
5: May 4256754
6: June 4279441
Year Active
1: 2014 3923345
2: 2015 3972319
3: 2016 4276491
4: 2017 4264775
5: 2018 4279441 # Through June
GE2016 created an extensive increase in WA Voterdb Registration: ~300K. Registration Rolls have remained at this higher level since 2016. |
LD registration counts differ widely. Some LDs show a historical growth pattern. Many do not. Click to enlarge the chart. See also table below. |
Latest SOS WA counts can be found here: Latest LD GIS data can be found here: Data below is taken from General Election VRDB except as noted:
LD x2014 x2015 x2016 x2017 LD June2018
1: 1 88226 89298 95852 94998 1 93879
2: 2 81261 83749 89630 91362 2 90849
3: 3 71514 72814 78551 76610 3 77605
4: 4 85637 87709 95203 94483 4 96384
5: 5 91875 93630 98466 98947 5 98841
6: 6 84461 86088 92340 90590 6 92005
7: 7 86865 88511 92864 92270 7 93057
8: 8 79042 79165 86723 84750 8 85718
9: 9 68593 68406 74250 74598 9 75263
10: 10 89400 90798 97248 97263 10 96998
11: 11 70191 70967 77126 76992 11 78008
12: 12 72367 73350 78769 79178 12 79346
13: 13 63830 64257 70388 70031 13 69849
14: 14 72423 73806 77315 77781 14 77616
15: 15 53973 55472 58309 58589 15 58585
16: 16 64078 64690 68601 68408 16 68975
17: 17 77643 78168 86160 85691 17 87239
18: 18 87901 89072 96827 96855 18 97988
19: 19 75123 76370 80449 80871 19 81600
20: 20 82282 82121 87753 88030 20 88846
21: 21 77414 78670 86370 85298 21 84518
22: 22 89726 91741 98774 97492 22 98599
23: 23 87090 86172 93329 92218 23 93185
24: 24 89437 91398 96951 97501 24 99208
25: 25 77950 79890 86052 85929 25 85031
26: 26 86559 86978 93748 93568 26 94139
27: 27 75355 77893 85043 84318 27 83745
28: 28 73347 74454 81132 81074 28 80442
29: 29 61529 63392 69964 70112 29 69771
30: 30 66719 67229 73513 73445 30 72539
31: 31 83262 84729 91035 91975 31 91891
32: 32 84016 84242 90354 89465 32 89195
33: 33 65871 66574 71924 71774 33 71075
34: 34 89088 90941 97681 98433 34 99174
35: 35 85208 85650 91379 91427 35 92288
36: 36 102291 103669 112395 112189 36 112704
37: 37 81262 81954 90388 91135 37 92310
38: 38 70773 71202 77512 77041 38 77330
39: 39 79560 80377 85954 86333 39 87190
40: 40 84760 87020 92735 92518 40 92852
41: 41 90333 90508 94992 94580 41 93675
42: 42 85907 87866 94778 94064 42 94777
43: 43 95239 94854 105696 105565 43 106124
44: 44 86163 87239 94541 93786 44 93332
45: 45 88110 88641 93205 92606 45 92274
46: 46 95136 95300 101447 101635 46 101203
47: 47 74454 75201 80647 81251 47 80980
48: 48 75276 75236 79844 79223 48 78230
49: 49 74775 74842 82248 80507 49 82996
LD x2014 x2015 x2016 x2017 LD x2018
"2018" CVAP Data (see posts Part I , Part II) has a 90% confidence interval for estimates. Click to enlarge chart. See table below. |
LD x2018 CVAP_EST_Total PCT_CVAP_Registered
Min. : 1 Min. : 58585 Min. : 73210 Min. :70.8
1st Qu.:13 1st Qu.: 79346 1st Qu.: 98610 1st Qu.:80.6
Median :25 Median : 89195 Median :103285 Median :85.2
Mean :25 Mean : 87335 Mean :102205 Mean :85.3
3rd Qu.:37 3rd Qu.: 93879 3rd Qu.:107330 3rd Qu.:89.8
Max. :49 Max. :112704 Max. :124590 Max. :99.3
LD x2018 CVAP_EST_Total PCT_CVAP_Registered
1: 1 93879 104140 90.1
2: 2 90849 103285 88.0
3: 3 77605 102835 75.5
4: 4 96384 106110 90.8
5: 5 98841 103175 95.8
6: 6 92005 109075 84.4
7: 7 93057 106365 87.5
8: 8 85718 100745 85.1
9: 9 75263 101105 74.4
10: 10 96998 108020 89.8
11: 11 78008 92470 84.4
12: 12 79346 95490 83.1
13: 13 69849 90330 77.3
14: 14 77616 94025 82.5
15: 15 58585 73210 80.0
16: 16 68975 87610 78.7
17: 17 87239 99920 87.3
18: 18 97988 103225 94.9
19: 19 81600 102395 79.7
20: 20 88846 104695 84.9
21: 21 84518 103470 81.7
22: 22 98599 109165 90.3
23: 23 93185 109270 85.3
24: 24 99208 111430 89.0
25: 25 85031 101460 83.8
26: 26 94139 107810 87.3
27: 27 83745 105425 79.4
28: 28 80442 103950 77.4
29: 29 69771 98610 70.8
30: 30 72539 95860 75.7
31: 31 91891 105005 87.5
32: 32 89195 104880 85.0
33: 33 71075 91505 77.7
34: 34 99174 107345 92.4
35: 35 92288 108555 85.0
36: 36 112704 121920 92.4
37: 37 92310 107440 85.9
38: 38 77330 99700 77.6
39: 39 87190 106150 82.1
40: 40 92852 108035 85.9
41: 41 93675 94355 99.3
42: 42 94777 103305 91.7
43: 43 106124 124590 85.2
44: 44 93332 101915 91.6
45: 45 92274 97140 95.0
46: 46 101203 107330 94.3
47: 47 80980 93795 86.3
48: 48 78230 87405 89.5
49: 49 82996 102990 80.6
LD x2018 CVAP_EST_Total PCT_CVAP_Registered
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