Update 7:01 PM 8/21/2018
The WC Primary election has been certified. 62,707 "Good Votes" were tabulated, making this the largest primary in the history of Whatcom County. By comparison, GE 2017 had 63,606 "Good Votes" so this primary is comparable in participation to last year's general election. It is suspected by some of us that the "stampless ballot" and a polarized, vitrolic political climate contributed much to this turnout. I suspect we can look for an 85K - 90K turnout for what will be a heavily contested GE 2018 on November 6th. The midterm is currently 77 days from today Tuesday, August 21, 2018. 2,786 ballots were returned "undeliverable". If you didn't receive a ballot this election, you probably forgot to change your address when moved. It is probable you will shortly be made an inactive voter. To remedy this, please use myvote.wa.gov to update your address or call you local election office.
AVReturnStatus N
1: Good 62707
2: Not Voted 73719
3: Challenged 702
4: Void 655
5: Undeliverable 2786 # If you didn't get your ballot: myvote.wa.gov
Unresolved Challenges included:
2: Too Late 438
3: No Signature Match 180
4: No Signature 32
Update 11:45 AM 8/11/2018
This update is probably the last until certification. 62,460 good ballots have been counted. The largest challenges to ballots are:
Too Late 361
No Signature Match 313
No Signature 63
"Too Late" is not "curable". The 373 signature issues are likely curable. Although Whatcom County elections will try to contact you with instructions if your ballot is challenged, the voter can check myvote.wa.gov to check your "Ballot Status". If so, contact Whatcom County Elections as necessary.
Update 8:09 AM 8/10/2018
As of last night, 61,224 ballots have been counted for this primary. 62,456 good ballots have been received and at least the difference will still need to be counted. Of the current 521 Challenged ballots, most are signature issues and therefore "curable" before August 21st certification. Check myvote.wa.gov to make sure your ballot was not challenged. Once you login with name and birth date, the "Ballot Status" tab should say: "Your ballot has been accepted for tabulation." If you have questions, contact Whatcom County Elections. After ballot cures and further tabulation, this primary should compare very closely by volume with the November 2017 General Election which tabulated 63,626 total ballots.
Update 6:23 AM 8/9/2018
The single largest primary by volume in Whatcom County history is still receiving ballots. The top precints now contain General Election volumes. Ballot reception is still ongoing. Current results show strong and wide participation across age, gender, party. Updated August 7, 2018 primary results can be found here: http://results.vote.wa.gov/results/20180807/Turnout.html. Whatcom County results can be found here: http://results.vote.wa.gov/results/current/whatcom/
Update 7:37 PM 8/7/2018
This will be the last matchback analysis before results at 8 PM. The turnout volume will grow until certification. August 7, 2018 primary results can be found here: http://results.vote.wa.gov/results/20180807/Turnout.html. Whatcom County results cand be found here: http://results.vote.wa.gov/results/current/whatcom/ As a note, my projections are simply based upon applying the 2017 Buchanan/Robinson precinct percentages to each 2018 Primary precinct. Actual results might vary widely from such projections. -RMF 7:37 PM 8/7/2018
Original Post:
I will run (15) 2018 Whatcom Primary matchback reports; each successive at the top of the post. The very first matchback is the (baseline) of MB_11.27.2017 or the certified GE 2017 with Buchanan/Robinson results. Primary 2017 was a 'partial' county primary. Primary 2018 is a full county primary. You can find a dated spreadsheet for each (CSV) matchback at http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/. Each CSV will look as below with "VotesGood" updated with my latest matchback returns. Here, I start with GE 2017:
PrecinctID VotesGood LD CD Buchanan Robinson
1: 101 418 42 1 207 150
2: 102 290 42 1 109 159
3: 103 437 42 1 196 209
4: 104 281 42 1 110 153
5: 105 209 42 1 87 102
Final model predictions for Friday, August 21th, 2018:
"Whatcom County: D vs. R"
sumD sumR
32639 30067
"42nd LD: D vs. R"
sumD sumR
19346 23083
"40th LD: D vs. R"
sumD sumR
13293 6983
The reports below look best on a wide screen. Note: July VRDB has been issued after the election. As of my statistics for 08.10.2018 the matchbacks merge with the July VRDB.
MB_08.21.2018 (Tuesday, August 21st, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
[1] "2018-08-21 18:58:40 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 140569
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139813
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: Good 62707
2: 73719
3: Challenged 702
4: Void 655
5: Undeliverable 2786
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139867
2: Too Late 438
3: No Signature Match 180
4: No Signature 32
5: Second Ballot Received 21
6: Wrong Voter's Signature 3
7: Letter doesn't match env. 19
8: Electronic 7
9: Power of Attorney 1
10: No Ballot 1
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 688
2: 210 634
3: 250 632
4: 222 617
5: 169 611
6: 208 587
7: 213 585
8: 605 567
9: 126 563
10: 225 545
11: 216 538
12: 303 535
13: 215 514
14: 181 504
15: 604 503
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 224 188
2: 158 162
3: 139 159
4: 164 145
5: 304 137
6: 159 132
7: 157 119
8: 179 97
9: 112 91
10: 167 81
11: 269 48
12: 252 16
13: 245 14
14: 268 13
15: 183 10
[1] "Precincts Reporting"
1: 176
[1] "Male and Female by Precinct Series"
PrecinctSeries ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: NA 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2: 1 31239 30101 14127 13006 50.9 52.1 49.1 47.9
3: 2 29376 25760 14023 11321 53.3 55.3 46.7 44.7
4: 3 1821 1652 839 723 52.4 53.7 47.6 46.3
5: 4 689 653 269 238 51.3 53.1 48.7 46.9
6: 5 4314 3840 1700 1490 52.9 53.3 47.1 46.7
7: 6 4994 4328 2342 1986 53.6 54.1 46.4 45.9
8: 7 437 417 153 154 51.2 49.8 48.8 50.2
9: 8 415 365 132 118 53.2 52.8 46.8 47.2
[1] "Male and Female by Legislative District"
LD CD ActiveF ActiveM ActiveU VotedF VotedM VotedU
1: 40 1 1608 1594 0 795 759 0
2: 40 2 21553 19759 1 10148 8545 0
3: 42 1 35770 33680 5 15742 14335 1
4: 42 2 14012 11794 3 6900 5397 0
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group July_2018_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44779 20247 45
2: LD LD42 95631 42375 44
3: LD LD42-1 69687 30078 43
4: LD LD42-2 25944 12297 47
5: CD CD-1 72900 31632 43
6: CD CD-2 67510 30990 46
7: County uninCorp_all 61403 27167 44
8: County Incorporated 79166 35540 45
9: County uninCorp_North 44301 19323 44
10: County uninCorp_South 17102 7844 46
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2943 1207 41
12: Bham Bham 55207 25383 46
13: Bham Bham40 28976 12986 45
14: Bham Bham42 26164 12358 47
15: Bham Bham42-1 220 61 28
16: Bham Bham42-2 25944 12297 47
17: City Blaine 3480 1565 45
18: City Everson 1343 507 38
19: City Ferndale 8166 3194 39
20: City Lynden 9332 4331 46
21: City NookSack 855 307 36
22: City Sumas 783 253 32
GroupType Group July_2018_Active Voted Pct_Voted
MB_08.10.2018 (Thursday, August 10th, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
[1] "2018-08-11 11:35:27 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 140533
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139811
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: Good 62460
2: 76600
3: Void 697
4: Challenged 776
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139757
2: Too Late 361
3: No Signature Match 313
4: No Signature 63
5: Second Ballot Received 19
6: Wrong Voter's Signature 1
7: Other 2
8: Letter doesn't match env. 7
9: Electronic 8
10: Power of Attorney 1
11: No Ballot 1
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 686
2: 210 632
3: 250 630
4: 222 616
5: 169 611
6: 208 584
7: 213 583
8: 605 566
9: 126 559
10: 225 543
11: 216 536
12: 303 532
13: 215 513
14: 181 504
15: 604 502
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 224 188
2: 158 162
3: 139 159
4: 164 145
5: 304 135
6: 159 131
7: 157 118
8: 179 95
9: 112 91
10: 167 81
11: 269 48
12: 252 16
13: 245 13
14: 268 13
15: 183 10
[1] "Precincts Reporting"
1: 176
[1] "Male and Female by Precinct Series"
PrecinctSeries ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: NA 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2: 1 31234 30097 14074 12961 50.9 52.1 49.1 47.9
3: 2 29360 25753 13976 11267 53.3 55.4 46.7 44.6
4: 3 1821 1652 835 716 52.4 53.8 47.6 46.2
5: 4 688 653 268 235 51.3 53.3 48.7 46.7
6: 5 4313 3840 1696 1483 52.9 53.4 47.1 46.6
7: 6 4994 4328 2331 1979 53.6 54.1 46.4 45.9
8: 7 437 417 153 154 51.2 49.8 48.8 50.2
9: 8 415 365 130 118 53.2 52.4 46.8 47.6
[1] "Male and Female by Legislative District"
LD CD ActiveF ActiveM ActiveU VotedF VotedM VotedU
1: 40 1 1608 1594 0 790 756 0
2: 40 2 21553 19759 1 10109 8506 0
3: 42 1 35770 33680 5 15685 14277 1
4: 42 2 14012 11794 3 6879 5374 0
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group 2018_July_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44764 20161 45
2: LD LD42 95612 42216 44
3: LD LD42-1 69677 29963 43
4: LD LD42-2 25935 12253 47
5: CD CD-1 72890 31509 43
6: CD CD-2 67486 30868 46
7: County uninCorp_all 61393 27068 44
8: County Incorporated 79140 35392 45
9: County uninCorp_North 44292 19253 43
10: County uninCorp_South 17101 7815 46
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2943 1200 41
12: Bham Bham 55184 25281 46
13: Bham Bham40 28962 12929 45
14: Bham Bham42 26155 12314 47
15: Bham Bham42-1 220 61 28
16: Bham Bham42-2 25935 12253 47
17: City Blaine 3480 1554 45
18: City Everson 1342 503 37
19: City Ferndale 8164 3183 39
20: City Lynden 9332 4313 46
21: City NookSack 855 307 36
22: City Sumas 783 251 32
GroupType Group 2018_July_Active Voted Pct_Voted
MB_08.09.2018 (Thursday, August 9th, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
1] "2018-08-09 17:16:09 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 140470
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139808
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: Good 62057
2: 77239
3: Void 653
4: Challenged 521
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139949
2: No Signature Match 319
3: Too Late 35
4: No Signature 67
5: Wrong Voter's Signature 77
6: Other 2
7: Second Ballot Received 2
8: Electronic 11
9: Power of Attorney 1
10: Letter doesn't match env. 6
11: No Ballot 1
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 686
2: 210 628
3: 250 627
4: 222 611
5: 169 602
6: 213 583
7: 208 581
8: 605 565
9: 225 537
10: 216 535
11: 303 532
12: 126 523
13: 215 512
14: 604 502
15: 138 500
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 224 188
2: 158 162
3: 139 159
4: 164 142
5: 304 135
6: 159 130
7: 157 118
8: 179 94
9: 112 90
10: 167 81
11: 269 47
12: 252 16
13: 268 13
14: 245 11
15: 183 10
[1] "Precincts Reporting"
1: 176
[1] "Male and Female by Precinct Series"
PrecinctSeries ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: NA 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2: 1 31035 29933 13904 12811 50.9 52.0 49.1 48.0
3: 2 29044 25493 13703 11048 53.3 55.4 46.7 44.6
4: 3 1800 1639 819 706 52.3 53.7 47.7 46.3
5: 4 684 647 267 235 51.4 53.2 48.6 46.8
6: 5 4295 3830 1682 1473 52.9 53.3 47.1 46.7
7: 6 4959 4295 2311 1959 53.6 54.1 46.4 45.9
8: 7 435 414 151 152 51.2 49.8 48.8 50.2
9: 8 410 362 126 117 53.1 51.9 46.9 48.1
[1] "Male and Female by Legislative District"
LD CD ActiveF ActiveM ActiveU VotedF VotedM VotedU
1: 40 1 1611 1592 0 785 751 0
2: 40 2 21457 19656 1 9873 8325 0
3: 42 1 35609 33551 3 15521 14134 1
4: 42 2 13897 11715 2 6784 5291 0
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44370 19734 44
2: LD LD42 94911 41731 44
3: LD LD42-1 69251 29656 43
4: LD LD42-2 25660 12075 47
5: CD CD-1 72462 31192 43
6: CD CD-2 66819 30273 45
7: County uninCorp_all 61365 26895 44
8: County Incorporated 79105 35162 44
9: County uninCorp_North 44273 19150 43
10: County uninCorp_South 17092 7745 45
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2941 1197 41
12: Bham Bham 55159 25075 45
13: Bham Bham40 28664 12618 44
14: Bham Bham42 25876 12133 47
15: Bham Bham42-1 216 58 27
16: Bham Bham42-2 25660 12075 47
17: City Blaine 3478 1551 45
18: City Everson 1340 502 37
19: City Ferndale 8162 3168 39
20: City Lynden 9331 4311 46
21: City NookSack 854 306 36
22: City Sumas 781 249 32
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
MB_08.08.2018 (Wednesday August 8th, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
[1] "2018-08-08 16:46:11 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 140362
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139804
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: Good 59537
2: 79722
3: Void 550
4: Challenged 553
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139809
2: No Signature Match 368
3: No Signature 85
4: Wrong Voter's Signature 81
5: Other 2
6: Second Ballot Received 2
7: Electronic 11
8: Power of Attorney 1
9: Letter doesn't match env. 2
10: No Ballot 1
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 678
2: 210 620
3: 250 614
4: 222 603
5: 169 591
6: 208 572
7: 213 572
8: 605 533
9: 225 531
10: 216 526
11: 126 513
12: 215 497
13: 138 493
14: 181 481
15: 303 480
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 224 183
2: 158 156
3: 139 141
4: 164 133
5: 159 121
6: 304 117
7: 157 116
8: 179 88
9: 112 75
10: 167 62
11: 269 46
12: 252 14
13: 268 13
14: 245 9
15: 183 9
[1] "Precincts Reporting"
1: 176
[1] "Male and Female by Precinct Series"
PrecinctSeries ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: NA 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2: 1 30996 29911 13225 12221 50.9 52.0 49.1 48.0
3: 2 29026 25483 13420 10817 53.2 55.4 46.8 44.6
4: 3 1799 1637 687 591 52.4 53.8 47.6 46.2
5: 4 684 647 260 235 51.4 52.5 48.6 47.5
6: 5 4293 3827 1627 1410 52.9 53.6 47.1 46.4
7: 6 4956 4292 2157 1807 53.6 54.4 46.4 45.6
8: 7 435 414 149 148 51.2 50.2 48.8 49.8
9: 8 410 362 124 114 53.1 52.1 46.9 47.9
[1] "Male and Female by Legislative District"
LD CD ActiveF ActiveM ActiveU VotedF VotedM VotedU
1: 40 1 1611 1592 0 759 732 0
2: 40 2 21457 19656 1 9646 8138 0
3: 42 1 35609 33551 3 14566 13277 1
4: 42 2 13897 11715 2 6678 5196 0
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44355 19275 43
2: LD LD42 94823 39718 42
3: LD LD42-1 69178 27844 40
4: LD LD42-2 25645 11874 46
5: CD CD-1 72389 29335 41
6: CD CD-2 66789 29658 44
7: County uninCorp_all 61300 25606 42
8: County Incorporated 79062 33931 43
9: County uninCorp_North 44210 18106 41
10: County uninCorp_South 17090 7500 44
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2900 1134 39
12: Bham Bham 55127 24544 45
13: Bham Bham40 28651 12305 43
14: Bham Bham42 25861 11932 46
15: Bham Bham42-1 216 58 27
16: Bham Bham42-2 25645 11874 46
17: City Blaine 3476 1299 37
18: City Everson 1340 495 37
19: City Ferndale 8158 3052 37
20: City Lynden 9326 3997 43
21: City NookSack 854 300 35
22: City Sumas 781 244 31
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
MB_08.07.2018 (Tuesday August 7th, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
[1] "2018-08-07 19:26:28 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 140152
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139800
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: 91577
2: Good 47841
3: Challenged 387
4: Void 347
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139765
2: No Signature Match 268
3: No Signature 59
4: Wrong Voter's Signature 51
5: Other 1
6: Second Ballot Received 2
7: Electronic 3
8: Power of Attorney 1
9: Letter doesn't match env. 2
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 553
2: 250 519
3: 222 494
4: 210 494
5: 605 479
6: 169 478
7: 213 474
8: 303 452
9: 208 438
10: 126 428
11: 216 422
12: 225 416
13: 604 408
14: 610 403
15: 107 399
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 156 129
2: 158 119
3: 139 111
4: 304 109
5: 164 107
6: 159 99
7: 157 98
8: 179 68
9: 112 65
10: 167 47
11: 269 35
12: 252 12
13: 268 10
14: 245 6
15: 183 6
[1] "Precincts Reporting"
1: 176
[1] "Male and Female by Precinct Series"
PrecinctSeries ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: NA 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2: 1 30956 29876 10380 9684 50.9 51.7 49.1 48.3
3: 2 28965 25437 10656 8567 53.2 55.4 46.8 44.6
4: 3 1798 1636 647 561 52.4 53.6 47.6 46.4
5: 4 683 647 191 179 51.4 51.6 48.6 48.4
6: 5 4287 3824 1409 1225 52.9 53.5 47.1 46.5
7: 6 4952 4289 1909 1606 53.6 54.3 46.4 45.7
8: 7 435 414 115 126 51.2 47.7 48.8 52.3
9: 8 410 362 99 85 53.1 53.8 46.9 46.2
[1] "Male and Female by Legislative District"
LD CD ActiveF ActiveM ActiveU VotedF VotedM VotedU
1: 40 1 1611 1592 0 580 554 0
2: 40 2 21457 19656 1 7662 6461 0
3: 42 1 35609 33551 3 11931 10943 1
4: 42 2 13897 11715 2 5233 4075 0
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44270 15257 34
2: LD LD42 94707 32183 34
3: LD LD42-1 69109 22875 33
4: LD LD42-2 25598 9308 36
5: CD CD-1 72317 24009 33
6: CD CD-2 66660 23431 35
7: County uninCorp_all 61226 20173 33
8: County Incorporated 78926 27668 35
9: County uninCorp_North 44163 14389 33
10: County uninCorp_South 17063 5784 34
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2886 835 29
12: Bham Bham 55012 19449 35
13: Bham Bham40 28591 9871 35
14: Bham Bham42 25814 9352 36
15: Bham Bham42-1 216 44 20
16: Bham Bham42-2 25598 9308 36
17: City Blaine 3473 1226 35
18: City Everson 1339 370 28
19: City Ferndale 8151 2648 32
20: City Lynden 9316 3544 38
21: City NookSack 854 244 29
22: City Sumas 781 187 24
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
MB_08.06.2018 (Monday August 6th, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
[1] "2018-08-06 17:48:33 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 140035
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139784
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: 105551
2: Good 33972
3: Challenged 263
4: Void 249
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139772
2: No Signature 48
3: No Signature Match 168
4: Wrong Voter's Signature 40
5: Other 2
6: Second Ballot Received 1
7: Electronic 3
8: Power of Attorney 1
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 469
2: 303 398
3: 250 386
4: 138 351
5: 213 347
6: 222 346
7: 169 345
8: 210 336
9: 107 336
10: 605 321
11: 208 320
12: 126 320
13: 103 317
14: 203 312
15: 302 299
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 154 81
2: 304 80
3: 164 77
4: 401 74
5: 801 73
6: 157 73
7: 139 59
8: 112 56
9: 179 46
10: 167 33
11: 269 30
12: 252 9
13: 268 7
14: 245 6
15: 183 6
[1] "Precincts Reporting"
1: 176
[1] "Male and Female by Precinct Series"
PrecinctSeries ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: NA 0 0 0 0 NaN NaN NaN NaN
2: 1 30940 29862 7287 6807 50.9 51.7 49.1 48.3
3: 2 28926 25416 7840 6238 53.2 55.7 46.8 44.3
4: 3 1798 1636 538 477 52.4 53.0 47.6 47.0
5: 4 682 647 108 100 51.3 51.9 48.7 48.1
6: 5 4285 3823 972 861 52.8 53.0 47.2 47.0
7: 6 4949 4287 1263 997 53.6 55.9 46.4 44.1
8: 7 434 414 64 73 51.2 46.7 48.8 53.3
9: 8 410 362 40 33 53.1 54.8 46.9 45.2
[1] "Male and Female by Legislative District"
LD CD ActiveF ActiveM ActiveU VotedF VotedM VotedU
1: 40 1 1611 1592 0 446 418 0
2: 40 2 21457 19656 1 5445 4599 0
3: 42 1 35609 33551 3 8326 7594 1
4: 42 2 13897 11715 2 3895 2975 0
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44226 10908 25
2: LD LD42 94651 22791 24
3: LD LD42-1 69078 15921 23
4: LD LD42-2 25573 6870 27
5: CD CD-1 72283 16785 23
6: CD CD-2 66594 16914 25
7: County uninCorp_all 61190 14161 23
8: County Incorporated 78845 19811 25
9: County uninCorp_North 44135 10214 23
10: County uninCorp_South 17055 3947 23
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2883 634 22
12: Bham Bham 54946 14236 26
13: Bham Bham40 28556 7172 25
14: Bham Bham42 25789 6906 27
15: Bham Bham42-1 216 36 17
16: Bham Bham42-2 25573 6870 27
17: City Blaine 3468 1029 30
18: City Everson 1339 209 16
19: City Ferndale 8148 1844 23
20: City Lynden 9311 2281 24
21: City NookSack 853 139 16
22: City Sumas 780 73 9
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
MB_08.03.2018 (Friday August 3rd, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
[1] "2018-08-03 17:54:04 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 139977
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139783
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: 113587
2: Good 26006
3: Challenged 192
4: Void 192
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139785
2: No Signature 41
3: No Signature Match 132
4: Second Ballot Received 1
5: Wrong Voter's Signature 16
6: Electronic 1
7: Power of Attorney 1
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 353
2: 303 313
3: 605 296
4: 250 270
5: 604 260
6: 107 257
7: 210 254
8: 222 253
9: 138 252
10: 203 250
11: 213 249
12: 126 247
13: 610 245
14: 169 244
15: 103 237
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 801 66
2: 154 66
3: 224 63
4: 304 58
5: 164 56
6: 157 56
7: 139 52
8: 112 45
9: 179 32
10: 269 26
11: 167 21
12: 252 8
13: 268 7
14: 245 5
15: 183 5
[1] "Precincts Reporting"
1: 176
[1] "Male and Female by Precinct Series"
PrecinctSeries ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: 1 31017 29908 5537 5206 50.9 51.5 49.1 48.5
2: 2 29060 25508 5811 4622 53.3 55.7 46.7 44.3
3: 3 1806 1639 410 371 52.4 52.5 47.6 47.5
4: 4 686 648 93 93 51.4 50.0 48.6 50.0
5: 5 4292 3829 757 674 52.9 52.9 47.1 47.1
6: 6 4970 4293 1143 903 53.7 55.9 46.3 44.1
7: 7 436 414 60 67 51.3 47.2 48.7 52.8
8: 8 411 362 36 30 53.2 54.5 46.8 45.5
[1] "Male and Female by Legislative District"
LD CD ActiveF ActiveM ActiveU VotedF VotedM VotedU
1: 40 1 1611 1592 0 343 328 0
2: 40 2 21457 19656 1 3921 3349 0
3: 42 1 35609 33551 3 6607 6039 1
4: 42 2 13897 11715 2 2976 2250 0
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44208 7941 18
2: LD LD42 94622 17873 19
3: LD LD42-1 69057 12647 18
4: LD LD42-2 25565 5226 20
5: CD CD-1 72261 13318 18
6: CD CD-2 66569 12496 19
7: County uninCorp_all 61174 10794 18
8: County Incorporated 78803 15212 19
9: County uninCorp_North 44125 7884 18
10: County uninCorp_South 17049 2910 17
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2884 469 16
12: Bham Bham 54914 10540 19
13: Bham Bham40 28543 5175 18
14: Bham Bham42 25781 5258 20
15: Bham Bham42-1 216 32 15
16: Bham Bham42-2 25565 5226 20
17: City Blaine 3467 788 23
18: City Everson 1339 187 14
19: City Ferndale 8141 1437 18
20: City Lynden 9309 2065 22
21: City NookSack 853 129 15
22: City Sumas 780 66 8
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
MB_08.02.2018 (Thursday August 2nd, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
[1] "2018-08-02 16:50:25 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 139964
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139781
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: 116215
2: Good 23405
3: Challenged 163
4: Void 181
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139801
2: No Signature 34
3: No Signature Match 113
4: Second Ballot Received 1
5: Wrong Voter's Signature 13
6: Electronic 1
7: Power of Attorney 1
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 312
2: 303 294
3: 605 265
4: 107 249
5: 250 237
6: 222 235
7: 210 235
8: 138 232
9: 103 228
10: 203 223
11: 213 223
12: 169 218
13: 126 217
14: 610 213
15: 101 213
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 154 62
2: 801 60
3: 304 56
4: 224 54
5: 164 52
6: 157 47
7: 139 43
8: 112 39
9: 179 29
10: 269 25
11: 167 20
12: 252 8
13: 268 7
14: 245 4
15: 183 4
[1] "Precincts Reporting"
1: 176
[1] "Male and Female by Precinct Series"
PrecinctSeries ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: 1 31017 29907 5043 4766 50.9 51.4 49.1 48.6
2: 2 29059 25502 5145 4138 53.3 55.4 46.7 44.6
3: 3 1806 1639 393 355 52.4 52.5 47.6 47.5
4: 4 685 648 81 86 51.4 48.5 48.6 51.5
5: 5 4292 3829 687 614 52.9 52.8 47.1 47.2
6: 6 4969 4292 971 772 53.7 55.7 46.3 44.3
7: 7 436 414 60 66 51.3 47.6 48.7 52.4
8: 8 411 362 33 27 53.2 55.0 46.8 45.0
[1] "Male and Female by Legislative District"
LD CD ActiveF ActiveM ActiveU VotedF VotedM VotedU
1: 40 1 1611 1592 0 309 295 0
2: 40 2 21457 19656 1 3427 2984 0
3: 42 1 35609 33551 3 5991 5506 1
4: 42 2 13897 11715 2 2686 2039 0
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group GE2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44205 7015 16
2: LD LD42 94618 16223 17
3: LD LD42-1 69056 11498 17
4: LD LD42-2 25562 4725 18
5: CD CD-1 72260 12102 17
6: CD CD-2 66563 11136 17
7: County uninCorp_all 61172 9854 16
8: County Incorporated 78792 13551 17
9: County uninCorp_North 44124 7227 16
10: County uninCorp_South 17048 2627 15
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2884 432 15
12: Bham Bham 54905 9378 17
13: Bham Bham40 28540 4527 16
14: Bham Bham42 25778 4756 18
15: Bham Bham42-1 216 31 14
16: Bham Bham42-2 25562 4725 18
17: City Blaine 3467 754 22
18: City Everson 1338 168 13
19: City Ferndale 8142 1307 16
20: City Lynden 9307 1756 19
21: City NookSack 853 128 15
22: City Sumas 780 60 8
GroupType Group GE2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
MB_07.31.2018 (Tuesday July 31, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
[1] "2018-07-31 19:56:10 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 139905
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139776
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: 123401
2: Good 16263
3: Challenged 114
4: Void 127
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139791
2: No Signature 27
3: No Signature Match 76
4: Second Ballot Received 1
5: Wrong Voter's Signature 9
6: Power of Attorney 1
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 241
2: 303 217
3: 605 194
4: 107 178
5: 203 169
6: 610 168
7: 222 167
8: 126 164
9: 250 161
10: 604 159
11: 103 158
12: 210 154
13: 225 152
14: 169 150
15: 138 146
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 164 36
2: 157 33
3: 401 32
4: 224 30
5: 139 30
6: 166 29
7: 112 29
8: 154 24
9: 179 20
10: 269 18
11: 167 11
12: 252 7
13: 268 7
14: 245 3
15: 183 1
[1] "Precincts Reporting"
1: 176
[1] "Male and Female" # By Precinct Series
PrecinctGroup ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: 1 31012 29897 3300 3203 50.9 50.7 49.1 49.3
2: 2 29040 25488 3638 2976 53.3 55.0 46.7 45.0
3: 3 1805 1639 275 251 52.4 52.3 47.6 47.7
4: 4 685 648 43 50 51.4 46.2 48.6 53.8
5: 5 4292 3828 504 443 52.9 53.2 47.1 46.8
6: 6 4966 4292 729 596 53.6 55.0 46.4 45.0
7: 7 436 414 41 47 51.3 46.6 48.7 53.4
8: 8 411 362 29 24 53.2 54.7 46.8 45.3
# Male and Female by LD/CD split
LD CD Factive Mactive Uactive FVotes MVotes UVotes
1: 40 1 1611 1592 0 211 208 0
2: 40 2 21457 19656 1 2262 2045 0
3: 42 1 35609 33551 3 4120 3846 1
4: 42 2 13897 11715 2 1966 1491 0
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group GE2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44179 4726 11
2: LD LD42 94597 11424 12
3: LD LD42-1 69046 7967 12
4: LD LD42-2 25551 3457 14
5: CD CD-1 72248 8386 12
6: CD CD-2 66528 7764 12
7: County uninCorp_all 61148 6524 11
8: County Incorporated 78757 9739 12
9: County uninCorp_North 44111 4893 11
10: County uninCorp_South 17037 1631 10
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2884 307 11
12: Bham Bham 54874 6694 12
13: Bham Bham40 28519 3133 11
14: Bham Bham42 25767 3481 14
15: Bham Bham42-1 216 24 11
16: Bham Bham42-2 25551 3457 14
17: City Blaine 3466 527 15
18: City Everson 1338 94 7
19: City Ferndale 8143 949 12
20: City Lynden 9304 1332 14
21: City NookSack 853 90 11
22: City Sumas 779 53 7
GroupType Group GE2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
MB_07.30.2018 (Monday July 30, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
[1] "2018-07-30 16:37:28 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 139912
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139784
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: 123787
2: Good 15863
3: Challenged 136
4: Void 126
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139776
2: No Signature 27
3: No Signature Match 80
4: Wrong Voter's Signature 27
5: Second Ballot Received 1
6: Power of Attorney 1
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 238
2: 303 217
3: 605 194
4: 107 178
5: 203 168
6: 610 168
7: 126 163
8: 103 158
9: 604 156
10: 222 150
11: 250 147
12: 138 144
13: 169 142
14: 213 141
15: 225 141
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 164 35
2: 401 32
3: 157 31
4: 166 29
5: 112 29
6: 224 28
7: 139 28
8: 154 23
9: 179 20
10: 269 17
11: 167 9
12: 252 7
13: 268 7
14: 245 3
15: 183 1
[1] "Precincts Reporting"
1: 176
[1] "Male and Female"
PrecinctDecade ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: 1 31012 29897 3235 3146 50.9 50.7 49.1 49.3
2: 2 29040 25487 3494 2853 53.3 55.0 46.7 45.0
3: 3 1805 1639 275 251 52.4 52.3 47.6 47.7
4: 4 685 648 43 50 51.4 46.2 48.6 53.8
5: 5 4292 3828 501 442 52.9 53.1 47.1 46.9
6: 6 4966 4292 726 594 53.6 55.0 46.4 45.0
7: 7 436 414 41 47 51.3 46.6 48.7 53.4
8: 8 411 362 29 24 53.2 54.7 46.8 45.3
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44188 4535 10
2: LD LD42 94603 11217 12
3: LD LD42-1 69051 7895 11
4: LD LD42-2 25552 3322 13
5: CD CD-1 72254 8295 11
6: CD CD-2 66537 7457 11
7: County uninCorp_all 61153 6402 10
8: County Incorporated 78759 9461 12
9: County uninCorp_North 44113 4833 11
10: County uninCorp_South 17040 1569 9
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2885 305 11
12: Bham Bham 54874 6425 12
13: Bham Bham40 28524 3002 11
14: Bham Bham42 25768 3345 13
15: Bham Bham42-1 216 23 11
16: Bham Bham42-2 25552 3322 13
17: City Blaine 3465 527 15
18: City Everson 1340 94 7
19: City Ferndale 8143 945 12
20: City Lynden 9305 1327 14
21: City NookSack 853 90 11
22: City Sumas 779 53 7
GroupType Group GE2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
MB_07.27.2018 (Thursday July 27, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
[1] "2018-07-27 16:45:22 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 139848
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139769
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: 130407
2: Good 9304
3: Challenged 59
4: Void 78
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139789
2: No Signature 14
3: No Signature Match 38
4: Wrong Voter's Signature 5
5: Second Ballot Received 1
6: Power of Attorney 1
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 170
2: 303 142
3: 103 105
4: 107 103
5: 202 100
6: 203 99
7: 138 98
8: 222 96
9: 604 93
10: 249 92
11: 610 92
12: 508 91
13: 250 91
14: 605 90
15: 301 90
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 164 19
2: 157 19
3: 224 18
4: 166 18
5: 247 17
6: 139 17
7: 154 16
8: 269 15
9: 179 13
10: 112 13
11: 167 4
12: 245 3
13: 252 3
14: 268 3
15: 183 1
[1] "Precincts Reporting"
1: 176
[1] "Male and Female" # Precinct Decade = Precinct Series e.g 1 = 100s, 2 = 200s
PrecinctDecade ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: 1 31001 29889 1845 1800 50.9 50.6 49.1 49.4
2: 2 29029 25481 2008 1739 53.3 53.6 46.7 46.4
3: 3 1804 1638 168 169 52.4 49.9 47.6 50.1
4: 4 685 648 27 27 51.4 50.0 48.6 50.0
5: 5 4289 3824 311 293 52.9 51.5 47.1 48.5
6: 6 4964 4292 397 355 53.6 52.8 46.4 47.2
7: 7 436 414 29 33 51.3 46.8 48.7 53.2
8: 8 410 362 20 18 53.1 52.6 46.9 47.4
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44168 2522 6
2: LD LD42 94583 6717 7
3: LD LD42-1 69033 4656 7
4: LD LD42-2 25550 2061 8
5: CD CD-1 72234 4904 7
6: CD CD-2 66517 4335 7
7: County uninCorp_all 61133 3655 6
8: County Incorporated 78715 5649 7
9: County uninCorp_North 44102 2784 6
10: County uninCorp_South 17031 871 5
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2882 182 6
12: Bham Bham 54842 3797 7
13: Bham Bham40 28514 1669 6
14: Bham Bham42 25766 2078 8
15: Bham Bham42-1 216 17 8
16: Bham Bham42-2 25550 2061 8
17: City Blaine 3464 338 10
18: City Everson 1340 54 4
19: City Ferndale 8139 606 7
20: City Lynden 9299 754 8
21: City NookSack 853 62 7
22: City Sumas 778 38 5
GroupType Group 2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
MB_07.26.2018 (Thursday July 26, 2018)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
[1] "2018-07-26 16:42:06 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 139820
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 139756
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: 132227
2: Good 7485
3: Challenged 45
4: Void 63
"Precincts Reporting"
1: 175
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 139775
2: No Signature 10
3: No Signature Match 29
4: Wrong Voter's Signature 4
5: Second Ballot Received 1
6: Power of Attorney 1
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 201 150
2: 303 138
3: 103 102
4: 107 98
5: 202 97
6: 604 90
7: 301 88
8: 138 86
9: 605 85
10: 108 85
11: 203 84
12: 126 84
13: 610 84
14: 302 84
15: 508 83
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 177 7
2: 141 7
3: 176 7
4: 178 6
5: 402 6
6: 143 6
7: 179 6
8: 142 4
9: 801 4
10: 252 3
11: 268 3
12: 245 2
13: 183 1
14: 154 1
15: 166 1
[1] "Male and Female"
# PrecinctSeries 1 = 100s, 2 = 200s, etc
PrecinctSeries ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: 1 30998 29886 1427 1414 50.9 50.2 49.1 49.8
2: 2 29025 25480 1565 1384 53.3 53.1 46.7 46.9
3: 3 1804 1638 164 165 52.4 49.8 47.6 50.2
4: 4 685 648 7 8 51.4 46.7 48.6 53.3
5: 5 4287 3824 296 269 52.9 52.4 47.1 47.6
6: 6 4964 4292 364 339 53.6 51.8 46.4 48.2
7: 7 436 414 11 13 51.3 45.8 48.7 54.2
8: 8 409 361 3 1 53.1 75.0 46.9 25.0
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group GE2018_June_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44161 1761 4
2: LD LD42 94576 5669 6
3: LD LD42-1 69025 3920 6
4: LD LD42-2 25551 1749 7
5: CD CD-1 72226 4125 6
6: CD CD-2 66511 3305 5
7: County uninCorp_all 61123 2851 5
8: County Incorporated 78697 4634 6
9: County uninCorp_North 44092 2281 5
10: County uninCorp_South 17031 570 3
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 2881 157 5
12: Bham Bham 54829 2988 5
13: Bham Bham40 28509 1187 4
14: Bham Bham42 25767 1762 7
15: Bham Bham42-1 216 13 6
16: Bham Bham42-2 25551 1749 7
17: City Blaine 3463 330 10
18: City Everson 1340 15 1
19: City Ferndale 8137 568 7
20: City Lynden 9299 705 8
21: City NookSack 853 24 3
22: City Sumas 776 4 1
MB_11.27.2017 (Certified GE 2017)
# http://www.rmfmedia.com/public/MatchBacks/
MB_11.27.2017 (Certified GE 2017)
[1] "2018-07-22 16:36:45 PDT"
[1] "Matchback Rows:"
[1] 139397
[1] "Matchback Total non duplicate Registration Numbers:"
[1] 138693
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus:"
AVReturnStatus N
1: Good 63606
2: 72843
3: Void 614
4: Undeliverable 1782
5: Challenged 552
[1] "Matchback ReturnChallenge:"
AVReturnChallenge N
1: 138845
2: Too Late 271
3: No Signature 56
4: No Ballot 8
5: No Signature Match 170
6: Wrong Voter's Signature 13
7: Letter doesn't match env. 18
8: Second Ballot Received 8
9: Electronic 2
10: ID Required 6
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by top 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 250 627
2: 222 625
3: 210 616
4: 201 613
5: 169 611
6: 208 584
7: 213 581
8: 138 572
9: 126 550
10: 605 544
11: 168 542
12: 303 530
13: 225 527
14: 258 523
15: 302 520
[1] "Matchback ReturnStatus = 'Good' by bottom 15 Precincts:"
PrecinctID N
1: 158 198
2: 156 195
3: 139 181
4: 164 168
5: 224 162
6: 252 124
7: 159 124
8: 157 122
9: 179 120
10: 304 119
11: 167 89
12: 112 86
13: 269 52
14: 268 21
15: 183 8
[1] "Male and Female"
PrecinctDecade ActiveF ActiveM VotedF VotedM FActive_pct FVoted_pct MActive_pct MVoted_pct
1: 1 30976 29957 14121 13383 0.5083616 0.5134162 0.4916384 0.4865838
2: 2 29289 25694 14208 11595 0.5326919 0.5506336 0.4673081 0.4493664
3: 3 1791 1642 839 754 0.5217011 0.5266792 0.4782989 0.4733208
4: 4 670 630 275 254 0.5153846 0.5198488 0.4846154 0.4801512
5: 5 4227 3784 1681 1478 0.5276495 0.5321304 0.4723505 0.4678696
6: 6 4869 4198 2306 1931 0.5370023 0.5442530 0.4629977 0.4557470
7: 7 441 422 168 165 0.5110081 0.5045045 0.4889919 0.4954955
8: 8 406 362 162 140 0.5286458 0.5364238 0.4713542 0.4635762
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
GroupType Group GE2017_Active Voted Pct_Voted
1: LD LD40 44822 21212 47.32
2: LD LD42 94341 42248 44.78
3: LD LD42-1 68868 30386 44.12
4: LD LD42-2 25473 11862 46.57
5: CD CD-1 72059 32077 44.51
6: CD CD-2 67104 31383 46.77
7: County uninCorp_all 60934 27556 45.22
8: County Incorporated 78463 36050 45.95
9: County uninCorp_North 44008 19550 44.42
10: County uninCorp_South 16926 8006 47.30
11: Lummi LummiIs.LummiRes 3000 1189 39.63
12: Bham Bham 55022 25875 47.03
13: Bham Bham40 29235 13868 47.44
14: Bham Bham42 25681 11935 46.47
15: Bham Bham42-1 208 73 35.10
16: Bham Bham42-2 25473 11862 46.57
17: City Blaine 3440 1602 46.57
18: City Everson 1302 531 40.78
19: City Ferndale 8013 3162 39.46
20: City Lynden 9055 4244 46.87
21: City NookSack 863 333 38.59
22: City Sumas 768 303 39.45
GroupType Group GE2017_Active Voted Pct_Voted
[1] "By Precinct Groupings:"
Group PrecinctCount Buchanan Robinson B_minus_R GoodBallots Pct_of_GoodBallots
1: LD40 57 13308 6903 6405 21212 95.28
2: LD42 119 18097 21852 -3755 42248 94.56
3: LD42-1 90 10367 18296 -7929 30386 94.33
4: LD42-2 29 7730 3556 4174 11862 95.14
5: CD-1 96 11148 19133 -7985 32077 94.40
6: CD-2 80 20257 9622 10635 31383 95.21
7: uninCorp_all 81 11121 15006 -3885 27504 94.99
8: Incorporated 95 20284 13749 6535 36102 94.27
9: uninCorp_North 57 6862 11603 -4741 19512 94.63
10: uninCorp_South 24 4259 3403 856 7992 95.87
11: LummiIs.LummiRes 3 750 366 384 1181 94.50
12: Bham 67 17130 7405 9725 25803 95.09
13: Bham40 36 9358 3822 5536 13868 95.04
14: Bham42 31 7772 3583 4189 11935 95.14
15: Bham42-1 2 42 27 15 73 94.52
16: Bham42-2 29 7730 3556 4174 11862 95.14
17: Blaine 4 653 819 -166 1593 92.40
18: Everson 2 145 359 -214 529 95.27
19: Ferndale 9 1249 1737 -488 3159 94.52
20: Lynden 11 941 3004 -2063 4237 93.11
21: NookSack 1 90 221 -131 333 93.39
22: Sumas 1 76 204 -128 302 92.72
Group PrecinctCount Buchanan Robinson B_minus_R GoodBallots Pct_of_GoodBallots
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