Wednesday, March 28, 2018

"LCD" and LD Projections: 2018

These are "LCD" projections for 2018. Each LD part is coupled with their CD match (e.g. 42_1, 42_2) to give a more realistic picture of what races are competitive and what are not based on 2016 Presidential Votes. When I look at it this way, only LDs 6,10,17,24,26,44 represent competitive races. (e.g. margins less than 5% for the LD.) Some 'LCD's are competitive but the LD race is drowned out by the strength of one party in the opposing LCD(s). Not all LDs are split between CDs. The more dense, urban LDs in Seattle are often encompassed by one CD.

LCD ClintonStein TrumpJohnson PresidentialVoters2016 ActiveVoters2018 Predict_Dem Competitive LCD
1_1 33205 20123 53328 64201 62.27% 0 1_1
1_2 14439 6845 21284 26248 67.84% 0 1_2
10_1 4734 5166 9900 12894 47.82% 47.82% 10_1
10_2 32047 32959 65006 83403 49.30% 49.30% 10_2
11_7 229 26 255 343 89.80% 0 11_7
11_8 5971 3717 9688 12154 61.63% 0 11_8
11_9 32566 12907 45473 61651 71.62% 0 11_9
12_4 7380 12298 19678 26149 37.50% 0 12_4
12_8 15602 23274 38876 50957 40.13% 0 12_8
13_4 7888 19840 27728 39628 28.45% 0 13_4
13_5 1294 4360 5654 7090 22.89% 0 13_5
13_8 7804 11008 18812 24155 41.48% 0 13_8
14_3 7562 10631 18193 23819 41.57% 0 14_3
14_4 14707 21698 36405 50847 40.40% 0 14_4
15_4 16605 21258 37863 57145 43.86% 0 15_4
16_4 8718 16389 25107 34892 34.72% 0 16_4
16_5 10089 14889 24978 32940 40.39% 0 16_5
17_3 28886 31873 60759 79314 47.54% 47.54% 17_3
18_3 32043 40824 72867 87815 43.97% 0 18_3
19_3 18960 24629 43589 60793 43.50% 0 19_3
19_6 5996 7089 13085 19209 45.82% 45.82% 19_6
2_10 16560 20955 37515 53164 44.14% 0 2_10
2_3 92 90 182 243 50.55% 50.55% 2_3
2_8 7820 15875 23695 34059 33.00% 0 2_8
20_10 2394 3554 5948 8316 40.25% 0 20_10
20_3 18718 39549 58267 77937 32.12% 0 20_3
21_2 31761 17961 49722 65588 63.88% 0 21_2
21_7 10165 5054 15219 17735 66.79% 0 21_7
22_10 46979 25894 72873 97224 64.47% 0 22_10
23_6 41569 28952 70521 91670 58.95% 0 23_6
24_6 38437 35829 74266 96393 51.76% 51.76% 24_6
25_10 25698 28123 53821 74597 47.75% 47.75% 25_10
25_8 2757 3733 6490 8964 42.48% 0 25_8
26_6 33719 37206 70925 92365 47.54% 47.54% 26_6
27_10 5873 2978 8851 14540 66.35% 0 27_10
27_6 29384 11812 41196 54160 71.33% 0 27_6
27_9 5980 4461 10441 13577 57.27% 0 27_9
28_10 25995 21251 47246 65686 55.02% 0 28_10
28_6 4099 2339 6438 8308 63.67% 0 28_6
28_8 1422 2393 3815 5819 37.27% 0 28_8
29_10 15822 13402 29224 45329 54.14% 54.14% 29_10
29_6 8829 4984 13813 22094 63.92% 0 29_6
3_5 29153 23417 52570 76241 55.46% 0 3_5
30_10 4 5 9 8 44.44% 0 30_10
30_8 9098 8113 17211 24545 52.86% 52.86% 30_8
30_9 20845 12781 33626 45531 61.99% 0 30_9
31_10 4476 4982 9458 12990 47.33% 47.33% 31_10
31_8 23885 31995 55880 77061 42.74% 0 31_8
32_2 12789 6326 19115 25352 66.91% 0 32_2
32_7 39074 11630 50704 62218 77.06% 0 32_7
33_7 7548 3332 10880 14080 69.38% 0 33_7
33_8 337 188 525 708 64.19% 0 33_8
33_9 25741 12991 38732 53057 66.46% 0 33_9
34_7 64126 14382 78508 94013 81.68% 0 34_7
35_10 14024 13687 27711 37060 50.61% 50.61% 35_10
35_6 17508 22266 39774 53693 44.02% 0 35_6
36_7 83301 11914 95215 107824 87.49% 0 36_7
37_7 3845 407 4252 5197 90.43% 0 37_7
37_9 57217 6436 63653 82544 89.89% 0 37_9
38_2 30649 23800 54449 75760 56.29% 0 38_2
39_1 18569 25218 43787 59974 42.41% 0 39_1
39_2 7745 10589 18334 25813 42.24% 0 39_2
4_5 25587 43831 69418 89908 36.86% 0 4_5
40_1 5616 4471 10087 12987 55.68% 0 40_1
40_2 42281 20174 62455 78448 67.70% 0 40_2
41_8 11225 5996 17221 20417 65.18% 0 41_8
41_9 40355 16931 57286 70892 70.44% 0 41_9
42_1 22174 30992 53166 69290 41.71% 0 42_1
42_2 14828 5266 20094 25471 73.79% 0 42_2
43_7 79499 7503 87002 100486 91.38% 0 43_7
43_9 1343 128 1471 1699 91.30% 0 43_9
44_1 31647 27214 58861 75401 53.77% 53.77% 44_1
44_2 6127 6240 12367 16444 49.54% 49.54% 44_2
45_1 40397 20600 60997 74304 66.23% 0 45_1
45_8 8323 3911 12234 14878 68.03% 0 45_8
46_1 8355 3337 11692 14105 71.46% 0 46_1
46_7 61999 9862 71861 84555 86.28% 0 46_7
47_8 25307 21046 46353 63662 54.60% 54.60% 47_8
47_9 6773 3978 10751 14589 63.00% 0 47_9
48_1 25589 10850 36439 42867 70.22% 0 48_1
48_9 18426 8013 26439 32519 69.69% 0 48_9
49_3 32734 24814 57548 73967 56.88% 0 49_3
5_1 4848 3774 8622 10775 56.23% 0 5_1
5_8 37709 28905 66614 82347 56.61% 0 5_8
5_9 537 381 918 1152 58.50% 0 5_9
6_5 32573 37005 69578 86999 46.82% 46.82% 6_5
7_4 2783 6041 8824 11857 31.54% 0 7_4
7_5 18686 42224 60910 78190 30.68% 0 7_5
8_4 22746 40342 63088 84306 36.05% 0 8_4
9_4 6972 14962 21934 30433 31.79% 0 9_4

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