County: These are WA Counties > 50K Registered
Registered: Registered at Time of GE (General Election)
Ballots: Ballots Good Returned
TO: PCT TO ('Turn Out') or Ballots Good Returned / Registered
Ballots_CVAP: PCT Ballots Good Returned / 2015 (released 2017) Citizen Voting Age Population
diff: difference between TO PCT and Ballots_CVAP PCT
GE 2016
For General Election 2016, no county with above 50K registered had less than 70% turnout. With exception of Yakima, all these WA counties had over 60% Ballots Good Returned / 2015 (released 2017) Citizen Voting Age Population (Ballots_CVAP).t7_GE2016 # Sorted by TO PCT
County Registered Ballots TO Ballots_CVAP diff
1: Whatcom 138962 114920 82.70 74.26 8.44
2: King 1281882 1041613 81.26 73.63 7.63
3: Island 55089 44895 81.50 72.14 9.36
4: Clallam 50987 41042 80.50 70.59 9.91
5: Skagit 73990 59023 79.77 69.35 10.42
6: Thurston 175078 135966 77.66 69.34 8.32
7: Snohomish 456502 360487 78.97 68.81 10.16
8: Benton 107775 84663 78.56 67.66 10.90
9: Clark 272832 210760 77.25 67.62 9.63
10: Kitsap 166501 130503 78.38 66.64 11.74
11: Spokane 306261 239229 78.11 66.47 11.64
12: Cowlitz 63430 47869 75.47 62.81 12.66
13: Pierce 490666 365318 74.45 61.88 12.57
14: Yakima 114075 80912 70.93 56.97 13.96
GE 2017
For General Election 2017, no county with above 50K registered had more than 46% turnout. With exception of Whatcom, all these WA counties had less than 39% Ballots Good Returned / 2015 (released 2017) Citizen Voting Age Population (Ballots_CVAP).t7_GE2017 # Sorted by TO PCT
County Registered Ballots TO Ballots_CVAP diff
1: Whatcom 138688 63626 45.88 41.12 4.76
2: King 1279345 546200 42.69 38.61 4.08
3: Clallam 51021 22105 43.33 38.02 5.31
4: Island 54555 22518 41.28 36.19 5.09
5: Skagit 73710 27947 37.91 32.83 5.08
6: Benton 106921 40541 37.92 32.40 5.52
7: Kitsap 164041 63127 38.48 32.23 6.25
8: Thurston 176312 60478 34.30 30.84 3.46
9: Cowlitz 62876 22857 36.35 29.99 6.36
10: Spokane 304858 104228 34.19 28.96 5.23
11: Snohomish 453062 148155 32.70 28.28 4.42
12: Clark 272792 84258 30.89 27.04 3.85
13: Pierce 493740 141033 28.56 23.89 4.67
14: Yakima 114669 32207 28.09 22.68 5.41
Below is the matrix difference (t7_GE2017 - t7_GE2016) sorted by turnout ("TO") descending. The only non negative Registration totals are Clallam (34), Yakima(594), Pierce (3074). Losses in net registrants were seen elsewhere. All WA Counties experienced TO ("Turn Out") percentage net loss between 2016 and 2017 of 36% or greater. Nine of these counties experienced TO net losses of 40% or greater.t8[order(-TO)] # Sorted by TO
County Registered Ballots TO Ballots_CVAP
1: Clark -40 -126502 -46.36 -40.58
2: Snohomish -3440 -212332 -46.27 -40.53
3: Pierce 3074 -224285 -45.89 -37.99
4: Spokane -1403 -135001 -43.92 -37.51
5: Thurston 1234 -75488 -43.36 -38.5
6: Yakima 594 -48705 -42.84 -34.29
7: Skagit -280 -31076 -41.86 -36.52
8: Benton -854 -44122 -40.64 -35.26
9: Island -534 -22377 -40.22 -35.95
10: Kitsap -2460 -67376 -39.9 -34.41
11: Cowlitz -554 -25012 -39.12 -32.82
12: King -2537 -495413 -38.57 -35.02
13: Clallam 34 -18937 -37.17 -32.57
14: Whatcom -274 -51294 -36.82 -33.14
Some Precinct Analysis
Excluding King County, there are 4,634 precincts in the remaining 38 counties of WA state as of 11/02/2017. We can look at the 127 precincts of that subset of those counties that returned over 400 votes for at least one candidate. This data comes from an 11/02/ 2017 State VRDB and the GE 2017 Statewide Results. Whatcom County had 15 of those 127 precincts:l[MaxVoted > 400,][order(-PCT)][,.N,.(County)][order(-N)][1:10]
County N
1: CR 19 #Clark
2: WM 15 #Whatcom
3: KP 14 #Kitsap
4: PI 11 #Pierce
5: IS 11 #Island
6: CZ 11 #Cowlitz
7: JE 7 #Jefferson
8: SJ 6 #San Juan
9: SP 6 #Spokane
10: SK 5 #Skamania
l[MaxVoted > 400,][order(-MaxVoted)][,.N,.(County)][order(-N)][1:10]
County N
1: CR 19
2: WM 15
3: KP 14
4: PI 11
5: CZ 11
6: IS 11
7: JE 7
8: SJ 6
9: SP 6
10: SK 5
l[MaxVoted > 400,][order(-PCT)][County == "WM",]
County PrecinctID MaxVoted Total PCT Tuple
1: WM 138 427 773 55 WM138
2: WM 210 534 988 54 WM210
3: WM 222 511 956 53 WM222
4: WM 250 500 986 51 WM250
5: WM 144 439 886 50 WM144
6: WM 258 461 987 47 WM258
7: WM 303 408 861 47 WM303
8: WM 216 424 933 45 WM216
9: WM 228 420 937 45 WM228
10: WM 605 448 1009 44 WM605
11: WM 213 409 979 42 WM213
12: WM 140 425 1153 37 WM140
13: WM 225 458 1228 37 WM225
14: WM 208 463 1298 36 WM208
15: WM 201 458 1427 32 WM201
l[MaxVoted > 400,][order(-MaxVoted)][County == "WM",]
County PrecinctID MaxVoted Total PCT Tuple
1: WM 210 534 988 54 WM210
2: WM 222 511 956 53 WM222
3: WM 250 500 986 51 WM250
4: WM 208 463 1298 36 WM208
5: WM 258 461 987 47 WM258
6: WM 201 458 1427 32 WM201
7: WM 225 458 1228 37 WM225
8: WM 605 448 1009 44 WM605
9: WM 144 439 886 50 WM144
10: WM 138 427 773 55 WM138
11: WM 140 425 1153 37 WM140
12: WM 216 424 933 45 WM216
13: WM 228 420 937 45 WM228
14: WM 213 409 979 42 WM213
15: WM 303 408 861 47 WM303
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