PCO signup Data as of 11:24 AM 5/23/2016:
As of Monday the Democrats have a 149 - 74 edge on the Republicans for candidates for PCO. 115 of the Democrat precincts have one or more applicants.
Many Democrats are competing against one another for PCO. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, especially if everyone gets together, shares responsibility and helps out! 27 Democrat races tonight have 2 or more PCOs. There is only an election choice if there is more than one candidate. Precincts candidates in 302(5 Candidates) might want to consider a meet.
More information here:
A nightly list of updated candidates here:
http://www.whatcomcounty.us/DocumentCenter/View/18391 (xlsx of PCO Candidates)
PCO <- andidates_05_23_2016.csv="" font="" fread="">->
Source: local data table [2 x 2]
Party n
(chr) (int)
1 Democrat 149
2 Republican 74
Competitive Democrat PCO Candidates
arrange(PCO[Party == "Democrat",.N,by=PrecinctID],desc(N))[1:27]
PrecinctID N
1: 302 5
2: 181 3
3: 201 3
4: 214 3
5: 230 3
6: 107 2
7: 137 2
8: 149 2
9: 151 2
10: 165 2
11: 172 2
12: 176 2
13: 209 2
14: 213 2
15: 215 2
16: 216 2
17: 219 2
18: 225 2
19: 227 2
20: 228 2
21: 229 2
22: 244 2
23: 249 2
24: 253 2
25: 259 2
26: 260 2
27: 263 2
PrecinctID N
Competitive PCO Republican Races
arrange(PCO[Party == "Republican",.N,by=PrecinctID],desc(N))[1:7]
PrecinctID N
1: 145 3
2: 114 2
3: 122 2
4: 166 2
5: 174 2
6: 182 2
7: 225 2
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