Saturday, March 19, 2016

Democrat Caucus Locations for Saturday, March 26, 2016 9:30 AM Registration! 10:00 AM Start!

3:05 PM 3/19/2016 Update! Best links for finding your precinct and your  March 26th caucus site:

These links may also be informative for all of us Bernie Believers:
All this week long the 103 E. Holly Bernie office needs your help canvassing and phone banking. I just talked with the Bernie campaign representatives there and the focus is on making sure they get people going to the caucus and involved in the process. They need precinct captains. If you are willing to volunteer or help, make sure to make it to 103 E. Holly. There are a lot of Bernie groups on Facebook, but the official Bernie office needs your help canvassing the neighborhoods! Bring your smart phone to do this so you can download the MiniVAN app. If you are coming to the office to phone bank, bring your laptop, smart phone, chargers. You can also phone bank for Bernie at home. Be Ready for next Saturday: The March 26th Democrat Caucus!!
[Updated the Precinct Site List below with most recent Precinct Data and 03/16/2016 voterdb. R code is here.]

Map of Caucus Locations from Whatcom Democrats 

After you have made sure you are a registered voter at, you can fill out, print and sign your *DEMOCRATIC PRECINCT CAUCUS SIGN IN* at . Doing this will give you your precinct and caucus location. Make sure to visit Whatcom Democrats for more important information including the use of a surrogate ballot if you cannot attend in person! Use the links above and next to find your precinct and caucus site:
 This file matches your precinct to your caucus location: . From this, I constructed a spreadsheet and a shareable link to a google map of the Democratic Caucus sites. However, your best Democrat caucus site finder is
This site may also be helpful:

You will have to scroll in and out to find the blue, kicking donkeys in the dense precincts of Bellingham and Ferndale and quite possibly drag left or right to find Point Roberts or NookSack caucus site again after you have zoomed in.  Beneath the map, I prepared some further data on how many precincts will caucus together at specific sites. The Democratic party has assured me they are ready! However, some of the caucuses may be very busy. Come early for parking or take the bus and walk. Could be a big morning!

The data below the break represents the voting history of those active voters as of 1/27/2016. Note that a number of caucus sites have five or more precincts coalesced into one physical location. In my own personal opinion, "Bernie vs. Hillary" will create substantial attendance at the Democrat Caucuses! Is it 1968 all over again? Be there (at your caucus site  9:00AM Saturday, March 26th) or be square. Click to Enlarge

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