Friday, November 27, 2015

2015 Voting Analysis Under Construction: Joy vs. Jack, Jail_yes vs. Jail_no

 By precinct diffs. Those points above the horizontal blue 0 line are precincts that sided with Jack Luows. Those points left of the vertical red 0 line are precincts that voted against the jail.   (Vertical Axis: (Louws - Gilfilen) ~ Horizontal Axis ( Jail_Yes - Jail_No)) . Strong relationships are revealed between those precincts voting  more for Jack and the Jail  (far right) and those voting more for Joy and not for the Jail (bottom left).  The dense 'crook' in the middle of the graph represents those precincts still mostly totaling for Jack  Luows but very split in voting for or against the jail.  Click to enlarge.
 Far below is a table that ranks the top and bottom 15 by their yes and no votes on the Jail Bond measure. (WC_1y, WC_1n).  Included are the Louws vs. Gilfilen executive race.  The R code is here. If you need the  matchback data, email me if you are a friend.

Data in columns:
  • PID = PrecinctID
  • AGGR43 = row summed total  of all votes per precinct for 43 "all county" contests with at least two possible votes or candidates. This is a kind of gross measure of ballot participation rates per precinct.
  • Registered = Total Registered voters
  • Good = Total Good Ballots
  • PCT = Good/Registered per Precinct
  • PCT1 = Gilfilen / (Gilfilen + Louws)
  • PCT2 = WC_1y/ (WC_ly + WC_1n)
These are 30 of the 177 precincts or 18.7% of 61,116 'good ballots' from the "Final Certified" matchback. For all 117 precincts, the correlation coefficient between those that voted yes for Joy and yes for the Jail Bond is very low.   As a reminder, a correlation coefficient shows a perfect measure of correlation at 1 and the inverse at -1. All three correlation methods in R give similar results: 
  • Those precincts that voted more for Jack tended to vote more for the Jail Bond.
  • Those precincts that voted more for Joy tended to vote less for the Jail Bond.
Result from R correlation coefficient for pearson, kendall, spearman methods:
  • with(a1_LG1_LG2,cor(PCT1,(1 - PCT2),use="na.or.complete",method="pearson"))
  • [1] 0.7212
  • with(a1_LG1_LG2,cor(PCT1,(PCT2),use="na.or.complete",method="pearson"))
  • [1] -0.7212
  • with(a1_LG1_LG2,cor(PCT1,(1 - PCT2),use="na.or.complete",method="kendall"))
  • [1] 0.5199
  • with(a1_LG1_LG2,cor(PCT1,(PCT2),use="na.or.complete",method="kendall"))
  • [1] -0.5199
  • with(a1_LG1_LG2,cor(PCT1,(1 - PCT2),use="na.or.complete",method="spearman"))
  • [1] 0.7037
  • with(a1_LG1_LG2,cor(PCT1,(PCT2),use="na.or.complete",method="spearman"))
  • [1] -0.7037
Despite my red/blue background colors below, all precincts in Bellingham are purple to some extent. However, these thirty precincts are less purple than others for these two issues. True to history, ten Lynden precincts showed strong support for Jack Louws and the Jail. All of the fifteen precincts with strongest percentage support against the jail can be described as core urban 200s series precincts from Bellingham.

Top and Bottom 15 Ranked by Percentage Vote (PCT2) YES on the Jail (Bond)

PID AGGR43 Registered Good PCT Louws Gilfilen WC_1y WC_1n PCT1 (yes for Joy) PCT2 (yes on Jail)
605 5472 479 250 52.19% 209 21 173 70 9.13% 71.19%
608 8116 751 386 51.40% 313 51 257 111 14.01% 69.84%
602 9346 858 455 53.03% 374 46 305 133 10.95% 69.63%
303 9783 790 480 60.76% 299 100 330 144 25.06% 69.62%
606 8974 827 430 52.00% 340 59 285 127 14.79% 69.17%
610 10874 881 524 59.48% 430 63 344 157 12.78% 68.66%
601 13368 1058 661 62.48% 511 82 423 202 13.83% 67.68%
611 6576 605 308 50.91% 242 37 197 95 13.26% 67.47%
604 8602 858 402 46.85% 321 58 265 128 15.30% 67.43%
609 9323 927 449 48.44% 368 54 286 141 12.80% 66.98%
144 10815 865 535 61.85% 471 29 346 175 5.80% 66.41%
607 8545 704 395 56.11% 333 41 253 130 10.96% 66.06%
140 11611 1147 568 49.52% 464 67 350 203 12.62% 63.29%
401 4767 568 227 39.96% 158 49 131 76 23.67% 63.29%
301 7955 974 386 39.63% 240 108 237 140 31.03% 62.86%
222 11299 964 571 59.23% 269 191 180 360 41.52% 33.33%
256 8433 757 422 55.75% 196 152 126 268 43.68% 31.98%
210 10561 877 534 60.89% 253 182 158 337 41.84% 31.92%
223 5536 555 275 49.55% 112 113 83 181 50.22% 31.44%
225 8360 1104 418 37.86% 174 157 126 276 47.43% 31.34%
227 7574 890 377 42.36% 162 143 108 247 46.89% 30.42%
246 6357 801 321 40.07% 129 119 90 206 47.98% 30.41%
224 3095 343 148 43.15% 59 60 41 97 50.42% 29.71%
268 605 54 18 33.33% 6 10 5 12 62.50% 29.41%
215 8818 801 442 55.18% 222 144 122 306 39.34% 28.50%
247 4869 905 241 26.63% 88 96 64 165 52.17% 27.95%
226 4284 667 213 31.93% 111 61 55 142 35.47% 27.92%
257 4829 680 244 35.88% 103 82 62 161 44.32% 27.80%
258 8653 892 440 49.33% 173 170 96 311 49.56% 23.59%
228 6454 832 327 39.30% 138 115 59 242 45.45% 19.60%
Top and Bottom 15 Ranked by Percentage Vote (PCT2) YES on the Jail (Bond)
Precincts AGGR43 Registered Good PCT Louws Gilfilen WC_1y WC_1n PCT1 (yes for Joy) PCT2 (yes on Jail)
Top 15 134127 12292 6456 52.52% 5073 865 4182 2032 14.57% 67.30%
Bottom 15 99727 11122 4991 44.88% 2195 1795 1375 3311 44.99% 29.34%

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