Number of Active Voters:
Number of currently registered voters who participated in the last general election*:
2014 General: 0 = not voted, 1 = voted, NA = not registered then
BallotCounted_1 n
1 0 44958
2 1 73882
3 NA 9732
*Having your voted counted is mostly equivalent to voting. Make sure you fill out your ballot correctly and return it on time!
Top ten most populous precincts
PrecinctID n
1 245 1385
2 201 1284
3 208 1223
4 253 1183
5 182 1175
6 140 1143
7 302 1082
8 169 1079
9 225 1070
10 231 1051
Top Ten Birth Years
year(mdy(as.character(voterdb$BirthDa... n
1 1954 2474
2 1952 2450
3 1953 2450
4 1994 2420
5 1951 2409
6 1947 2400
7 1992 2371
8 1993 2370
9 1950 2351
10 1957 2328
Top ten "self-identified" cities by voter
ResidenceCity n
1 Bellingham 74768
2 Ferndale 14151
3 Lynden 13107
4 Blaine 10332
5 Everson 4958
6 Custer 1922
7 Maple Falls 1816
8 Deming 1807
9 Sumas 1445
10 Sedro-Woolley 1212
Top ten zip codes
ResidenceZipCode n
1 98225 28156
2 98226 26467
3 98229 20145
4 98248 14151
5 98264 13107
6 98230 10332
7 98247 4958
8 98244 2003
9 98240 1922
10 98266 1816
By Gender
Gender n
1 F 66984
2 M 61581
Top Ten Female Precincts by Count*
PrecinctID Females Count PCT_female
1 245 779 1385 0.5624549
2 201 747 1284 0.5817757
3 208 678 1223 0.5543745
4 253 621 1183 0.5249366
5 182 606 1175 0.5157447
6 601 592 1050 0.5638095
7 505 590 1041 0.5667627
8 302 571 1082 0.5277264
9 169 553 1079 0.5125116
10 206 552 1034 0.5338491
*Remember boys, we land in jail at more than twice the rate of the girls! And a new larger jail is on the ballot!
Age Buckets*# Ages 17 - 35
[1] 37250
# Ages 36 - 54
[1] 37219
# Ages 55 - 110
[1] 54103
# Ages 17 - 22 e.g. Student Vote
[1] 10021
* Voters 18 by election date can register at 17
Top 10 Counts of Precincts for Birth Year equal to or greater than 1993
PrecinctID Count
1 245 1359
2 252 486
3 253 485
4 257 260
5 247 207
6 226 180
7 246 171
8 263 165
9 258 151
10 228 146
Top 10 Counts of Precincts for Birth Year less than or equal to 1983
PrecinctID Count
1 201 935
2 182 890
3 601 871
4 208 849
5 169 846
6 126 840
7 302 828
8 140 815
9 107 813
10 101 810
Chance your country and county will be a sustainable democracy if you don't register and vote in general election 2015:
These numbers are interesting. I want to know where funding for elections is originating. Did Koch fund the new jail advertising or in any other way? Are the articles on NW Citizen, an On-Lie news source, about the new jail being viewed by how many citizens? How many viewers read the Herald? Does the Herald get extra funding from sources that would benefit economically by the billion dollar jail? What happened to the taxes for the jail that voters passed ion a previous election?
Hi Barbara:
I don't know the answers to most of these questions. Deputy Steve Harris has talked about funding issues for the jail in his facebook posts. David Camp has talked about Jail Funding issues on NW Citizen. Tonight and LWV Forum, Whatcom County Council person Satpal Sidhu mentioned that law and justice is 60% of Whatcom County's budget. I don't imagine that percentage is novel to our county. I have a post on GF-S funding for the state that shows the state distributes $800M for Corrections to Washington counties:
Law and justice expenditures in this county equates to many millions of dollars for they include each city police services, Whatcom County, Jail Services, Whatcom Sheriff, DHS/Border Partol expenses on the border (probably hundreds of millions), courts, social services, lawyers, lawsuits, etc. Joy Gilfilen points tonight at the LWV voters Forum was essentially that law and justice expenditures here and nationwide need overhaul and reform. The efforts at Restorative Justice in Whatcom County ( are designed to rebuild our community into a safer place without continuing jail terms for so many. Some authors that write elegantly on the "Prison Industrial Complex" are Ruth Wilson Gilmore, Todd Clear, and Michelle Alexander. I have some links on my side bar to some of their interviews. My research indicates we book about 6500 citizens about 10,000 times (for many different charges) in Whatcom County each year. It is the equivalent of booking 2% or more of our population each year. Personally, I think our law and justice system nationwide has created an apartheid system based on race, poverty that is destroying our nation. Lots of scholars and researchers are talking about this...
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