To date (10/30/2015), 24.2K 'Good' ballots have been returned out of 129.7K registrants. My data shows 24.9K ballots total have been returned to date vs. 32.7K ballots this date last year for the entire county. 9.5K ballots total have been returned to date vs. 12.4K ballots this date last year for the city of Bellingham. 41K have not returned ballots in Bellingham. The top twenty precincts for Ballots marked good are below. Please note that South Bellingham and 'WWU' precincts are appearing strongly in the top 20 now including precincts 244, 249, 250, 251, 264.
"Undeliverable" ballots (504) have started to climb quickly which (unfortunately) is consistent in every election. If you are not receiving your ballot because you moved and forgot to change your address at, you can still call the Whatcom County Election Office and try to work that out. The 160 of you with signature issues should be notified by Election office. As always, you can check on the status of your ballot at
PrecinctID Total_Registered Good PCT
1 601 1058 323 30.5%
2 250 956 300 31.4%
3 610 878 292 33.3%
4 201 1293 282 21.8%
5 303 788 267 33.9%
6 126 1020 241 23.6%
7 505 1051 221 21.0%
8 249 895 216 24.1%
9 169 1087 214 19.7%
10 203 899 209 23.2%
11 131 920 206 22.4%
12 264 719 206 28.7%
13 244 768 205 26.7%
14 144 862 204 23.7%
15 208 1231 203 16.5%
16 103 704 202 28.7%
17 138 721 202 28.0%
18 127 1003 200 19.9%
19 251 677 198 29.2%
20 137 1042 194 18.6%
All County: All Ballots Returned
2014 2015
32707 24941
Groups x2014 x2015 NPre NVoters PCT_Voted
UnIncCounty1 9261 7049 48 36282 19.4%
UnIncCounty2 5327 3786 33 21082 18.0%
Bham 12414 9577 68 50741 18.9%
SmallCities1 2851 2255 15 11483 19.6%
SmallCities2 2854 2274 13 10146 22.4%
Group Definition All County
UnIncCounty1 PrecinctID >= 101 & PrecinctID <= 150
UnIncCounty2 PrecinctID >= 151 & PrecinctID <= 199
Bham PrecinctID >= 200 & PrecinctID <= 299
SmallCities1 PrecinctID >= 300 & PrecinctID <= 599
SmallCities2 PrecinctID >= 600 & PrecinctID <= 900
2014 2015
12414 9577
Groups x2014 x2015 NPre NVoters PCT_Voted
Bham1 2060 1520 9 7579 20.1%
Bham2 2033 1472 10 7563 19.5%
Bham3 1654 1333 10 7982 16.7%
Bham4 1655 1256 10 7243 17.3%
Bham5 1819 1347 10 8073 16.7%
Bham6 1759 1391 10 7364 18.9%
Bham7 1434 1258 9 4937 25.5%
Group Definition Bham
Bham1 PrecinctID >= 200 & PrecinctID <= 209
Bham2 PrecinctID >= 210 & PrecinctID <= 219
Bham3 PrecinctID >= 220 & PrecinctID <= 229
Bham4 PrecinctID >= 230 & PrecinctID <= 239
Bham5 PrecinctID >= 240 & PrecinctID <= 249
Bham6 PrecinctID >= 250 & PrecinctID <= 259
Bham7 PrecinctID >= 260 & PrecinctID <= 299
Subsets of Bham Precinct ranges (e.g. "b.x>.
PrecinctRange NPrecincts NumberNotVoted NPRE/NNV
1 b.199.300 68 41020 0.166%
2 b.204.256 51 32501 0.157%
3 b.209.254 44 28119 0.156%
4 b.214.252 37 23378 0.158%
5 b.219.250 30 19300 0.155%
6 b.223.248 24 15611 0.154%
7 b.227.246 18 11674 0.154%
[1] "Total Registered (Active) Voters: 129734"
Source: local data frame [5 x 2]
AVReturnStatus n
1 104406
2 Challenged 168
3 Good 24269
4 Undeliverable 504
5 Void 387
Source: local data frame [9 x 2]
AVReturnChallenge n
1 129062
2 ID Required 4
3 Letter doesn't match env. 2
4 No Signature 33
5 No Signature Match 96
6 Power of Attorney 1
7 Undeliverable 504
8 Wrong Voter's Signature 31
9 Z - Deceased 1
AVReturnedDate n
1 104793
2 09/23/2015 18
3 09/25/2015 4
4 09/29/2015 5
5 10/01/2015 7
6 10/02/2015 6
7 10/06/2015 14
8 10/08/2015 9
9 10/09/2015 20
10 10/12/2015 13
11 10/13/2015 9
12 10/14/2015 7
13 10/15/2015 6
14 10/16/2015 38
15 10/19/2015 986
16 10/20/2015 543
17 10/21/2015 1983
18 10/22/2015 4242
19 10/23/2015 1470
20 10/26/2015 4903
21 10/27/2015 1210
22 10/28/2015 4347
23 10/29/2015 1858
24 10/30/2015 3243
PrecinctID Total_Registered Good PCT
1 101 915 165 18.0%
2 102 625 128 20.5%
3 103 704 202 28.7%
4 104 437 113 25.9%
5 105 402 81 20.1%
6 106 788 121 15.4%
7 107 959 190 19.8%
8 108 1051 188 17.9%
9 110 716 122 17.0%
10 111 820 148 18.0%
11 112 394 79 20.1%
12 113 668 131 19.6%
13 114 466 77 16.5%
14 115 852 183 21.5%
15 116 498 104 20.9%
16 117 560 109 19.5%
17 118 927 147 15.9%
18 119 443 135 30.5%
19 120 731 124 17.0%
20 121 553 108 19.5%
21 122 542 114 21.0%
22 123 532 107 20.1%
23 124 477 110 23.1%
24 125 830 124 14.9%
25 126 1020 241 23.6%
26 127 1003 200 19.9%
27 129 797 162 20.3%
28 130 517 102 19.7%
29 131 920 206 22.4%
30 132 667 117 17.5%
31 133 1053 182 17.3%
32 134 1014 185 18.2%
33 135 871 133 15.3%
34 136 825 137 16.6%
35 137 1042 194 18.6%
36 138 721 202 28.0%
37 139 368 61 16.6%
38 140 1144 179 15.6%
39 141 933 174 18.6%
40 142 822 110 13.4%
41 143 570 87 15.3%
42 144 862 204 23.7%
43 145 905 187 20.7%
44 146 1018 156 15.3%
45 147 833 118 14.2%
46 148 966 172 17.8%
47 149 590 106 18.0%
48 150 931 157 16.9%
49 151 938 167 17.8%
50 152 779 125 16.0%
51 153 847 130 15.3%
52 154 545 78 14.3%
53 155 554 91 16.4%
54 156 367 80 21.8%
55 157 439 58 13.2%
56 158 404 80 19.8%
57 159 267 52 19.5%
58 160 899 157 17.5%
59 161 550 85 15.5%
60 162 701 113 16.1%
61 163 723 125 17.3%
62 164 257 71 27.6%
63 165 427 63 14.8%
64 166 927 154 16.6%
65 167 132 31 23.5%
66 168 905 193 21.3%
67 169 1087 214 19.7%
68 170 534 110 20.6%
69 171 862 174 20.2%
70 172 516 125 24.2%
71 173 619 123 19.9%
72 174 758 101 13.3%
73 175 904 99 11.0%
74 176 605 137 22.6%
75 177 574 107 18.6%
76 178 925 137 14.8%
77 179 193 48 24.9%
78 180 624 167 26.8%
79 181 1003 174 17.3%
80 182 1185 160 13.5%
81 183 32 3 9.4%
82 201 1293 282 21.8%
83 202 603 152 25.2%
84 203 899 209 23.2%
85 204 598 83 13.9%
86 205 576 92 16.0%
87 206 1066 167 15.7%
88 207 528 102 19.3%
89 208 1231 203 16.5%
90 209 785 184 23.4%
91 210 873 185 21.2%
92 211 913 156 17.1%
93 212 472 80 16.9%
94 213 986 183 18.6%
95 214 622 116 18.6%
96 215 795 156 19.6%
97 216 787 139 17.7%
98 217 572 136 23.8%
99 218 742 131 17.7%
100 219 801 136 17.0%
101 220 883 124 14.0%
102 221 768 191 24.9%
103 222 955 173 18.1%
104 223 552 98 17.8%
105 224 341 60 17.6%
106 225 1093 162 14.8%
107 226 655 78 11.9%
108 227 878 145 16.5%
109 228 814 91 11.2%
110 229 1043 111 10.6%
111 230 805 73 9.1%
112 231 1063 144 13.5%
113 232 803 178 22.2%
114 233 817 111 13.6%
115 234 815 170 20.9%
116 235 479 87 18.2%
117 236 357 70 19.6%
118 237 539 103 19.1%
119 238 604 117 19.4%
120 239 961 168 17.5%
121 240 857 184 21.5%
122 241 648 114 17.6%
123 242 518 93 18.0%
124 243 742 152 20.5%
125 244 768 205 26.7%
126 245 1392 58 4.2%
127 246 787 117 14.9%
128 247 879 63 7.2%
129 248 587 105 17.9%
130 249 895 216 24.1%
131 250 956 300 31.4%
132 251 677 198 29.2%
133 252 531 11 2.1%
134 253 1228 100 8.1%
135 254 623 136 21.8%
136 255 575 83 14.4%
137 256 752 167 22.2%
138 257 662 86 13.0%
139 258 879 179 20.4%
140 259 481 96 20.0%
141 260 603 183 30.3%
142 261 574 182 31.7%
143 262 726 154 21.2%
144 263 854 151 17.7%
145 264 719 206 28.7%
146 265 562 166 29.5%
147 266 747 178 23.8%
148 267 98 16 16.3%
149 268 54 5 9.3%
150 301 970 180 18.6%
151 302 1089 182 16.7%
152 303 788 267 33.9%
153 304 314 46 14.6%
154 401 566 56 9.9%
155 402 677 115 17.0%
156 501 763 159 20.8%
157 502 756 111 14.7%
158 503 844 189 22.4%
159 504 447 83 18.6%
160 505 1051 221 21.0%
161 506 863 139 16.1%
162 507 709 160 22.6%
163 508 980 171 17.4%
164 509 666 115 17.3%
165 601 1058 323 30.5%
166 602 858 190 22.1%
167 603 714 104 14.6%
168 604 857 135 15.8%
169 605 477 93 19.5%
170 606 825 174 21.1%
171 607 702 174 24.8%
172 608 751 168 22.4%
173 609 926 193 20.8%
174 610 878 292 33.3%
175 611 598 128 21.4%
176 701 792 120 15.2%
177 801 710 117 16.5%
[1] "Challenged:"
PrecinctID Freq
1 610 1
2 609 1
3 605 1
4 604 4
5 603 3
6 602 2
7 509 1
8 507 1
9 506 1
10 505 1
11 504 2
12 502 1
13 302 4
14 301 4
15 266 1
16 262 1
17 260 2
18 258 1
19 257 2
20 253 1
21 252 2
22 251 2
23 250 1
24 249 1
25 245 2
26 244 2
27 241 1
28 240 1
29 239 1
30 238 2
31 237 3
32 236 2
33 235 1
34 234 1
35 232 2
36 231 1
37 230 1
38 226 1
39 225 2
40 224 1
41 223 1
42 222 1
43 219 1
44 218 4
45 217 1
46 216 2
47 215 2
48 213 1
49 212 2
50 211 2
51 210 1
52 209 1
53 208 2
54 206 1
55 203 2
56 202 1
57 201 2
58 182 1
59 181 1
60 179 1
61 178 1
62 177 1
63 174 1
64 172 1
65 171 1
66 170 3
67 165 1
68 163 3
69 162 1
70 160 1
71 157 1
72 152 1
73 151 1
74 150 2
75 149 1
76 146 1
77 145 1
78 144 2
79 142 1
80 141 3
81 137 4
82 136 5
83 135 3
84 134 1
85 133 4
86 132 3
87 130 2
88 126 1
89 124 1
90 122 1
91 119 1
92 118 5
93 114 1
94 113 1
95 111 3
96 107 1
97 106 1
98 105 1
99 103 2
100 102 2
101 101 2
[1] "Undeliverable:"
PrecinctID Freq
1 801 7
2 701 1
3 611 2
4 610 4
5 609 7
6 608 7
7 607 1
8 606 4
9 605 3
10 604 6
11 603 3
12 602 2
13 601 4
14 508 4
15 507 2
16 506 5
17 505 9
18 504 2
19 503 5
20 502 2
21 501 1
22 402 4
23 401 8
24 303 1
25 302 1
26 301 2
27 266 2
28 263 4
29 262 3
30 261 2
31 260 2
32 259 2
33 258 1
34 256 3
35 255 2
36 253 14
37 251 2
38 250 2
39 249 4
40 248 2
41 247 8
42 246 8
43 245 2
44 244 4
45 243 3
46 242 1
47 241 1
48 239 2
49 237 1
50 234 2
51 233 5
52 232 2
53 231 7
54 230 2
55 229 6
56 228 34
57 227 13
58 226 6
59 225 8
60 224 4
61 223 10
62 222 1
63 220 12
64 219 7
65 218 3
66 217 5
67 216 4
68 215 4
69 214 2
70 213 3
71 212 2
72 211 3
73 210 5
74 209 1
75 208 7
76 207 1
77 206 14
78 204 2
79 203 4
80 202 3
81 201 5
82 182 2
83 181 2
84 179 1
85 177 1
86 176 1
87 175 2
88 173 2
89 172 1
90 166 4
91 163 1
92 160 2
93 158 2
94 156 1
95 155 2
96 154 3
97 153 1
98 152 4
99 151 2
100 150 3
101 149 3
102 148 7
103 147 5
104 146 1
105 145 2
106 143 8
107 142 14
108 141 7
109 140 7
110 138 1
111 137 5
112 135 4
113 134 5
114 133 12
115 131 1
116 130 2
117 129 3
118 127 1
119 126 3
120 122 3
121 121 1
122 120 2
123 118 1
124 115 2
125 114 1
126 113 1
127 111 1
128 104 1
129 103 1
130 101 3
[1] "Void:"
PrecinctID Freq
1 701 1
2 610 5
3 608 4
4 606 1
5 605 2
6 603 1
7 602 2
8 601 2
9 509 3
10 507 2
11 506 2
12 505 4
13 502 1
14 501 1
15 302 1
16 301 2
17 264 2
18 263 7
19 262 3
20 261 3
21 260 2
22 259 2
23 258 4
24 257 7
25 256 4
26 255 1
27 254 1
28 253 9
29 251 3
30 250 6
31 249 8
32 248 2
33 246 9
34 245 2
35 244 3
36 243 2
37 242 2
38 240 1
39 239 2
40 238 1
41 237 1
42 234 1
43 232 4
44 231 1
45 230 1
46 229 6
47 228 3
48 227 2
49 226 2
50 225 6
51 224 1
52 223 1
53 222 1
54 219 2
55 218 3
56 215 2
57 213 3
58 212 1
59 211 1
60 210 1
61 208 2
62 206 2
63 204 1
64 203 4
65 202 4
66 201 2
67 182 2
68 181 2
69 180 2
70 177 3
71 175 3
72 172 1
73 170 2
74 169 5
75 168 1
76 166 1
77 164 2
78 163 1
79 162 2
80 161 2
81 160 2
82 156 1
83 154 1
84 153 3
85 152 2
86 150 1
87 148 2
88 147 1
89 143 1
90 141 1
91 139 1
92 138 3
93 137 67
94 136 1
95 135 3
96 134 1
97 133 68
98 130 1
99 127 1
100 124 1
101 119 1
102 115 2
103 114 1
104 111 3
105 107 5
106 104 2
107 103 3
108 102 1
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