Saturday, October 25, 2014

Preceding our votes on I594, we have a spree-killing at a WA School

PDC map of i594 financing showing $3.2M in contributions from New York.
"And... The thing is, is I don't always just go out an shoot something. It's not my favorite part about hunting. My favorite part about it is about just being in the woods. Just me my dad an my brother. An even if I'm sitting in the passenger seat sleeping it doesn't matter. I like to be in the woods an that's it...." from the Facebook page of Jaylen Fryburg (now removed)
I have a hard time buying all the mass shooting stories we are fed in the news: The last group of spree killing stories have all been about troubled  young men and when you read the press reports later everyone from novice psychologists to journalists have a field day trying to perform amateur criminal psychoanalysis and discover what happened. Internet and Facebook commentary spread like wildfire.

Gun violence happened a lot where I grew up in Oakland and it still does. A bad year = 100 plus murders in a city of 400K or less. If you grow up in east Oakland you hear gunfire with monthly and sometimes weekly regularity. Sometimes you survive a random drive by burst (by the grace of god ...) and you get numb to the sight of seeing  11 year old 'lookouts' toting handguns given them by the local drug lords.  But  'school spree killing' stories about 'troubled young men' are something different. It's not domestic violence, it's not narcotics trafficking, it's not turf battles ,it's not the angry neighbor syndrome.  It's 14 - 25 year old 'boys/men' with little or no previous criminal history who look like they had a psychotic break and what follows is that the press and media try hard to come up with some plausible psychological explanation for the event. Generally, even the professionals who choose to comment make little sense of these events. The perpetrators that don't kill themselves sometimes have no memory of the event.

All of this just screams of the probability of neural programming victims and the industrial-intelligence use of tailored pharmaceuticals to achieve a 'spree killing' behavior that benefits a political agenda.  The press coverage generally reeks of some kind of 'Mighty Wurlizter' effort.  Is our society violent and saturated with murder?  Of course it is. America is a violent nation who has always built its prosperity on the blood and slavery of others. Why do these 'troubled young men gone bad' stories get so much press? I think it high time that intelligent writers start investigating the very real possibility that vulnerable young men are being programmed and doped to serve political ends,  probably by well-funded members of the world elite to help achieve arms control, psychological and political subjugation, and to instill fear in the general public at large.

It is no secret that state based security services across the world experiment with, practice, and program populations with hard and soft propaganda.  It is no secret that state based security services, with the cooperation of those skilled in neuroscience, pharmaceuticals, and neural programming have tried for years to program and control the mind.  But currently, you have to dig hard and live on the cutting and classified edge of neuroscience research to find about those experiments and results.

Violence with guns is a real problem in this country. But we disregard the most numerous and important categories of that violence which are suicides (about 20K of the 40K suicides in America are from firearms)  and narcotics trafficking because we do not want to start a class war in the United States: No one really wants to talk about the devastating effects of poverty, joblessness, and war (e.g. veteran suicides) on our populace and the effect of our  brutal capitalist economy on our working and middle classes. Better perhaps to found another non-violence center or invent another version of a high tech anti-depressant and hope that this solves your problem.  Doesn't look to me like that approach is working very well.  Maybe we are just not ready to deal with the true causes of violence in America.

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