Reader: I generally support FUSE endorsements and think they do the progressive community an important service. I recommend you become a member and join their mailing list. I may personally vote against their 591 and 594 recommendations; I am researching those ballot measure in an ongoing post. FUSE has a humorous rebuttal to pro I591 and con 594 voters like myself; unfortunately it is not a technical or legal piece.
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Aaron Ostrom, Fuse Votes" <>
Date: Oct 18, 2014 11:54 AM
Subject: Your 2014 Progressive Voters Guide
To: "Ryan M Ferris" <>
2nd Congressional District
Rick Larsen
3rd Congressional District
Bob Dingethal
4th Congressional District
Dan Newhouse
5th Congressional District
Joe Pakootas
6th Congressional District
Derek Kilmer
7th Congressional District
Jim McDermott
8th Congressional District
Jason Ritchie
9th Congressional District
Adam Smith
10th Congressional District
Denny Heck
Position #3
Mary E Fairhurst
Position #4
Charles Johnson
Position #7
Debra Stephens
No Good Choices
--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Aaron Ostrom, Fuse Votes" <>
Date: Oct 18, 2014 11:54 AM
Subject: Your 2014 Progressive Voters Guide
To: "Ryan M Ferris" <>
Dear Friend,
The 2014 general election is here! Your ballot is filled with candidates and measures that will make a huge impact on equality, economic security, and the future of Washington. Voting in the November 4 election is an important first step toward retaking the state Senate and supporting progressives in many local races that will impact you, your neighbors, and your children.
To spread the word about all the other races on your ballot, we worked with Washington's leading progressive organizations to produce the 2014 Progressive Voters Guide to the general election — your ticket to highly-informed voting based on progressive values.
The deadline for mailing in your ballot is November 4, but you should join your neighbors and mail it in today! Please forward this guide to your friends, family, and co-workers — they can find their own locally customized version at
Thanks for all that you do (especially voting),
Aaron and the entire team at Fuse
The 2014 general election is here! Your ballot is filled with candidates and measures that will make a huge impact on equality, economic security, and the future of Washington. Voting in the November 4 election is an important first step toward retaking the state Senate and supporting progressives in many local races that will impact you, your neighbors, and your children.
To spread the word about all the other races on your ballot, we worked with Washington's leading progressive organizations to produce the 2014 Progressive Voters Guide to the general election — your ticket to highly-informed voting based on progressive values.
The deadline for mailing in your ballot is November 4, but you should join your neighbors and mail it in today! Please forward this guide to your friends, family, and co-workers — they can find their own locally customized version at
Thanks for all that you do (especially voting),
Aaron and the entire team at Fuse
powered by
Express Progressive Voters Guide & Sample Ballot
Washington State
For details, see the full Progressive Voters Guide below.
Statewide Ballot Measures
Initiative #1351
Smaller class sizes
YESSmaller class sizes
Initiative #591
Blocking universal background checks
NOBlocking universal background checks
Initiative #594
Universal background checks
YESUniversal background checks
Advisory Ballot Measure #8
Tim Eyman-required vote
MAINTAINEDTim Eyman-required vote
Advisory Ballot Measure #9
Tim Eyman-required vote
MAINTAINEDTim Eyman-required vote
Depending on where you live, you will have one of the below candidates on your ballot.
1st Congressional District
Suzan DelBene2nd Congressional District
3rd Congressional District
4th Congressional District
Write In Your Name?
5th Congressional District
6th Congressional District
7th Congressional District
8th Congressional District
9th Congressional District
10th Congressional District
State Supreme Court
Position #1
Mary YuPosition #3
Position #4
Position #7
Local Races
This mail only includes information on statewide races. Remember to vote in every race on your ballot.
To look up information for your local races, go to
To look up information for your local races, go to
powered by
Your custom Progressive Voters Guide
Washington State
If this is not your legislative district, go to to get your guide.Statewide Ballot Measures
Initiative #1351
Vote YES for smaller class sizes
Washington state was ranked as having the fourth most crowded classrooms in the country, making it hard for teachers to teach and students to learn. Like I-728, which was approved by voters in the 2000 election, I-1351 defines specific class size goals that would be reached over four years. It sets a goal of 15 students per teacher in K-3 grades in schools that have high rates of poverty, with higher ratios set for grades beyond third. To meet these goals, schools would have to hire 7,500 new teachers across the state. Although some progressives oppose I-1351, primarily because it does not include a funding source, we recommend a yes vote to send a strong message to the legislature in support of smaller class sizes.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
The Stranger, Washington State Labor Council, Service Employees International Union, Washington CAN!, Bellevue School Board, Walla Walla School Board, Tacoma Council PTA
Campaign Information
Initiative #591
Vote NO on I-591
I-591 prevents Washington state from adopting any standards for background checks that are stronger than the relatively weak requirements in our Federal law. It would maintain the loophole that allows domestic abusers and other convicted criminals to purchase firearms over the Internet or in a parking lot. The gun lobby filed Initiative 591 to confuse and distract voters from supporting universal background checks. Vote no on Initiative 591.
Initiative #594
Vote YES on I-594 – Universal Background Checks
Initiative 594 is simple: it makes sure that anyone buying a gun in Washington state passes the same background check, no matter where they buy the gun and no matter whom they buy it from. It closes the loophole in our law that allows criminals, domestic abusers and other dangerous people to buy guns from strangers – in parking lots, on the Internet, and at gun shows – with no questions asked.
Criminal and public safety background checks dramatically reduce dangerous people's access to guns. Supporters gathered more than 345,000 signatures to place this common sense proposal on the ballot after the legislature failed to act. Please vote yes on I-594 and ensure that we close the private gun sales loophole and help save lives.
Criminal and public safety background checks dramatically reduce dangerous people's access to guns. Supporters gathered more than 345,000 signatures to place this common sense proposal on the ballot after the legislature failed to act. Please vote yes on I-594 and ensure that we close the private gun sales loophole and help save lives.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
American Federation of Teachers - Washington, Children's Campaign Fund, Fuse, The Stranger, Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest, Legal Voice, Greater Seattle Business Association, Faith Action Network, Doctors for America,, Washington Academy of Family Physicians, Grandmothers Against Gun Violence
Campaign Information
Advisory Ballot Measure #8
Vote "Maintain" on Tax Advisory Vote No. 8
Thanks to a Tim Eyman initiative, the state legislature is required to submit any bill it passes that closes tax loopholes or raises revenue to a non-binding advisory vote. A bipartisan majority of legislators came together earlier this year to clarify that marijuana is not a farm product eligible for tax breaks like wheat or dairy. The uncontroversial Senate Bill 6505 passed the legislature 112 to 42. Vote to "maintain" this measure.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
The Stranger
Advisory Ballot Measure #9
Vote "Maintain" on Tax Advisory Vote No. 9
This is another Eyman advisory vote. An overwhelming majority of legislators came together earlier this year to clarify that federally recognized Native American tribes must follow the same tax rules as state and local governments when it comes to privately leasing land that is owned exclusively by the tribe. The uncontroversial House Bill 1287 passed the legislature 93 to 44. Vote to "maintain" this measure.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
The Stranger
Depending on where you live, you will have one of the below candidates on your ballot.
U.S. Representative, 1st Congressional District
Suzan DelBene
Suzan DelBene won a tough race in 2012 to represent the 1st Congressional District, which reaches from Kirkland to the Canadian border. A former executive at Microsoft and other technology companies, she has used her technology background to become a leader of protecting privacy rights against government surveillance. She has also been a strong advocate for job development, economic fairness, women's health, and immigration reform.
Her opponent is Republican Pedro Celis, a retired Microsoft engineer who was a leader for the George W. Bush re-election effort in 2004. Celis recently earned national attention by making unfortunate comments comparing gay marriage to polygamy. DelBene's experience and strong track record in her first term make her the clear choice in this race.
Her opponent is Republican Pedro Celis, a retired Microsoft engineer who was a leader for the George W. Bush re-election effort in 2004. Celis recently earned national attention by making unfortunate comments comparing gay marriage to polygamy. DelBene's experience and strong track record in her first term make her the clear choice in this race.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
Sierra Club, OneAmerica Votes, National Women's Political Caucus of Washington, Washington State National Organization for Women PAC, The Stranger, Washington State Labor Council, Teamsters Joint Council 28, EMILY's List, Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Campaign Information
U.S. Representative, 2nd Congressional District
Rick Larsen
Rep. Rick Larsen is a moderate, pragmatic Democrat who has been a strong advocate for jobs, transportation, and infrastructure projects in the 2nd District since he was first elected to Congress in 2000. He has also led efforts to protect voting rights, fought to reform student loans, and has been a champion of Wall Street reform. Unfortunately, Larsen angered many progressives with his support of the new contract that eliminated hard-earned pension benefits for Boeing machinists. Before serving in Congress he served on the Snohomish County Council and worked on economic development for City of Everett.
Larsen's opponent, BJ Guillot, is running on an extremely conservative Tea Party platform. Larsen's experience, broad support, and generally progressive track record make him a good choice in this race.
Larsen's opponent, BJ Guillot, is running on an extremely conservative Tea Party platform. Larsen's experience, broad support, and generally progressive track record make him a good choice in this race.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Snohomish County Democrats, Whatcom County Democrats, Washington State Young Democrats
Campaign Information
U.S. Representative, 3rd Congressional District
Bob Dingethal
Bob Dingethal is running for Congress because he supports a stronger middle class, equal pay for equal work, and investments in education, infrastructure, and good jobs here in the United States. Dingethal would bring more than 35 years of experience in the public, private and non-profit sector with him to Congress.
Dingethal faces a tough race against incumbent Jaime Herrera Beutler, an extremely conservative Republican. She has consistently sided with some of the most conservative members of her party on issues like health care, environmental protection, immigration reform, economic fairness. Dingethal is the best choice in this race.
Dingethal faces a tough race against incumbent Jaime Herrera Beutler, an extremely conservative Republican. She has consistently sided with some of the most conservative members of her party on issues like health care, environmental protection, immigration reform, economic fairness. Dingethal is the best choice in this race.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
Washington State Labor Council, Vancouver Firefighters IAFF 452, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 555
Campaign Information
U.S. Representative, 4th Congressional District
No Good Choices Dan Newhouse
There are no good choices in this largely conservative district. In the race to replace Doc Hastings, who is retiring this year, conservative Rep. Dan Newhouse faces off against Tea Party activist Clint Didier, the former NFL player who has put his own money into numerous Congressional races. Write in your name here?
U.S. Representative, 5th Congressional District
Joe Pakootas
Joe Pakootas is a community leader and businessman credited with turning around the Colville Tribe's business enterprises during his time as CEO. He also served as an elected member and Chairman of the tribal council. He is challenging conservative Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who is a top member of the Republican leadership in the House. She helped lead the House Republican's extremely partisan agenda — including blocking emergency benefits for the unemployed and cutting $40 billion from food stamps, which would have taken basic food supplies away from 4 million people including seniors, veterans and kids. McMorris Rodgers also opposed efforts to increase the minimum wage and blocked laws to end pay discrimination against women. Pakootas would be a refreshing change of leadership for the 5th Congressional District.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
Washington State Labor Council
Campaign Information
U.S. Representative, 6th Congressional District
Derek Kilmer
Derek Kilmer is a moderate Democrat who is a reliable supporter of creating jobs and improving infrastructure. He has been a leader on small business development and protecting Puget Sound during his first term. A former state Senator, he worked as a business consultant and economic development official before becoming a legislator. Kilmer is being challenged by Republican Marty McClendon, a conservative Kilmer soundly defeated in 2010, who is running on a campaign of repealing Obamacare. Kilmer's experience and ability to work across the aisle on behalf of the district make him the best choice in this race.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
Sierra Club, Washington State Labor Council, Teamsters Joint Council 28, Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Campaign Information
U.S. Representative, 7th Congressional District
Jim McDermott
Rep. Jim McDermott has represented the 7th District since 1989 and is a champion of progressive values. McDermott is a member of the Progressive Caucus and serves on the House Ways and Means Committee. A physician by trade, he specializes in health care issues, particularly regarding the international fight against AIDS, his sponsorship of a bill to provide a single payer health care system, and women's health. He has also been a vocal advocate fighting for working families who have been hurt by Wall Street, as well as fighting for alternative energy, and an official end to the war in Iraq.
McDermott's opponent, Craig Keller, is an anti-immigration reform Tea Party conservative. McDermott deserves your vote.
McDermott's opponent, Craig Keller, is an anti-immigration reform Tea Party conservative. McDermott deserves your vote.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
Sierra Club, The Stranger, Washington State Labor Council, Teamsters Joint Council 28, Jim McDermott
Campaign Information
U.S. Representative, 8th Congressional District
Jason Ritchie
Jason Ritchie is a rising star who is running an energetic campaign to defeat incumbent Dave Reichert. Ritchie started a business remodeling homes for people with disabilities after his father had a stroke and suffered from limited mobility. With a strong commitment to progressive values on issues such as immigration reform, protecting safe and legal access to abortion, and fully funding education, Ritchie would be a welcome change to the district.
Conservative Republican Dave Reichert has passed only one law in the last 10 years--renaming a post office--and is an ineffective representative for the district. Ritchie deserves your vote.
Conservative Republican Dave Reichert has passed only one law in the last 10 years--renaming a post office--and is an ineffective representative for the district. Ritchie deserves your vote.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
The Stranger, Washington State Labor Council, UFCW 21
Campaign Information
U.S. Representative, 9th Congressional District
Adam Smith
Representative Adam Smith has served in the U.S. House since 1997. Smith is a moderate Democrat who has been a reliable vote on progressive issues, including marriage equality and eliminating Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Smith is also in favor of more progressive taxation and immigration reform. Smith has worked hard to connect with and represent his new constituents after this district changed considerably in the redistricting process. He continues to be an advocate for greater equality and fought House Republicans' efforts to slash food stamps in the most recent farm bill.
Smith faces Republican Doug Basler, who is not running a competitive campaign. Smith deserves your vote.
Smith faces Republican Doug Basler, who is not running a competitive campaign. Smith deserves your vote.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
OneAmerica Votes, The Stranger, Washington State Labor Council, Service Employees International Union, Teamsters Joint Council 28, Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Campaign Information
U.S. Representative, 10th Congressional District
Denny Heck
Denny Heck has had a long, effective career in both the private and public sectors, most notably as a five-term state representative, House majority leader, chief of staff to former Gov. Booth Gardner, and TVW co-founder. As a Congressman for the last two years, he has fought to make college more affordable, worked to lower health care costs, ensure veterans get the benefits they deserve, and create middle class jobs.
Heck is being challenged by Republican Joyce McDonald, a Pierce County Councilwoman, former state legislator, and former Republican Party official whom he defeated by double digits in the primary. Heck's track record, experience, and values make him the best choice in this race.
Heck is being challenged by Republican Joyce McDonald, a Pierce County Councilwoman, former state legislator, and former Republican Party official whom he defeated by double digits in the primary. Heck's track record, experience, and values make him the best choice in this race.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
Washington State Labor Council, Teamsters Joint Council 28, Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Campaign Information
State Supreme Court
State Supreme Court Justice, Position #1
Mary Yu
After serving as a trial court judge on the King County Superior Court for 14 years, Supreme Court Justice Mary Yu was appointed by Gov. Jay Inslee to fill a vacancy on the court. Justice Yu is the first Asian American and first member of the LGBT community to serve on the state Supreme Court. She is well known for writing a decision as a trial court judge that overturned a Tim Eyman-sponsored initiative that would have forced a re-vote on Sound Transit's light rail. She has received the highest possible rating from six bar associations and was awarded the Municipal League Foundation's "2013 Public Official of the Year." Justice Mary Yu is extremely qualified and deserves your vote.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
National Women's Political Caucus of Washington, Washington State Labor Council, SEIU Healthcare 1199NW, Washington State Council of Firefighters,
King County Bar Association Rating: Exceptionally Well Qualified
King County Bar Association Rating: Exceptionally Well Qualified
Campaign Information
State Supreme Court Justice, Position #3
Mary E Fairhurst
Mary Fairhurst, who recently won a multi-year battle with cancer, is running unopposed for her third term on the Supreme Court. Fairhurst was the second woman, first public sector lawyer, and youngest attorney to serve as the President of the Washington State Bar Association. Throughout her career, she has worked to enhance opportunities for women and people of color in law and has been awarded many awards for her work. She has also led the first statewide conferences on domestic violence and planned and facilitated a youth violence summit. Fairhurst is running unopposed and deserves your vote.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
National Women's Political Caucus of Washington, Washington State Labor Council
Campaign Information
State Supreme Court Justice, Position #4
Charles Johnson
Charles Johnson is the most senior member of the Washington state Supreme Court, having spent 24 years protecting individual rights, ensuring government accountability, and working to ensure those who are less privileged have equal opportunities to succeed. He is endorsed by a number of Republicans and Democrats alike for his fairness, integrity, and impartiality. Johnson's opponent, Eddie Yoon, became the first Korean-American attorney in the Northwest and has spent a large part of his career working on international issues, including his current role teaching at a women's law school in Seoul. Johnson deserves your vote due to his ratings from a number of lawyers' groups as "exceptionally well-qualified" and his support from a large number of our partners.
Progressive Endorsements & Supporters
The Stranger, Washington State Labor Council, Teamsters Joint Council 28, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, Washington State Council of Firefighters,
King County Bar Association Rating: Exceptionally Well Qualified
King County Bar Association Rating: Exceptionally Well Qualified
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