Sunday, March 23, 2014

Why you should install heat pump technology now!

In a statement Tuesday, U.S. Sens. Mark Warner (D-VA) and John Hoeven (R-ND) called on the Obama administration to order the DOE to quickly evaluate more than 20 applications to export LNG to countries without a free trade agreement (FTA) with the United States. Specifically, they want DOE to approve all of the pending permits within 60 days, or provide reasons why they can't be approved.
"For the first time in a generation, America is in a position to export energy, and acting strategically to increase our natural gas exports will weaken [Russian President Vladimir] Putin's grip on energy supplies for Europe and Ukraine," Warner said. "We're suggesting a comprehensive, bipartisan approach that will have a positive impact in the near term and the longer term on the energy security of Ukraine and the EU." from
Don't believe energy company hype about Shale Gas. It is not a panacea and the energy industry is seeking to make profits exporting LNG!  Global warming and the new Cold War will result in future shock to your household each winter. I recommend you install either the new 'greenspeed' or  the hybrid heat pump technology for your heating needs.  Our gas bill this January in Bellingham, WA? $38.00.

The two  EIA supplied charts below [1,2] should tell you all you need to know about how fragile the new found American  "Shale Gas" supplies really are.  Compile them with the burning desire of "Shale Gas" companies in the United States to supplant Gazprom's shipments to Europe and you should be able to intuit where your natural gas bill is headed in the future. Yes, Virginia, there's profit to be made in a crisis. Especially if the American consumer can be held economic hostage for the next Polar Vortex.

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