Friday, January 17, 2014

Fwd: Sightline Daily 1-16-14: Bills for Big Oil

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Date: Jan 16, 2014 8:32 AM
Subject: Sightline Daily 1-16-14: Bills for Big Oil
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Top ten sustainability headlines.

January 16

Today's editor is Jennifer Langston.
Sightline Daily
Top News Picks
Sightline Daily is made possible by the generosity of our community.
Thanks to:
Lys Burden
for supporting a sustainable Northwest.
Extended News Picks
1. WA environmental legislative focus: Oil trains
Oil train safety tops the list of priorities for environmental groups, which outlined their goals Wednesday for Washington's new legislative session. Right now, rail companies share little information with state agencies that would respond if a train derailed in the Pacific Northwest. Many would like the Washington Legislature to change that.
EarthFix, January 16

2. Groups urge WA to close Big Oil tax loophole
More than 20 environmental groups have joined together with a common priority this short legislative session: close what they say is a huge loophole benefiting big oil companies.
KPLU, January 16

3. EPA: Huge AK mine "poses risks" to salmon
An enormous open-pit copper and gold mine, proposed near headwaters of two salmon-rich rivers, "poses risks" to Bristol Bay's half-billion-dollar sockeye salmon fishery, the US EPA said in a final assessment. The proposed Pebble Mine has sent ripples of protest from native villages in Bristol Bay to Puget Sound area fishing boat owners.
The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, January 16

4. Gaps abound in PDX's low-stress bikeway network
Portland's network of existing and funded bikeways looks impressive; but what does it look like to cautious or inexperienced riders?
Bike Portland, January 16

5. WA state: Has concerns about Bertha
The Washington Department of Transportation says it's been concerned about the operations of tunnel machine Bertha since its launch, long before the blockage that has left it stranded 60 feet deep near Pioneer Square for more than a month. In a note to lawmakers today, WSDOT Secretary Lynn Peterson said she has "concerns about the machine's operations and critical systems."
The Seattle Times, January 16

6. Tar Secret #6
Oilsands pay one dime per barrel for their climate pollution.
Vancouver Observer, January 16

7. WA bill would clear fish-in convictions
Decades after American Indians were arrested for exercising treaty-protected fishing rights during a nationally watched confrontation with authorities, a proposal in the Washington state Legislature would give those who were jailed a chance to clear their convictions from the record.
Associated Press, January 16

8. Mapping Portland's asthma problem
Recent studies have linked asthma to vehicle emissions from nearby highways and documented how even tiny pockets of trees can reduce local air pollutants. Now new maps can pinpoint where asthmatics live in the Portland area, down to the block level.
Portland Tribune, January 16

9. Saving Metro won't be pretty
In a perfect world, King County Metro would maintain bus service without resorting to year after year of fare increases or regressive taxes like sales taxes and vehicle license fees. But in a perfect world, Olympia wouldn't be such a total cluster%$&#.
The Stranger, January 16

10. The best (or only) rap about mushroom foraging
that you've ever seen.
Grist, January 16

See all news »

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