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From: "Aaron Ostrom, Fuse Votes" <info@fusewashington.org>
Date: Oct 28, 2013 7:12 AM
Subject: We've never done this before
To: "Ryan Ferris" <rferrisx@gmail.com>
Dear Friend,
Sen. Nathan Schlicher and ALEC co–chair Jan Angel are locked in a dead heat for the 26th District Senate seat. If Angel wins, she'll strengthen Rodney Tom's Republican majority and make it extremely difficult to retake our Senate next year.
This race is so important – and so close – that we're doing something we've never done before: we're moving our whole staff to 26th District for the final days of the election. Fuse staff will be knocking on doors and helping volunteers to ensure that every last progressive voter casts their ballot by November 5.
We're moving staff from Spokane, Seattle, Snohomish County, and Pierce County because the outcome of this race will impact everyone Washington. A one–seat swing last year in a race decided by 74 votes empowered Rodney Tom and doomed any hope for progress on climate change, women's health, gun safety, closing tax loopholes, and other progressive priorities.
We're going all–out to win this race, but we can't do it without your help. We still need to raise $8,000 to pay for this final get out the vote push for volunteers and Fuse staff in the 26th District.
Your help at this crucial moment could tip the balance of power state–wide for years to come. Can we count on you to pitch in $5 now?
Yes I will pitch in $5 to help defeat Jan Angel and retake the Senate!
Six months of painful gridlock from a Senate dominated by the far–right showed the importance of every Senate seat. Rodney Tom and the Senate Republicans hold only a 25 to 24 conservative majority, yet they were able to block the Reproductive Parity Act, the Dream Act, funding for transit, and more.
Now Jan Angel is running to join the Senate, and even the conservative Seattle Times is worried that she would "empower the unhelpful, far–right fringe of the Senate Republican caucus. She was named State Legislator of the Year by the shady American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and Angel has backed legislation to ban all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest.
Despite her far–right track record, thousands of people still don't know who they're voting for in this race. If we're going to win, we need a huge push to educate undecided voters and make sure progressives vote.
Your help at this crucial moment could tip the balance of power state–wide for years to come. Can we count on your support?
Yes, I'll chip in $5 to defeat Jan Angel
Thanks for all that you do,
Aaron and the entire team at Fuse
From: "Aaron Ostrom, Fuse Votes" <info@fusewashington.org>
Date: Oct 28, 2013 7:12 AM
Subject: We've never done this before
To: "Ryan Ferris" <rferrisx@gmail.com>
Sen. Nathan Schlicher and Rep. Jan Angel are locked in a dead heat for state Senate. This race is so important that we're doing something we've never done before: we're moving our whole staff to the 26th District for the final days of the election. Will you chip in $5 now to support our big get out the vote push?
Pitch In! |
Sen. Nathan Schlicher and ALEC co–chair Jan Angel are locked in a dead heat for the 26th District Senate seat. If Angel wins, she'll strengthen Rodney Tom's Republican majority and make it extremely difficult to retake our Senate next year.
This race is so important – and so close – that we're doing something we've never done before: we're moving our whole staff to 26th District for the final days of the election. Fuse staff will be knocking on doors and helping volunteers to ensure that every last progressive voter casts their ballot by November 5.
We're moving staff from Spokane, Seattle, Snohomish County, and Pierce County because the outcome of this race will impact everyone Washington. A one–seat swing last year in a race decided by 74 votes empowered Rodney Tom and doomed any hope for progress on climate change, women's health, gun safety, closing tax loopholes, and other progressive priorities.
We're going all–out to win this race, but we can't do it without your help. We still need to raise $8,000 to pay for this final get out the vote push for volunteers and Fuse staff in the 26th District.
Your help at this crucial moment could tip the balance of power state–wide for years to come. Can we count on you to pitch in $5 now?
Yes I will pitch in $5 to help defeat Jan Angel and retake the Senate!
Six months of painful gridlock from a Senate dominated by the far–right showed the importance of every Senate seat. Rodney Tom and the Senate Republicans hold only a 25 to 24 conservative majority, yet they were able to block the Reproductive Parity Act, the Dream Act, funding for transit, and more.
Now Jan Angel is running to join the Senate, and even the conservative Seattle Times is worried that she would "empower the unhelpful, far–right fringe of the Senate Republican caucus. She was named State Legislator of the Year by the shady American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), and Angel has backed legislation to ban all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest.
Despite her far–right track record, thousands of people still don't know who they're voting for in this race. If we're going to win, we need a huge push to educate undecided voters and make sure progressives vote.
Your help at this crucial moment could tip the balance of power state–wide for years to come. Can we count on your support?
Yes, I'll chip in $5 to defeat Jan Angel
Thanks for all that you do,
Aaron and the entire team at Fuse

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